Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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opening on any structure, e.g., a house,


kihongwa Pl: bihongwa. n. sacrifice;

s.t. esp. an animal offered in a special

way to a small god.

kihote Pl: bihote. n. wound; illness on

the surface of the skin due to an injury

that heals and leaves a scar.


kihuulu Pl: bihuulu. n. mortar;

hollowed out wooden utensil, about 40

cm long, with a wide opening at the top,

used for pounding, esp. cassava or


kihotole Pl: bihotole. n. well

concentrated drink that is not watery,

e.g., cream.

kihuhu adj. 1 • easy, simple; s.t. not

difficult that is easy to do. Syn: kyangu,


2 • lightweight.

kihunu Pl: bihunu. n. hip; part of the

body between the end of the thigh and

the waist.

kihuru Pl: bihuru. n. hole; opening that

goes right through s.t. due to it getting


kihuru kya hakati ̱ Pl: bihuru

bya hakati ̱. n. cavity in a tooth.

kihuruutu Pl: bihuruutu. n. s.b. who

is in a comma or who is almost dead.

kihuta n. See main entry: b̯uhuta.

kihuuna Pl: bihuuna. n. yam; food

crop that does well by the side of the

river, has wide leaves that are eaten as

sauce, its tubers are underground like

those of sweet potatoes and are edible.

kihwe Pl: bihwe. n. secret, inside

information; s.t. that is known about by

only a few people and not told to others.

kihyaka adj. new, fresh, modern,

current, not existing before; recently

made, invented, introduced, etc.

kihyo adj. hot or warm.

kijami Pl: bijami. n. brewing pot with a

wide opening, two holes on the sides,

and in which is put water during the

distillation process.

kijanga Pl: bijanga. n. wave; water in a

lake that increases in volume like a hill

due to the blowing of wind and flows

towards the shores.

kijaaka Pl: bijaaka. n. jackfruit; large

tropical fruit that is sweet with sticky

seeds inside.

kijegejege adj. loose; not firmly fixed or

tied and therefore able to become

separated from s.t. Syn: kyahu̱ku̱.


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