Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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2 • foot measure; unit of measurement

equal to 30 cm. Syn: fu̱u̱ti̱.

3 • footprint; mark that a s.b. leaves on

the earth’s surface when walking.

Syn: ki̱siṉde.

kigwo Pl: bigwo. n. fall; accidental and

sudden drop from up to land down on

the ground.

kigyendeere Pl: bigyendeere. n.

intended thing, deliberate action.


Pl: bigyendererwa. n. aim, goal,

purpose; what you hope or try to


kihaha n. See main entry: kimpaha.

kihala Pl: bihala. n. traditional religion;

ritual of traditional worship that causes

s.b. to behave like they are demon

possessed due to developing the spirit

of the dead.

kihanda Pl: bihanda. n. 1 • track, path;

route where animals normally pass.

2 • straight hair plaits; style of combing

hair making it remain at each side that

creates a gap in the middle like a path.

kihandiiko Pl: bihandiiko. n. book,

letter, document; written material made

esp. by a pen, pencil or chalk.

kihanga Pl: bihanga. n. valley, canyon,

ravine; flat land between mountains or

hills. Syn: kikonko.

kihangwa Pl: bihangwa. n. natural

feature; s.t. found on earth and in space

that was created by God.

kihangwa kya b̯womi

Pl: bihangwa bya b̯womi. n.


kihanuuro Pl: bihanuuro. n. folktale,

fairytale; very old traditional story that

is known from the teaching of old


kiharuko Pl: biharuko. n. diarrhoea;

defecation of watery faeces.

kihaara Pl: bihaara. n. medium-sized

non-edible brown locust; tropical flying

insect that swarms in large groups,

destroying all the plants and crops of an



kihehu Pl: bihehu. n. storm; very bad

weather with strong winds and rain with

lightening and thunder.

kihemu Pl: bihemu. n. shame; bad

feeling resulting from engaging in

sexual immorality.

kiheru 1 Pl: biheru. n. abuse,

humiliation, degradation; rude and

offensive remarks made by s.b. against

another person due to him having less

possessions than another. Syn: kiḻu̱mo.

kiheru 2 Pl: biheru. n. patch; piece of

cloth that remains on the one that has

already been sewn.

kiheegero Pl: biheegero. n. support;

some structure that holds up or provides

a foundation.

kiheese Pl: biheese. n. man-made

object carved out of a piece of wood or


kihika Pl: bihika. n. ambition, appetite;

strong interest or desire for s.t.

Syn: ijani, meero, bijogomeera, murusi,

lwaga, rwanju, nyoota, mu̱koi̱jo, iroho,


kihimbaara Pl: bakihimbaara.

From: Runyoro. n. blind person.

Syn: mwi̱jalu̱ wa mei̱so, kiigara,


kihinzi Pl: bihinzi. n. flu; infectious

disease like a very bad cold, that causes

fever, pains and general body

weaknesses, and which involves

sneezing, coughing and a running nose.

Syn: kiṉyamu̱gu̱u̱di̱, ki̱swi̱ja.

kihiri kya weicope Pl: bihiri bya

weicope. n. centipede; crawling insect

that has many legs from the head to the

tail in two rows.

kiho Pl: biho. n. mist, fog; water that

moves in the sky in form of vapour.

Syn: ki̱weehohoi̱.

kihohonyolo Pl: bihohonyolo. n.

bark; outer covering of a tree.

kiholo Pl: biholo. n. leftovers; cooked

food left over and eaten the next day.

kihongole Pl: bihongole. From:

Runyoro. n. unwanted or unintended


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