Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kideeru kya nsimbi

kideeru kya nsimbi Pl: bideeru

bya nsimbi. n. bank; institution

that provides various financial

services, e.g., keeping or lending

money. Syn: ibiikiro lya nsimbi,


kidigidiirwa Pl: bidigidiirwa. n.

immature plant or part of a plant.

Syn: kidiradira.

kidiradira Pl: bidiradira. n. immature

plant or part of a plant.

Syn: kidigidiirwa.

kidogotooro Pl: bidogotooro. n.

weak person; s.b. with less strength or

stamina. Syn: togolooto.

kiduulu Pl: biduulu. n. Bilharzia;

disease caused by small worms that get

into the blood and make the stomach


kifaafa Pl: bifaafa. n. nuisance, spoilt

person; s.b. whose behaviour annoys

other people, i.e., his behaviour does

not conform to accepted moral values

and standards.

kifu Pl: bifu. n. still-born; baby that is

born dead.

kifubiro Pl: bifubiro. n. punishment;

penalty that makes s.b. suffer for

breaking the law or doing s.t. wrong.

kifunju Pl: bifunju. n. large intestine.

kigalagamba Pl: bigalagamba. n.

scale; one of the top surface that cover

the skin of most fish and such reptiles

as crocodile, monitor lizard, and others.

kigali adj. wide.

kigambu Pl: bigambu. n. 1 • word;

what you say or write.

2 • concept.

kigambwa Pl: bigambwa. n.

instrument that is used for producing

musical sounds, e.g., drum, flute, etc.

kigangu Pl: bigangu. n. shelter;

temporary structure supported with

poles and roofed with tarpaulins, iron

sheets or any local materials to provide

shelter at a function.

kiganja Pl: biganja. n. palm; inner side

of the hand.


kiganyiro Pl: biganyiro. n. apology,

forgiveness; word, statement or an act

that forgives s.b. for his wrong.

kigezu Pl: bigezu. n. 1 • test, exam;

formal written, spoken or practical test,

esp. at school or college, to see how

much one knows about a subject, or

what one can do.

2 • attempt.

ki ̱si̱iḵa kya bigezu Pl: bi ̱si ̱iḵa

bya bigezu. n. examination room;

place where a formal written,

spoken or practical test is taken,

especially at school or college, to

see how much you know about a

subject or what you can do.

kiginyo Pl: biginyo. n. caterpillar;

wormlike and often brightly coloured

and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or


kigira n. See main entry: ki ̱geeri ̱.

kigo Pl: bigo. n. enclosure where goats

are kept or where they sleep.

kigoga Pl: bigoga. n. granary; building

where surplus food, esp. grain, is stored

in times of good harvest. Syn: muḏiṟi̱,

mutoogoolo, kideeru.

kigogo Pl: bigogo. n. dry banana fibre.

kigonze Pl: bakigonze. n. loved person;

s.b. who is very much liked by the

family head in a family.

kigugu Pl: bigugu. From: Runyoro. n.

load, burden; goods that are tied

together into s.t. that s.b. or a vehicle

carries on a journey. Syn: kibbambu,

kiẕi̱go, mwetweko.

kigulu Pl: magulu. n. 1 • leg, foot; part

of the body used for walking.


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