Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kaweisomba Pl: makaweisomba. n.

rat; wild rodent resembling a rat but of

the size of an edible rat, with the habit

of collecting things and piling them in

one place.

kawenekeera Pl: b̯uwenekeera. n.

crescent moon; new moon that rises

from the west and sets after shining for

a short time.

kawenpe n. See main entry: wempe.

kaweecei ̱ n. quietness; state of peace

and quiet.

kaweesi ̱mba Pl: b̯u̱weesi ̱mba. n. cat

sp. with a very strong bad smell.

kawonekeera n. See main entry:


kawonero Pl: b̯uwonero. n.

1 • indicator, symbol, sign, symptom;

s.t. that shows that s.t. will happen or

happened or where s.t. is.

2 • example, model, sample; a person,

action, letter, figure, picture, etc. used to

stand for a wider thing.

kya kuwoneraho conj. for


Kawonesa n. name of a female person.

kazu̱bi̱ Pl: makazu̱bi ̱. n. Anhinga rufa.

African darter; wild black bird sp. with

a longish neck, pointed beak, that

plunges into river or lake water and then

swims for a long period without

emerging when hunting fish.

kaabyo pro. their, theirs.

kaab̯u pro. their, theirs.

kaab̯wo pro. their, theirs.

kaadi From: English. n. playing card; any

one of a set of 52 cards with numbers

and pictures printed on one side, that

are used to play various card games.

Syn: cani̱si̱.

kaadibboodi Pl: kaadibboodi. From:

English. n. cardboard.

kaadi ̱ dem. that very one over there.

kaago pro. their, theirs.

kaagwo pro. its.

kaagyo pro. its.

Kaaheeru n. name of a person.


kaahwa 1 Pl: kaahwa. From: Arabic. n.

coffee; drink made from ground coffee


Kaahwa 2 n. personal name given to s.b.

who is born following twins.

kaaka dem. this very one.

kaako pro. their, theirs.

kaakwo dem. that very one.

pro. its.

kaakyo pro. its.

kaalwo pro. its.

kaalya Pl: makaalya. From: English. n.

bicycle carrier.

kaalyo pro. its.

kaamu Var: ko. pro. your, yours.

kaamwe Var: ke. pro. his, her, hers.

kaamyo pro. their, theirs.

kaanya Pl: b̯wanya. n. interval; period

of time. Syn: keiṟe.

kaanyu̱ma n. See main entry: keiṉyu̱ma.

kaata iṉiẖi ̱ n. See main entry: iṉiẖi ̱.

kaata ka kijungu n. See main entry:


kaatwo pro. their, theirs.

kaazyo pro. their, theirs.

ke pro. See main entry: kaamwe.

kei ̱ pro. See main entry: kange.

kei ̱jwi̱so Var: keelwi ̱syo; keelwi ̱so. n.

Taboo. vaginal haemorrhage; sickness

that a woman suffers whereby she

constantly bleeds.

keiṉeiḇiṟi̱ Var: kaiṉa.

Pl: makeiṉeiḇiṟi. ̱ n. house that is built

having a storey or storeys on top.

keiṉyu̱ma Var: kaanyu̱ma. n. behind

part of a house. Syn: keelu̱li̱.

keiṟe Pl: b̯wiṟe. n. interval; period of

time. Syn: kaanya.

kelezya Pl: biḻezya. n. Catholic church.


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