Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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I̱ - i ̱

iḇa v. See main entry: ibaawe.

i̱coti̱ Pl: macoti. ̱ n. neck; part of the

body between the head and the


iḏiṉda 1 Pl: madiṉda. n. xylophone;

traditional musical instrument made of

two rows of wooden bars of different

lengths that you hit with two small


iḏiṉda 2 Pl: madiṉda. n. pleat; one of the

folds sewn on the front part of a pair of

trousers coming directly from the waist.

iḏu̱u̱ka Pl: madu̱u̱ka. From: Kiswahili.

n. shop; building or a room in which are

things for sale that are displayed in


i̱gwi̱ Pl: magwi. ̱ n. black or dark brown

winged insect sp. with an extremely thin

waist that bites and resembles a wasp.

iẖu̱u̱zi̱ Pl: mahu̱u̱zi. ̱ n. thread, yarn;

thin string of cotton, nylon, etc. used for

sewing, knitting or from which a piece

of cloth is made.

iẖu̱u̱zi̱ lya kitambaara

Pl: mahu̱u̱zi ̱ ga bitambaara. n.

threads that are used to weave


iẖwa Pl: mahwa. n. thorn; small part of

a plant that is sharp and pointed and can


iẖali ̱ n. jealousy, envy that may culminate

into malice and rivalry. Syn: kimira.

iẖe Pl: mahe. n. army; large organised

group of soldiers who are trained to

fight for the defence of the people of a

given country.

waamahe Pl: baamahe. n. solider;

member of an army who is trained

to fight on land. Syn: mugami̱.

iẖi ̱ga 1 Pl: mahi ̱ga. n. battery; cell for

powering small appliances, e.g., torches

or mobile phones.

iẖi ̱ga 2 Pl: mahi ̱ga. n. stone; rocky

substance in the ground, often used for


iẖu̱lo Pl: biẖu̱lo. n. foam; small air

bubbles on water.

i̱jalu̱ Pl: bei ̱jalu̱. n. deaf person; s.b.

whose ears do not hear. Syn: pu̱ku̱pu̱,

mwi̱jalu̱ wa mapokopo.

i̱jiṟi̱ n. 1 • vegetable sp. that is used for


2 • vegetable sauce that is somehow


i̱jolo Pl: majolo. n. night; period of

darkness between night fall and day


i̱jolo lya deeru adv. tonight.

iḵaasya Pl: makaasya. n. large oar,

paddle; long pole with a flat blade at


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