Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kukora ikunzi

kukora ikunzi v. Metaphor. be

sexually promiscuous; be sexually

unstable as to go in for one after

another. Syn: ku̱gu̱suḵa-gu̱su̱ka.

ilobo Pl: malobo. n. hook; metal with a

pointed curved end used as a trap for

catching fish.

ilwaniro Pl: malwaniro. n. battlefield;

place where war was fought or is being

fought. Syn: kisaahi kya b̯ulemu.

inei num. four.

ipeera Pl: mapeera. n. grape.

ipeesa Pl: mapeesa. n. button.

ipokopo Pl: mapokopo. n. ear; part of

the body on the head used for hearing.

mwi ̱jalu̱ wa mapokopo

Pl: bei ̱jalu̱ ba mapokopo. n. deaf

person; s.b. whose ears do not hear.

Syn: pu̱ku̱pu̱, i̱jalu̱.

iraka Pl: maraka. n. 1 • voice; sound

that comes from the mouth when s.b. is

speaking or singing.

2 • sound.

3 • rhythm, tune, melody; one of the

features of ‘kyembu’, i.e., the way a

song can be sung.

iranga Pl: maranga. n. spherical ball

bearing; ring of small metal balls used

in a machine to enable the parts to turn


iraru n. madness, craziness, lunacy; state

of being mentally confused.


irembu n. front yard; piece of land in

front of a homestead or family home.

iroho From: Runyoro. n. 1 • thirst; feeling

of wanting to drink s.t.

2 • Metaphor. lust, craving, appetite,

desire; excessive need for s.t.

irungu Pl: marungu. n. wilderness,

bush; area of wild vegetation and other

wild creatures.

irwaru Pl: marwaru. n. hospital,

dispensary, health centre, clinic;

building where sick or injured people

are given medical treatment.

Syn: habatambira.

isaju Pl: masaju. n. fat; white or yellow

oil in solid form like grease stored

under the skin in the bodies of animals

or humans.

isasi Pl: masasi. n. bullet.

isatu num. three.

isaza Pl: masaza. n. county; local

government level next to the district.

Isingoma n. name of a male twin.

isomero Pl: masomero. n. school;

place where children go to be taught.

isomo Pl: masomo. n. lesson.

masomo ga bya b̯womi n.


masomo ga bya ku̱hyangya

Var: masomo ga bya kutab̯ura. n.


masomo ga bya b̯uhangwa

b̯wa nsi n. geography.

masomo ga kukanika n. physics.

masomo ga bya b̯uhangwa n.


isubagi Pl: meisubagi. n. side yard; at

the sides of a house and not in front or


isubi Pl: isubi. n. grass; plant that

animals eat and that is used for roofing.


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