Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kagulu ka gaali

kagulu ka gaali Pl: b̯ugulu b̯wa

gaali. n. metallic part of a bicycle

pedal whose rubber part has got

worn out.

gaali gya mwi ̱ca Pl: gaali za

mwi ̱ca. n. train; vehicle that moves

on rails pulling a number of

carriages in order to transport

people and goods.

gaalwo pro. its.

gaalyo pro. its.

gaamu 1 Var: go. pro. your, yours.

gaamu 2 Pl: gaamu. From: English. n.

1 • glue, gum, paste; sticky substance

that is used for joining things together.

2 • sellotape; long narrow strip of

material with a sticky substance on one

side that is used for joining things


gaamwe Var: ge. pro. his, her, hers.

gaamyo pro. their, theirs.

gaatwo pro. their, theirs.

gaazyo Var: gaazo. pro. their, theirs.

ge pro. See main entry: gaamwe.

gei ̱ pro. See main entry: gange.

geehena From: Hebrew. n. hell.

geemu Pl: mageemu. n. small fish that

grows into a Nile perch.

geenyu̱ pro. your, yours (for 2 or more


geeri Pl: mageeri. From: Alur. n.

Chelonia mydas. turtle; animal with a

shell on its body like a tortoise, lives in

water and pulls the head, feet and the

tail into its shell in case there is danger.

Syn: nyaabyongo.

geetu̱ pro. our, ours.

gigi dem. this one.

giraasi Pl: magiraasi. From: English.

n. glass; transparent substance used to

make drinking glasses, windows,

bottles, etc.

giḏi̱ dem. that one over there.

gi ̱gyo dem. that one.

giḻoobbu̱ Pl: giḻoobbu̱. From: English.

n. light bulb.

gi ̱mwei ̱ num. one.

giṟi̱i̱si̱ Pl: giṟi ̱i ̱si. ̱ From: English. n.



go pro. See main entry: gaamu.

gologolo Pl: magologolo. n. small fish

sp. without scales, that very much

resembles an ‘irinda’ fish except


gongolo Pl: magongolo. n. centipede;

small creature like an insect, with a long

thin body and many legs.

gongoolya Pl: magongoolya. n.

dragonfly; slender-bodied non-stinging

insect having iridescent wings that are

outspread at rest.

googo Var: go. pro. they.

gooro Pl: magooro. From: English. n.

goal; score in a game.

gugu dem. this one.

gule Pl: magule. n. Papio anubis.

baboon; wild animal that resembles a

monkey with pink or black buttocks.

gumbere n. first time.

gu̱bba Pl: magu̱bba. n. fishing method

that involves using nets beginning from

nine ply to sixty and from eight inch to

forty-eight that catch such fish types as

Nile perch, Yellowfish etc.

gu̱di̱ dem. that one over there.

gu̱gwo dem. that one.

gu̱lu̱he Pl: magu̱lu̱he. n. Pelusios

subniger. Serrated Terrapin; animal

with a shell on its body like a tortoise

that lives in water and pulls the head,

feet and the tail into its shell when there

is danger.

gu̱tya Pl: gu̱tya. n. sisal sack that carries

the capacity of about six full baskets.

gwabyo pro. their, theirs.

gwab̯u pro. their, theirs.


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