Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kigulu kya gaali

G - g

gabberu̱ n. bad, evil, rotten behaviour or

character that makes s.b. unable to

listen, take advice, or grumbles when

asked to do s.t.

waagabberu̱ Pl: baagabberu̱. n.

disobedient person; s.b. of rotten

behaviour who does not listen, take

advice and who grumbles when

asked to do s.t. Syn: mu̱jeemu̱,

nku̱ngu̱u̱ni̱, ntahuura, ntamuhiira,

waakyejo, muhoole, muzub̯u.

gadi ̱ dem. those ones over there.

gaga dem. these ones.

gagesu n. See main entry: b̯ugesugesu.

gagwo dem. those ones.

galani ̱ Pl: galani. ̱ From: English. n.

gallon; metal container in which is put

crude alcoholic spirits that is then put

on the fire during the distilling process.

ganduura Pl: ganduura. n. robe; long

loose outer garment, esp. that worn as a

sign of rank or office at a special

ceremony, e.g., coronation robes, priest

robes, etc.

gange Var: gei ̱. pro. my, mine.

gankei Var: gankeenya. pro. themselves.

garagara Pl: magaragara. n. lizard;

wild reptile with four legs and a tail that

resides on walls, and in courtyards,

which feeds on insects, and the males of

which differ in size and colour from the


garagi ̱ Pl: garagi ̱. From: English. n.

garage; room for storing cars,

motorcycles etc. or a place where such

vehicles are repaired.

garu̱biṉdi ̱ Pl: garu̱biṉdi. ̱ n.

sunglasses, eyeglasses, glasses; eye

wear that helps people to see better or

protect the eyes from the sun or


gavu̱menti ̱ Pl: gavu̱menti. ̱ From:

English. n. government; authority of a

country or a state.

gaabyo pro. their, theirs.

gaab̯u pro. their, theirs.

gaab̯wo pro. their, theirs.

gaadi̱ dem. those very ones over there.

gaaga dem. these very ones.

gaago pro. their, theirs.

gaagwo dem. those very ones.

pro. its.

gaagyo pro. its.

gaako pro. their, theirs.

gaakwo pro. its.

gaakyo pro. its.

gaali Pl: magaali. n. bicycle; road

vehicle that you ride by pushing the

pedals with your feet while controlling

the handle.

kigulu kya gaali Pl: magulu ga

gaali. n. pedal. Syn: kiziginiro kya



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