Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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C - c

cakara Pl: macakara. n. wheelbarrow.

cani̱si̱ Pl: cani ̱si. ̱ n. 1 • card game.

2 • playing card; any one of a set of 52

cards with numbers and pictures printed

on one side that are used to play various

card games. Syn: kaadi.

cawu adv. full up to the brim. Syn: pelele,

bbiki, ki̱iẕu̱lu̱ ku muṉwa.

caai 1 n. tea, coffee; water or milk that has

been boiled and onto which added tea

leaves, coffee, etc.

caai 2 adj. easy; not difficult to do or to


caali interj. express sympathy, condole;

expression of sorrow that shows

compassion and condolence towards


cei̱ adj. silent.

cekerece Pl: bacekerece. n. below

standard, lower class person.

cepe Pl: cepe. n. rank ribbon; coloured

piece of cloth or woven threads of

special colours worn, esp. by army

officers to show honour.

cokodo n. See main entry: togodo.

combe Pl: combe. n. vegetable sauce

made out of cassava leaves. Syn: sambu.

cooka Pl: cooka. From: English. n.

chalk; powdery stick usually white in

colour used for writing on a blackboard

esp. in schools. Syn: noono.

cupa Pl: macupa. n. bottle; container

with a narrow neck made of a

transparent substance.

cuume n. 1 • state, status, mode; the way

s.b. stays or s.t. appears.

2 • method, manner, means; a particular

way of doing s.t. Syn: kakodyo, mu̱liṉgo.

cu̱ru̱cu̱ru̱ adj. inundated, swamped,

flooded; s.t. in large amounts or


cwamba Pl: cwamba. n. creeping grass

sp. with finger-like structures and joints,

and at each joint grows roots.

D - d

dakika Pl: madakika. n. minute; period

of time equal to sixty seconds.

dakitaali Pl: badakitaali. From:

English. n. doctor; s.b. who has been

trained in medical science to treat sick

or injured people. Syn: mu̱tambi̱,


dakitaali wa bisolo

Pl: badakitaali ba bisolo. n.

veterinary doctor.

dala Pl: madala. n. small fish sp. with

scales that resembles a flying fish and is


daasita Pl: madaasita. From: English.

n. duster; item made from wool, cotton,

sponge, etc. used for cleaning a


de conj. also.

debe Pl: madebe. n. tin can; metal

container in which such things as

cooking oil are packed, also used for

fetching water or for storing things.

deeru adv. today; the day that includes

the present moment, not yesterday or



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