Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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bbiṉiḵa Pl: mabbiṉiḵa. n. kettle;

container with a lid, handle and a spout

used for serving tea or boiling water.

bbiṟi̱gi ̱ Pl: mabbiṟi ̱gi. ̱ n. plumb line.

bbiṟiṉgi ̱ Pl: mabbiṟiṉgi. ̱ n. sickle;

small curved tool used for cutting grass.

bbi̱sa Pl: mabbi ̱sa. n. mudfish; dark fish

without scales, with a fatty tail end that

likes staying in the mud.

bbi̱ya Pl: bbi ̱ya. From: English. n. beer;

alcoholic brew that is bottled with

crown caps, that releases much foam

once opened.

bbogoya n. banana; sweet long yellow


bboki̱si̱ Pl: bboki ̱si. ̱ From: English. n.

box; container made of cardboard with a

stiff flat base and sides used for holding

solid things.

bbomo Pl: bbomo. From: English. n.


bboodi ̱ Pl: mabboodi. ̱ n. gomasi; long

loose piece of clothing that is mostly

worn by married women with two

buttons in the front and joined in the


bboola Pl: bboola. n. salutation;

greeting specifically given to the

parents of twins.

bbooli ̱ Pl: bbooli. ̱ n. tall grass sp. that

very much resembles a type of tropical

grass with thin black sharp points,

grows annually and dries very fast.

bboolupeeni Pl: mabboolupeeni.

From: English. n. pen; plastic or metallic

instrument that uses ink for writing.

bbooso Pl: bibbooso. n. boulder;

murram stone mostly used for making

building foundations.

bbulooka Pl: mabbulooka. From:

English. n. brick; moulded clay, that is

fired, used for building houses, fences

etc. Syn: itafaali.

bbumba Pl: bbumba. n. pump; tool that

is used to pump pressure or to spray.

bburaasi Pl: mabburaasi. From:

English. n. brush, broom; tool on which


is fixed bristles and a handle, used for

sweeping, painting, cleaning etc.

bbuukuulu Pl: bbuukuulu. n.

whirlwind, storm; very strong blustery

wind that comes from the east and

blows for a short time and then stops.

bbuuru Pl: bbuuru. n. violence;

physical or emotional force and energy

that is intended to hurt.

bbu̱bbu̱ Pl: mabbu̱bbu̱. n. fish sp.

without scales, brownish with dark

spots, with short pointed flesh on its

mouth and that resembles an electric


bbu̱langiṯi ̱ Pl: bbu̱langiṯi. ̱ From:

English. n. blanket; heavy sheet made

from wool, used esp. for spreading on a

bed to provide warmth.

bbu̱lawu̱zi̱ Pl: mabbu̱lawu̱zi. ̱ From:

English. n. blouse.

bbu̱lu̱ From: English. adj. blue colour.

bbu̱nga n. game that you score by the

use of legs.

bbu̱ngu̱ Pl: bbu̱ngu̱. n. spirits; locally

made white liquor.

bbu̱reeki ̱ Pl: bbu̱reeki. ̱ From: English.

n. brake; device for slowing or stopping

a vehicle.

bbu̱ru̱ru̱ From: English. n. blue dye;

blueing agent used to dye white clothes.

bbu̱u̱li̱ Pl: bbu̱u̱li. ̱ n. roll of twine or

cord, ball of string; single thin pieces of

thread or string twisted together.

bbu̱u̱ri̱ Pl: mabbu̱u̱ri. ̱ n. Tragelaphus

scriptus. bushbuck; wild animal with

hindquarters slightly high, bush tail and

straight horns.

bbu̱u̱wa Var: mmo. interj. Idiophone. cry

of a cow.

bbwoya Pl: mabbwoya. n.

Raphicerus campestris. steinbok; small

wild even-toed hoofed animal, brown,

short straight horns, long legs, higher at

the hindquarters than at the fore, black

nose and white under parts of the mouth

and inside of ears.


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