Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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b̯u̱tesi ̱

being straight and not being bent.

Syn: b̯ubbiili.

b̯u̱tesi ̱ n. humbleness, politeness,

calmness, tranquillity, gentleness,

serenity; not stubborn, noisy, rough,

quarrelsome or interested in fighting,

not talking much and not willing to

show opinion. Syn: b̯u̱teeku̱, b̯u̱cu̱leeru̱,


b̯u̱teegwa n. disobedience, wilfulness,

intractability; state of not listening to

advice or not following s.t. you have

been told to do. Syn: kati̱gi̱, b̯uhoole,

b̯u̱jeemu̱, b̯u̱ku̱ngu̱u̱ni̱, kyejo.

b̯u̱teeku̱ n. humbleness, politeness,

calmness, tranquillity, gentleness,

serenity; not stubborn, noisy, rough,

quarrelsome or interested in fighting,

not talking much and not willing to

show opinion. Syn: b̯u̱cu̱leeru̱, b̯u̱holu̱,


b̯u̱ti ̱iṉi ̱ n. 1 • fear; feeling of panic when

you are in danger, when you expect s.t.

dangerous to happen or when s.t.

frightens you.

2 • cowardice; having no courage to do


b̯u̱tu̱ntwiṟe From: Runyoro. n. stress,

worry; emotional tension, strain.

b̯u̱yambi ̱ n. 1 • assistance; support that is

given to s.b. who is in trouble or in


2 • relief, aid; food, money, medicine,

etc. that are given to help people who

are in places where there is war or

natural disaster.

b̯u̱yaadoori ̱ conj. when.

b̯wabyo pro. their, theirs.

b̯wab̯u pro. their, theirs.

b̯wab̯wo pro. their, theirs.

b̯wago pro. their, theirs.

b̯wagwo pro. its.

b̯wagyo pro. its.

b̯wakei ̱so n. See main entry: b̯uḵei ̱so.

b̯wako pro. their, theirs.

b̯wakwo pro. its.

b̯wakyo pro. its.

b̯walwo pro. its.

b̯walyo pro. its.



b̯wamu Var: b̯wo. pro. your, yours.

b̯wamwe Var: b̯we. pro. his, her, hers.

b̯wamyo pro. their, theirs.

b̯wange Var: b̯wei ̱. pro. my, mine.

b̯wangu adv. 1 • quick; in a very short


2 • soon; after a short time or period.

b̯wangu-b̯wangu adv. 1 • immediately,

suddenly; after a very short time or

before much time has passed.

2 • temporarily.

b̯wankei Var: b̯wankeenya. pro.


b̯wati ̱ Pl: maati ̱. n. boat, canoe; water

vehicle that is run by oars, rowing stick

or an engine.

b̯wati ̱ b̯wa ngungu Pl: maati ̱ ga

ngungu. n. dugout canoe made by

carving and hollowing a big tree

trunk. Syn: ngooto.

b̯watwo pro. their, theirs.

b̯wazyo pro. their, theirs.

b̯we pro. See main entry: b̯wamwe.

b̯webemberi ̱ Var: b̯wehemberi ̱. n.

leadership; state of having the authority

of ordering and controlling people.

b̯wecu̱mi ̱ From: Runyoro. n. cleanliness,

neatness, tidiness; not being dirty or

messy. Syn: b̯uyonjo.

b̯wegyenderezi ̱ n. carefulness.

b̯wehemberi ̱ n. See main entry:

b̯webemberi ̱.

b̯wei̱ pro. See main entry: b̯wange.

b̯wemi ̱1 n. width, diameter; extent of s.t.

from side to side. Syn: b̯ugali.

b̯wemi ̱2 n. 1 • act of violence that causes


2 • rebellion; being unwilling to obey

rules or accept normal standards of


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