Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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wanziṟa anyweri ̱

wanziṟa anyweri ̱ Pl: wanzira

anyweri ̱. n. tall grass sp. that very

much resembles ‘matinde’ with thin

sharp black points that grows annually

and dries fast.

waragi ̱ n. See main entry: haragi.


wara-wara adv. rapidly, quickly; be

quick in doing s.t. or to use little in

doing s.t.

waya Pl: mawaya. From: English. n.

wire; thin metal in the form of a thread.

waabihaga n. See main entry: bihaga.

waabye Var: waab̯uẖwe. n. See main

entry: b̯uẖwe.

waabyo pro. their, theirs.

waab̯u pro. 1 • their, theirs.

2 • their brother; their sister.

waab̯wo pro. their, theirs.

waagabberu̱ n. See main entry:


waago pro. their, theirs.

waagwo pro. its.

waagyo pro. its.

waahiho n. See main entry: kyahi.

waahimu n. See main entry: kyahimu.

Waaja n. name of a river.

waakabi n. See main entry: kabi.

waakagulu v. See main entry: kagulu.

waakapu̱mpu̱li̱ Pl: baakapu̱mpu̱li.


n. epileptic person. Syn: mu̱seeri̱ wa

kahungura, mugwa nsi̱mbu̱.

waakasorooro n. See main entry:


waakatondo n. See main entry:


Waaki n. name of a river.

waakisiraani n. See main entry:


waaki ̱iṟa n. See main entry: ki ̱iṟa.

waako pro. their, theirs.

waakwo pro. its.

waakyejo n. See main entry: kyejo.

waakyewe Pl: baakyewe. n. assistant

to heir; s.b. second to inherit the throne.

waakyo pro. its.

Waalahi n. personal name given to a

male child whose mother took a long

time before conceiving or who is born

during his father’s old age.


waaleete Pl: mwaleete. interj. ‘good

morning’ a greeting used when greeting

s.b. in the morning.

waali̱ Pl: mawaali ̱. n. Balearica

regulorum. Crested Crane; wild bird,

greyish with three colours: black,

yellow and red, with yellow hairs, a red

tail on top and black downwards, a

short black beak, black and red combs

and a curved neck. Syn: ntuuha.

Waalu̱ku̱u̱ n. personal name given to a

baby whose siblings have been passing


waalwo pro. its.

waalyo pro. its.

waamagezi ̱ n. See main entry: mu̱gezi ̱.

waamahu̱u̱re n. See main entry:


waamaku̱ni ̱ n. See main entry: makuṉi ̱.

waamananu n. See main entry:


waamaneenwa Pl: baamaneenwa.

n. parent of your child’s spouse; title

that the husband’s father-in-law or

mother-in-law uses to address the wife’s

father-in-law or mother-in-law (i.e., title

between the parents of a married


Waamara n. name of a lake.

waamazi ̱ma n. See main entry: mazi ̱ma.

waaminyeeto Pl: baaminyeeto. n.

1 • youth, young person; s.b. youthful

that is not yet grown to be a man or a

woman. Syn: muto.

2 • peer; s.b. who is the same age or who

has the same social status as you.

waamu 1 pro. 1 • your, yours.

2 • your brother; your sister.

Waamu 2 n. name of a person.

waamudido n. See main entry: mudido.

waamuruka Pl: baamuruka. n. parish

chief; highest chief in the parish

appointed by the king in order to

represent the kingdom.

waamwe pro. 1 • his, her, hers.

2 • his or her brother; his or her sister.

waamyo pro. their, theirs.

waasente n. See main entry: sente.

waatabbu n. See main entry: tabbu.


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