Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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rubazu Pl: mbazu. n. speech; prepared

words to be said.

kugaba rubazu v. give a speech.

Syn: kubaliza.

rub̯uga Pl: mbuga. n. town; larger place

than a village with many houses, shops

or stores, where people live and work.

Syn: tawu̱ni̱.

rufu Pl: nfu. n. 1 • death; event of dying

or departure from life. Syn: b̯ugingo.

2 • funeral, burial; ceremony that is held

when s.b. dies in order to mourn him.

rugambu Pl: ngambu. n. rumour.

ruganga Pl: nganga. n. crowd; large

number of people gathered together in a

public place, e.g., at a sports game.

Syn: lugologombo, kyecooko.

rugondo From: Runyoro. n. inside part of

the stomach.

Ruhanga Pl: baruhanga. n. God; the

supreme being or spirit that is

worshipped and is believed to have

created the universe and who is believed

to have power over a particular part of

nature or who is believed to represent a

particular quality. Syn: Nyamuhanga.

ruharaara Pl: baruharaara. n.

courageous, brave person; s.b. with a

strong heart who does not mind about

anything. Syn: rumaama, nyantapara


ruhondeere adv. continuously;

happening or existing repeatedly many

times for a long time. Syn: b̯u̱tei̱ciṟi̱iṟya.

ruhuumuro Pl: mpuumulo. n.

holiday, vacation; period off duty to

regain strength or relax the brain.

ruhuura Pl: baruhuura. n. glutton; s.b.

who eats too much. Syn: icaku, mu̱di̱.

rujagaara Pl: barujagaara. n.

extremely strong, energetic, brave

person. Syn: kiṟi̱maani̱.

rujumba Pl: marujumba. n. browncoloured


rukaaga num. six hundred.

rukwe Pl: nkwe. n. conspiracy.

rumaama Pl: barumaama. n.

courageous, brave person; s.b. with a

strong heart who does not mind about


anything. Syn: ruharaara, nyantapara


runaanei num. eight hundred.

rundi conj. 1 • perhaps, maybe, could;

justification that is not yet there.

2 • or, either.

rusanju num. seven hundred.

rutege n. strength; ability to resist force

or hold heavy weights without breaking

or being damaged. Syn: raatiṟi̱,

rutwangu, b̯unyamaani.

waarutege Pl: baarutege. n. very

strong person.

ruto n. childishness; childish behaviours.

rutwangu n. strength; ability to resist

force or hold heavy weights without

breaking or being damaged. Syn: rutege,

b̯unyamaani, raatiṟi̱.

ruusi Pl: maruusi. n. young female goat

ready to conceive but that has not yet

reached the size of a fully grown goat.

ru̱foogo adv. recklessly.

ru̱gu̱u̱do Pl: ngu̱u̱do. n. road; wide

route that is made, esp. for vehicles to

travel on.

ru̱heiṟa Pl: baru̱heiṟa. n. long-winded,

verbose speaker; s.b. who speaks over


ru̱ku̱mi ̱ num. one thousand.

ru̱nyu̱myo Pl: nyu̱myo. n.

conversation; informal talk, unprepared,

between people.

ru̱pi ̱ya Pl: mpi ̱ya. From: Hindi. n.

rupee; Indian money that was used in

the past before Uganda got its


ru̱u̱la Pl: ru̱u̱la. From: English. n.

measuring ruler.

Rwanda n. name of a country.

rwanju n. lust; excessive desire to

repeatedly want s.t. even to the extent of

disgusting others.

rwatu adv. openly, publically, overtly;

not hidden. Syn: hasyanu̱.

rwenda num. nine hundred.

rwezo From: Runyoro. n. humus; soil

nutrients made from decaying



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