Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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b̯umala n. venom; poisonous liquid that

some snakes, spiders, etc. produce and

inject when biting.

b̯umalaaya n. 1 • Taboo. prostitution;

sexual instability. Syn: b̯urawarawa,


2 • Taboo. sexual lust.

b̯umanye 1 n. relationship; state of being

known to s.b.

b̯umanye 2 n. expertise, skilfulness; vast

experience and knowledge in doing s.t.

Syn: b̯u̱ku̱gu̱, b̯usaaha.

b̯umbega n. 1 • snooping, sleuthing; act

of spying.

2 • investigation, probe; act of carefully

examining the facts of a legal case, etc.

to find out how it happened.

b̯umbuda Var: b̯umbada. n.

1 • stupidity; behaviour that shows a

lack of thought or good judgement.

2 • dumbness; quality of being slow to

learn, not clever or intelligent.

Syn: b̯umadara, b̯u̱pu̱u̱ti̱, b̯u̱siṟu̱,


b̯umoso adj. left, lefthand; the opposite

of right.

b̯unaku n. aloneness; state of being with

few or no relatives or children.

b̯unanu n. sincerity, integrity; quality of

being faithful.

b̯undi adv. sometimes.

adj. probable.

b̯undi na b̯undi adv. probably,

likely; it might be true or false.

b̯unene Var: kinene. adv. much, many,

lots, plentifully, mostly, intensely; not

being in small quantities or s.t. done to

a large degree. Syn: fo.

mu b̯unene adv. intensively; in

great quantities or amounts.

b̯unkenke adv. tiptoeing; walking on the


b̯unkudankuda n. upper beginning

part of the throat.

b̯unterente Var: b̯uteere. n. 1 • slip;

sliding that is brought about by the

wetting of muddy ground.

2 • sliding muddy ground due to being



b̯untu n. 1 • spirit, soul, personality; inner

spiritual and moral character and

behaviour of s.b. that differentiates him

from other people.

2 • humaneness; character trait that

shows kindness towards other people or

even animals by making sure that they

do not suffer more than is necessary.

b̯untwarwa Var: b̯unteekwa. n.

unprincipled behaviour; conduct of s.b.

who does not have strong beliefs about

what is right and wrong, who is swept

along by the views of anyone.

Syn: b̯weteekeri̱, b̯u̱matamaataari̱.

b̯unwanwa Sg: kanwanwa. n. footitching

disease; illness that is as a result

of moving in dew or dirty water that

commonly attacks the feet, esp. the toes

and keeps on itching.

b̯unyamaani n. 1 • strength, stamina,

toughness; state of having much energy

in the body. Syn: raatiṟi̱, rutwangu,


2 • hardness, stiffness. Syn: b̯utatiro,

b̯u̱kangabalu̱, b̯womeresenu̱.

3 • difficulty; state or quality of being

hard to do or to understand.

Syn: b̯utatiro, b̯uzub̯u.

b̯unyankomo n. imprisonment; be put

in prison and not to be free to decide

what you want to do.

b̯unyanzigwa n. enmity, hatred.

B̯unyoro n. name of a region.

b̯urawarawa n. 1 • instability; e.g., not

being able to make a firm decision.

2 • prostitution; state of s.b. having

multiple sexual partners. Syn: b̯wenzi̱,

b̯u̱b̯u̱ngi̱, b̯umalaaya, kagulu,


b̯urumaama n. courageousness.

b̯urundu n. smallpox; infectious disease

that is like measles, makes s.b. develop

a rash and brings a severe fever that can

cause death.

b̯urungi n. 1 • goodness, niceness; state

of high quality that is acceptable and

not bad.

2 • beauty, attractiveness.

3 • state of valuableness, preciousness.


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