Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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nunghununghu adj. finely ground, of

a powder.

nu̱u̱ni ̱ Pl: nu̱u̱ni. ̱ n. part of the large

intestine; fatty sack-like inside part of a


nzala Pl: nzala. n. 1 • famine; lack of

food in a place for a long period.

2 • hunger, craving; excessive need or

desire for s.t.

nzanza Pl: banzanza. n. active person;

s.b. who is lively, welcoming, quick to

do things, and full of ideas. Syn: muhyo,

mu̱camu̱ku̱, mu̱tagatu̱.

nzaarwa Pl: nzaarwa. From: Runyoro.

n. citizen; s.b. born in a place where he

has the right to settle. Syn: munyansi,


nzegesya Pl: nzegesya. n. teaching.

nzegu̱ Pl: nzegu̱. n. Loxodonta africana.

elephant; extremely large wild animal,

greyish, with very large ears and with


nzegwagana Pl: nzegwagana. n.

1 • cooperation, teamwork,

collaboration; state of working together

and helping each other in order to

achieve s.t. Syn: nkoragana, nkengagana.

2 • negotiation; discussion between

people who are trying to reach an


nzenengwa Var: nzomongwa.

Pl: nzenengwa. n. habitual gossiper;

s.b. who says things that have no sense

or s.b. who is fond of involving himself

in informal talk or stories about other

people’s private lives, that may be

unkind or untrue.

nzicala Pl: nzicala. n. 1 • culture,

customs; how people who are related by

language, clan, etc. live their life.

Syn: b̯uhangwa.



2 • personality, habits, behaviour,

conduct; the way s.b. lives. Syn: ngesu,

nyeetwala, kikorwa.

nzikiraniza Pl: nzikiraniza. n.

1 • agreement; state of having the same


2 • promise; statement telling s.b. that

you will definitely do or not do s.t.

Syn: kiraganu.

nzikiriza Pl: nzikiriza. n. faith, belief;

situation of trust, where there is no


nziku Pl: nziku. n. gonorrhoea; disease

of the sexual organs caught by having

sex with an infected person, that brings

a rash or sores around the genitals.

nzira Pl: nzira. n. path, track; way that is

made by the action of people walking.

Syn: muhanda.

nzi ̱go Pl: nzi ̱go. n. rivalry, enmity,

hostility; state in which two people or

companies are at logger heads with each


nziẖa Sg: lu̱ziẖa. n. pubic hair that

grows on the body in the private parts.

Syn: nketeru.

nziṉgi ̱iṟya Pl: nziṉgi ̱iṟya. n. income;

money that s.b. earns from work or in


nziṉgo Pl: banziṉgo. n. crippled,

disabled, lame person; s.b. whose

inability to walk or move normally

started right away from childhood either

because of nature or a disease.

Syn: mu̱ziṉgamu̱.

nziṟamu Var: kya kwiṟamu.

Pl: nziṟamu. n. answer, response; reply

to a question.

nziṟo Pl: nziṟo. n. dirt, grime; mixture of

sweat and dust that has dried on a

human body or on a piece of cloth.

nzogoro Pl: nzogoro. n. Tilapia; fish

with large short scales, an unsplit odd

tail fin and many bones on the dorsal

fin, that mostly feeds on algae and mud.

nzoroora Pl: nzoroora. n. upbringing,

rearing, parenting; way in which s.b.

has been raised.

nzooka Pl: nzooka. n. 1 • look of s.t.

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