Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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nsonga 2 Pl: nsonga. n. promontory,

peninsula; landing area extending into a


nsonga 3 Pl: nsonga. n. dispute;

disagreement between two people,

groups or countries. Syn: nkayani̱,


nsoni ̱ Pl: nsoni. ̱ n. shame, guilt,

embarrassment, shyness, disgrace;

feeling of fear and shame to look at s.b.

for doing s.t. wrong.

Syn: b̯ugwembegwembe.

kukwatwa nsoni ̱ v. 1 • Metaphor.

be shy.

2 • Metaphor. feel shame.

Syn: kuswara.

ku̱kwati ̱sya nsoni ̱ v. shame,

embarrass; make s.b. feel shame.

kwezegwa nsoni ̱ v. show guilt.

Syn: kwezegwa muswaru.

bicweka bya nsoni ̱ Sg: kicweka

kya nsoni. ̱ n. Euph. polite way of

referring to the sexual organs

without saying their names.

nsoro Pl: nsoro. From: Runyoro. n.

spring; underground place from where

water naturally emerges. Syn: musu.

nsorongya Pl: nsorongya. n. index.

nsura Pl: nsura. n. brand, mark; symbol

that is written, fixed or cut on s.t. so as

to make it easily identified. Syn: laama.

nsusana Var: nsisana. Pl: nsusana. n.

shape; the way in which s.t. is formed.

nsu̱ Pl: nsu̱. n. fish; water creature that

breathes through gills, and uses fins for



nsu̱ru̱mu̱nu̱ Pl: nsu̱ru̱mu̱nu̱. n.

locust; winged insect with a pointed

reddish head, edible but rare.

nswere Pl: nswere. n. shrub sp. that

creeps on another with curved thorns

like a hook that grow on branches and

on the leaves.

ntabiganye Pl: bantabiganye. n.

1 • insensitive person.

2 • carefree person; s.b. who does not

mind about anything.

Syn: mwegu̱mi̱siṟiẕi̱, mpunguule,

mutafayo, nganya.

ntab̯u Pl: ntab̯u. n. spice; paste that is

added to food for flavouring, esp. to


ntahuura Pl: bantahuura. n.

disobedient, unsubmissive person; s.b.

who does not follow orders or does not

obey laws. Syn: waakyejo, muhoole,

waagabberu̱, mu̱jeemu̱, nku̱ngu̱u̱ni̱,

ntamuhiira, muzub̯u.

ntali Pl: ntali. n. Panthera leo. lion;

wild carnivore that resembles a cat, is

extremely fierce, and the male has a


nsu̱ gya mu̱kwa Pl: nsu̱ za

mu̱kwa. n. sun-dried fish that is

split open and preserved with a lot

of salt.

ntamuhiira Pl: bantamuhiira. n.

1 • rival. Syn: munyanzigwa, mwani̱o,


2 • difficult, disobedient person.

Syn: muzub̯u, waagabberu̱, mu̱jeemu̱,

nku̱ngu̱u̱ni̱, ntahuura, waakyejo,


ntandiko Pl: ntandiko. n. origin,

initiation, beginning, source,


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