Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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with extremely thin leaves that shed a


nsinya Pl: nsinya. n. mosquito; insect

that bites people and animals, esp. at

night, sucks blood and spreads malaria.

kubba mu nsonga

nsohya Pl: mansohya. n. Pelecanus

onocrotalus. Great white pelican; wild

fish eating bird with white feathers,

bigger than chicken buggy beak,

webbed feet used for swimming while

the bird floating on the water.

nsisana 1 n. similar thing.

nsisana 2 n. See main entry: nsusana.

nsita Pl: nsita. n. secret; word or

opinion that s.b. does not want to reveal

to anybody else.

nsi ̱iḵo Var: si ̱iḵo. Pl: mansi ̱iḵo. n.

Agama agama. Agama lizard; large

reptile with a red head, blue tail and has

five toes.

nsi ̱ma Pl: nsi ̱ma. n. eye wax, sleep;

yellowish dirty substance that forms on

the sides of the eyes after sleeping.

nsi ̱mbu̱ Pl: nsi ̱mbu̱. n. epilepsy;

disorder of the nervous system that

causes s.b. to become suddenly

unconscious, often with violent

movements of the body.

Syn: kapu̱mpu̱li̱, b̯u̱seeri̱ b̯wa kahungura.

mugwa nsi ̱mbu̱ Pl: bagwa

nsi ̱mbu̱. n. epileptic person.

Syn: mu̱seeri̱ wa kahungura,


nsi ̱mo Pl: nsi ̱mo. n. hoe; tool used for

digging or weeding.

nsiṟi̱siṟi̱ Pl: nsiṟi ̱siṟi ̱. n. sinuses;

openings at the back of the nose.

nsobi ̱ Pl: nsobi. ̱ n. mistake, fault, error;

action or opinion that is not correct or

that can lead into danger.

nsolomi ̱ Pl: nsolomi. ̱ n. Numida

meleagris. Guinea fowl; wild bird,

black with spots over the entire body

and with a small head.

nsomoko Pl: nsomoko. n. ant trap.

nsonda 1 Pl: nsonda. n. corner; area in a

room or box where two sides join.

nsonda 2 Pl: nsonda. n. hair lining

which is trimmed with a razor blade to

make the face look more beautiful.

nsone Pl: nsone. n. knife; tool with a

sharp edge on one side or both sides,

that has a handle, used for cutting or as

a weapon.

nsonga 1 Pl: nsonga. n. reason, purpose;

aim that makes you do s.t. Syn: b̯ulyo.

nsonga giẖandu̱ Pl: nsonga

ziẖandu̱. n. main point of a given


kubba mu nsonga v. Taboo. Euph.

menstruate; undergo the female

process that causes bleeding from

the uterus every month. Syn: kubba

ku mweri̱.


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