Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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mukwata nsahu

2 • pocket; part of a piece of clothing in

which s.b. puts things such as money.

mukwata nsahu Var: wa nsahu.

Pl: bakwata nsahu. n. treasurer;

s.b. responsible for the items that

belong to a club or organisation,

e.g., the books of account.

Syn: mu̱bi̱iḵi̱, mukeeto, mukwata


nsama Pl: nsama. n. Kobus

ellipppsiprymnus. waterbuck; wild

animal with black legs, large white ears

and the male one has twisted horns

curved upwards.

nsambu Pl: nsambu. n. idiom; words

tied together meaning s.t. different from

each of them when said individually.

nsande Pl: nsande. n. banana juice;

drink that is made from the juice of ripe


nsangu Pl: nsangu. n. legal case.

Syn: musangu.

nsanju num. seventy.

nsansa Pl: nsansa. n. thread-like palm

plant used for weaving mats, bags, hats,


nsanyanya Pl: nsanyanya. n. natural

gap between the upper jaw teeth.

nsanyu̱se Pl: nsanyu̱se. n. groundnut

sauce made from raw pounded


nsaagi ̱ Pl: nsaagi ̱. n. remainder; parts of

s.t. that are left after the other parts have

been used, eaten, removed, etc.

Syn: nsigalira.

nsehera Var: nsohera. Pl: nsehera. n.

housefly; black flying insect with two

wings, does not bite except on wounds,

mostly stays in houses and is attracted

to smelly foodstuffs.


nseku Pl: nseku. n. laughter; sound that

is heard when s.b. is laughing.

kukuuta nseku v. laugh; make a

sound that comes from the mouth

showing that s.b. is amused or


nseeri ̱1 Pl: nseeri. ̱ n. epidemic; disease

that just breaks out in a particular area

and rapidly spreads to many people.

nseeri ̱2 adv. across; from one side to the

other side of s.t. Syn: taadiiko.

nsi Pl: nsi. n. 1 • earth, world, globe,


2 • land, soil; top layer of the earth.

kya nsi gyensei ̱ adj. international.

nsigalira Pl: nsigalira. n. remainder;

part of s.t. that is left after the other

parts have been used, eaten, removed,

etc. Syn: nsaagi̱.

nsigizi n. See main entry: bisigizi.

nsimbi Pl: nsimbi. n. money, finance.

Syn: sente.

nsimbi zikusasulwa Pl: nsimbi

zikusasulwa. n. bill; financial


nsimbi gya b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi̱

Pl: nsimbi za b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi. ̱ n.

financial capital.

nsimbi ziḇaku̱keeheeryaho

Var: nsimbi zibakusaaraho.

Pl: nsimbi ziḇaku̱keeheeryaho.

n. discount.

mukwata nsimbi Pl: bakwata

nsimbi. n. treasurer; s.b.

responsible for the items that belong

to a club or organisation, e.g., the

books of account. Syn: mu̱bi̱iḵi̱,

mukeeto, mukwata nsahu.

kudya nsimbi Var: kwiḇa nsimbi.

v. Idiom. embezzle money.

kutamwo nsimbi hab̯wa

magoba v. invest finance.

kutunga nsimbi v. earn.

mbeera gya bya nsimbi

Pl: mbeera gya bya nsimbi. n.


nsinsi Pl: nsinsi. n. small thorny sticks

that grow together forming a bush sp.


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