Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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b̯ukama b̯wa nzaarwa

b̯ukama b̯wa nzaarwa

Var: b̯ukama b̯wa b̯uhangwa.

From: Runyoro. n. traditional


b̯ukamaanya n. hostility, harshness,

cruelty; behaviour that shows no respect

for others. esp. rude talking.

b̯ukazi n. mess.

adj. shabby, messy; not caring about

your body, dress, or character.

b̯ukene From: Runyoro. n. inability;

state of being unable to do s.t.

Syn: b̯utasobora.

b̯ukeeto n. accounting, bookkeeping;

responsibility of keeping money, the

activities of being a treasurer.

b̯ukimbalanga n. cruelty; trait of being

cruel and rude, having a militant

character or having uncouth behaviours.


Sg: kakoosokooswa. n. uncertainty in

decision making.

b̯ukooto n. fatness, bigness, largeness.

b̯ukungu n. government or

administrative leadership; state of being

a leader, e.g., a parish chief, sub-county

chief, county- chief etc.

b̯ukwenda n. message; new information

that is sent to people over the radio, by

letter etc. Syn: b̯utumwa.

b̯ulagalika Sg: kalagalika. n. droplets.

Syn: b̯u̱pampatiḵa, b̯ucwekacweka.

B̯ulaaya n. name of a continent, Europe.

b̯ulehe Sg: kalehe. n. itchy skin rash,

e.g., scabies. Syn: b̯ugwenyu.

b̯ulemu Pl: malemu. n. war, battle,


b̯ulemwa n. failure; lack of success in

doing s.t.

b̯uli adj. 1 • each.

2 • every.

b̯uli hantu hensei ̱ pro.


b̯uli muntu pro. everyone,


b̯uli kintu pro. 1 • everything.

2 • whatever.

b̯uli saaha adv. always, habitually;

s.t. happening every time.


b̯uli kiro adv. 1 • always.

2 • daily; every twenty-four hours.

Syn: b̯u̱kya-b̯u̱kye.

b̯uli mwaka adv. yearly, annually;

after every twelve months.

b̯uli b̯wiṟe conj. whenever.

b̯uli hantu adv. wherever.

b̯ulima n. disability, abnormality; state

of having an improperly formed part of

the body due to nature or injury.

b̯ulime n. field that has already been dug

or well prepared but in which nothing

has yet been planted.

b̯ulimiriirwa n. frugality; not wanting

to use s.t. that you have, being

economical, not willing to spend on

anything, even if it is cheap.

b̯ulo n. sleep; natural state of rest that

makes s.b. asleep.

kumala b̯ulo Lit: end sleep v. Idiom.

take a stimulant.

kutwalwa b̯ulo Lit: be taken by

sleep v. Metaphor. fall asleep; be

overtaken by sleep. Syn: kwebbaka,

kwiḇ̯wa b̯ulo.

kwiḇ̯wa b̯ulo v. Idiom. fall asleep;

experience a sudden sleep.

b̯ulogo n. traditional medicine that s.b. is

made to swallow or is placed in his way

so that he becomes a nuisance,

encounters misfortune, or dies.

b̯uloho-b̯uloho adv. immediately,

instantly; after an extremely short

period of time.

b̯ululu n. bitterness; sour taste like the

taste of a lemon.

b̯uluuse Pl: mab̯uluuse. n. large fish

sp. with scales, with the body surface

similar to that of a Yellowfish, rarely

eaten and with an electric tail fin.

b̯ulyo n. reason, purpose; aim that makes

you do s.t. Syn: nsonga.

b̯umadara n. 1 • stupidity; behaviour

that shows a lack of thought or good


2 • dumbness; quality of being slow to

learn, not clever or intelligent.

Syn: b̯umbuda, b̯u̱pu̱u̱ti̱, b̯u̱siṟu̱, b̯udoma.


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