Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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ngaabi Pl: ngaabi. n. long drum;

musical instrument made from a round

hollow piece of wood about one metre

long on which is stretched a monitor

lizard’s skin on one end.

ngaara n. draw, tie; finish of a contest in

which the score is equal and the winner

is undecided.

ngaasi Pl: ngaasi. n. orange cooking oil

which is produced from coconuts.

musaali gwa ngaasi Pl: misaali

mya ngaasi. n. coconut tree;

straight tropical tree with a mass of

long leaves at the top, that bears

coconuts that are large nuts having a

hard hairy shell containing a soft

white substance that can be eaten

and juice that can be drunk or that

can be used to produce cooking oil.

ngei ̱si̱ Pl: ngei ̱si. ̱ n. surcharge; amount

of money charged to s.b. as a fine for

not paying tax on time.

ngeiṯe Pl: bangeiṯe. n. cruel person; s.b.

who behaves in a way that shows no

respect for others, often talking rudely.

ngemi ̱ Pl: ngemi. ̱ n. large maggot,

greenish or with black, white and brown

stripes, with or without hairs.

ngesu Pl: ngesu. n. personality, habits,

behaviour, conduct, discipline; the way

s.b. lives. Syn: nzicala, nyeetwala,


wa ngesu Pl: ba ngesu. n.

disciplined, morally good person;

s.b. who acts in a way that is correct

and acceptable by most people.


ngeye Pl: ngeye. n. Colobus guereza,

colobus angolensis. Colobus monkey;

small primate with black and white

spots that is very agile jumping through


ngiib̯wa Pl: ngiib̯wa. n. domesticated

dove. Syn: kolome wa kijungu.

ngi ̱ga Pl: ngi ̱ga. n. desire that builds up

to achieve an aim.

ngiṟi̱ Pl: ngiṟi. ̱ n. phacochoerusgiri.

warthog; wild animal resembling a pig

that has some of its teeth exposed

outside the mouth.

ngiṟo Pl: ngiṟo. n. refusal, esp. of food.

ngobi ̱ Pl: ngobi. ̱ n. baby sling; cloth that

is used to carry a baby.

ngolwa Pl: ngolwa. n. type of wind that

comes from the west causing water to

flow with fast moving waves.

ngoma Pl: ngoma. n. forest tree sp. that

grows extremely big and very tall, out

of which timber is made and canoes


ngombi 1 Pl: ngombi. n. place in which

hunters have surrounded an animal that

is hiding.

ngombi 2 Pl: ngombi. n. horn; sound

device on vehicles for calling people or

informing people to keep aside.

ngonzi Pl: ngonzi. n. love, affection;

feeling of liking and caring for s.b. or

s.t. very much.

kwezegwa ngonzi v. feel loved.

ngonyogonyo Pl: ngonyogonyo. n.

wrinkles; folds on the body or on the

face, esp. due to old age or due to

having a gloomy face.

ngoonyo Pl: ngoonyo. n. lodge; hotel

providing overnight lodging for

travellers. Syn: looji̱.

ngooto Pl: ngooto. n. dugout canoe that

is carved from a large tree and chiselled

in the middle like a wooden plate.

Syn: b̯wati̱ b̯wa ngungu.

ngu conj. that; discourse marker used to

introduce quoted speech. Syn: nti, yati.

ngumira 1 Pl: bangumira. n.

determined person; s.b. who has

decided to do s.t. until he is successful.


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