Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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ndya Pl: ndya. n. culture of food and

how it is eaten.

nei ̱joro Var: noi ̱joro. Pl: nei ̱joro. n.

slasher; tool used for mowing grass by


Neebbi̱ n. name of a region.

nfooka Pl: banfooka. n. changeling,

wizard; s.b. who changes his image and

becomes s.t. else or who becomes s.b.

who ‘eats’ people.

nfuuzi Var: mpuuzi. Pl: nfuuzi. n.

orphan; child whose parents died.

Syn: mwana atali na babyeru̱.

nfu̱u̱ni ̱ Var: mpu̱u̱ni. ̱ Pl: nfu̱u̱ni. ̱ n.

small hoe.

ngabi ̱ Pl: ngabi. ̱ n. Tragelaphus spekei.

bushbuck; wild animal with twisted

horns that are found on males only.

ngab̯u Pl: ngab̯u. n. 1 • shield; piece of

wood, leather or metal used by the

people in the past to protect their bodies

in war.

2 • shield trophy.

ngab̯wa n. representative, councillor; s.b.

who has been chosen or elected to speak

or vote for s.b. else or on behalf of a

group. Syn: mu̱ku̱rati̱.

ngahi ̱ Pl: ngahi. ̱ n. short oar, paddle;

piece of wood carved in form of a spear

used for rowing a boat.

ngali Pl: ngali. n. traditional marriage

feast that is celebrated on the first day

when the bride starts doing her

domestic chores in the family.

ngalu Pl: ngalu. n. hand; body part at

the end of an arm including the palm

and the fingers.


wa ngalu gitatiro Pl: ba ngalu

zitatiro. n. Idiom. mean, stingy

person. Syn: mulimiriirwa, i̱syoko,

mwi̱mi̱, mukodo, mupu, mutatiro.

ngalu gidyo Pl: ngalu zidyo. n.

right hand; hand that is normally

used in such work as eating,

writing, etc.

ngalu gimoso Pl: ngalu zimoso.

n. left hand; hand that does not

normally do such work as eating,

writing, etc.

ngamira Pl: ngamira. n. Equus asinus.

donkey; domestic animal that resembles

a camel, with short legs, ears used for

moving on or for carrying loads.

nganu Pl: nganu. n. wheat; plant that

resembles grass, bears grain seeds at the

top from which is ground flour for

bread, cakes, etc.

nganya 1 Pl: nganya. n. fish sp. with

scales and protruding pointed teeth, that

looks like a fish called “ngasya” except

that it is bigger than ngasya.

nganya 2 Pl: banganya. n. mindless,

careless, reckless, senseless,

irresponsible person; s.b. who does not

give enough attention and thought to

what he does, esp. to his lifestyle and

behaviour. Syn: ntabiganye,

mwegu̱mi̱siṟiẕi̱, mpunguule, mutafayo.

nganye Pl: nganye. n. grief, sorrow,

sad feeling as a result of having lost s.b.

Syn: muhito.

nganyira interj. excuse me, sorry.

ngara Pl: ngara. From: Alur. n. fish sp.

with white scales with a split yellowish

or greyish tail fin and greyish eggs.

Syn: nkiẖoi̱.

ngarama Pl: ngarama. n. arm span;

measurement equal to the width of both

arms stretched including the chest.

ngasya Pl: ngasya. n. fish sp. with

white scales, with sharp teeth and with

many thin bones in its flesh.


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