Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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ndibata Pl: ndibata. n. transport,

walking, motion, movement,

transmission; action that makes s.b. or

s.t. move from one place to another.

bya ndibata Sg: kya ndibata. n.


ndidyo Pl: ndidyo. n. wild herb sp. that

grows among grasses to a height of

1.8m with a yellowish trunk and

branches, whose bark is used for fibre.

ndimiro Pl: ndimiro. From: Luganda.

n. farm, garden; land that s.b. is

cultivating. Syn: musiri.

ndiile n. very beautiful and well built

woman who is admired by many

people. Syn: ndengeeti̱.

ndiira Pl: ndiira. n. insect sp. that flies

with a smooth glittering body and eats

mango flowers.

ndiḇo Pl: ndiḇo. n. hole in which a fish

hides in a lake.

ndiẖa Pl: ndiẖa. n. deep water; middle

part of a lake with deep water.

ndiẖwa Pl: ndiẖwa. n. short drum;

musical instrument made from a round

piece of hollow wood on which is

stretched a skin on both ends.

kukuuta ndiẖwa v. drum; beat a


ndi ̱iẕi̱ Pl: ndi ̱iẕi. ̱ n. yellow banana that is

ripe and is ready to be eaten.

sukaali ndi ̱iẕi̱ Pl: sukaali ndi ̱iẕi.


n. yellow banana that is eaten when

ripe. Syn: kitooki kiṯati̱mbwa,


ndiṉgiḏi̱ Pl: ndiṉgiḏi. ̱ n. small fiddle,

violin or guitar; small hollow wooden

stringed instrument on which is

stretched a skin with a bow-like stick


where a thread is stretched that is

played by plucking the strings.

ndobo Pl: ndobo. n. bucket; metallic

household container, round with a

handle, used esp. for fetching water.

ndobyo Pl: ndobyo. n. noose; circle

that is tied in one end of a rope with a

knot that allows the circle to get smaller

as the other end of the rope is pulled.

ndole Pl: ndole. n. thin fish sp. with

white scales, that resembles alestes

(herring), without sharp teeth and with a

split tail fin.

ndolo Pl: ndolo. n. ear canal; very long

narrow tube that goes deep inside the


ndongo Pl: ndongo. From: Luganda. n.

light and sound equipment for a club,

party, disco etc. where people dance to

recorded music.

ndoobo Pl: ndoobo. n. kick from an


ndoorwamu Pl: ndoorwamu. From:

Runyoro. n. mirror; shinny piece of

glass that s.b. uses to see his image.

Syn: ndabi̱so.

ndugiro Var: ndugiiro. Pl: ndugiro. n.

origin, initiation, beginning, source,

foundation, basis, inception; first part of

a series or an activity. Syn: ntandiko.

ndugiro gya b̯u̱seeri ̱

Pl: ndugiro za b̯u̱seeri. ̱ n. disease

cause, sickness cause.

ndulu Pl: ndulu. n. bile; body organ on

the liver with bitter greenish liquid that

breaks fats.

ndungo Pl: ndungo. n. cooking

ingredient; e.g., spice that is added to

food, esp. sauce.

nduulu Pl: nduulu. n. alarm; loud signal

that warns people of danger or sends a

message of joy or happiness.

ndu̱gu̱lo adv. opposite; on the other side.

ndu̱li̱ Pl: ndu̱li. ̱ n. log; large heavy piece

of wood that is cut from a felled tree.

ndwa Pl: ndwa. n. posho; food that is

mingled from maize or cassava flour.

ndwala Pl: ndwala. n. dress style; way

people dress. Syn: njwara.


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