Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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nanga 2 Pl: nanga. n. 1 • anchor; s.t. that

prevents a canoe from moving.

2 • bicycle hub; the central part of a

bicycle wheel.

nanka pro. someone, somebody.

nanka na nanka n. so and so.

Naru̱baale n. name of a lake; Lake


nati ̱ Pl: nati ̱. From: English. n. nut;

small metal block with internal

screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt.

kikwatu kikaahuura nati ̱

Pl: bikwatu bikaahuura nati ̱. n.


nawoodede Var: nawoode. conj.

nevertheless, even then.

naani? interrog. who?

ncwamu Var: ncwa; ncwamwo;

ncwamwona. Pl: ncwamu. n.

judgement, decision, resolution; final

conclusion made after thinking carefully

about s.t.

ncwanki Pl: ncwanki. n. stick used to

set a net for catching animals.

ncwera Pl: ncwera. n. cobra.

ncwero Pl: ncwero. n. shortcut.

nda Pl: nda. n. 1 • stomach, abdomen,

belly; that front part of the body of an

animal containing intestines.

2 • pregnancy.

nda ku liino adj. Idiom. satiated.

ndabi ̱so Pl: ndabi ̱so. n. 1 • mirror;

shinny piece of glass that s.b. uses to

see his image. Syn: ndoorwamu.

2 • screen; large flat surface that films,

movies or pictures are shown on, or a

TV or computer screen.

ndabi ̱so giḵanyeetya rundi

giḵakeehya Pl: ndabi ̱so

ziḵanyeetya rundi ziḵakeehya.

n. lens.

ndagalika Pl: ndagalika. n. crumb,

fragment; very small piece of s.t. that

has fallen off a larger piece.

ndagali ̱ Pl: ndagali. ̱ n. rain; water that

falls from up the clouds.

ku̱gwa kwa ndagali ̱ v. rain.


ndagaanu Pl: ndagaanu. n.

agreement; understanding or a promise

that you make with s.b., esp. in written


ndagiiro Pl: ndagiiro. n. 1 • direction.

2 • map symbol.

3 • address.

ndala Pl: ndala. n. desert; dry area with

hard ground having soil that loses water

very fast.

ndaya Pl: ndaya. n. sharp arrow in the

form of a hook used for trapping fish

esp. Nile Perch.

ndaala Pl: ndaala. n. sleeping style;

how people lie or sleep.

ndaawe Pl: ndaawe. n. type of wind

that blows from the north that makes

waves that flow very closely with

reduced water volume.

ndeb̯uleb̯u Pl: ndeb̯uleb̯u. n. act of

desperation; the last point of survival.

ndege Pl: ndege. n. airplane, aeroplane,

plane; vehicle that flies in space, with

wings and one or more engines.

ndema n. style of ruling.

bya ndema n. politics.

ndemesa Pl: ndemesa. n. Bambara

nuts; food crop that is cooked fresh,

roasted, eaten as sauce and bears its

fruit underground.

ndengeeti̱ n. beautiful woman.

Syn: ndiile.

ndere n. the act of producing many

children one after another without

proper child spacing.

ndeere Pl: ndeere. n. flute; musical

instrument made of a thin wood like a

reed with a crack on one end where the

player blows across while touching the

side holes with his fingers.


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