Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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mu̱teekaniẕi̱ Pl: bateekaniẕi. ̱ n.

organiser; s.b. who is responsible for


mu̱teeku̱ Pl: bateeku̱. n. calm, serene,

mild, gentle, modest, humble person.

Syn: mu̱cu̱leeru̱, mwiṉyamu̱, mu̱holu̱,


mu̱tiḏa Pl: miṯiḏa. n. slingshot, catapult;

shooting device made out of a stick

shaped like a letter Y on which is

attached a rubber band used, esp. by

young children to shoot at birds.

mu̱ti ̱iṉi ̱ Pl: bati ̱iṉi. ̱ n. coward, fearful,

timid person; s.b. who does not have

courage t o do s.t. Syn: mu̱tiṯi̱iẕi̱, mwoba.

mu̱ti ̱iṉi ̱sya Var: mu̱ti ̱iṉi ̱siṟi ̱iṟya.

Pl: bati ̱iṉi ̱sya. n. extortionist; s.b. who

intimidates or threatens another person

so as to cause them do s.t. against their


mu̱ti ̱iṟa Pl: miṯi ̱iṟa. n. wild tree sp. that

does not grow very big, with thorns on

its branches that can be propagated from

stem cuttings, used esp. as fences

around kraals because it develops short

roots very fast.

mu̱ti ̱mbi ̱ Pl: bati ̱mbi. ̱ n. cook; s.b.

whose job is to cook food.

mu̱tiṉdo 1 Var: mu̱tiṉde. Pl: miṯiṉdo.

n. loud noise or vibration. Syn: muṟiṉdi̱,


mu̱tiṉdo 2 Pl: miṯiṉdo. n. level,

standard, fashion; particular quality or a

position in a scale of importance.

Syn: mu̱lembe, lulengu, idaara.

mu̱tiṉgaani ̱ Pl: batiṉgaani ̱. n.

girlfriend; girl or woman that s.b. is

having a romantic relationship with.

Syn: mukunzi.

mu̱tiṟo Pl: miṯiṟo. n. pestle; round

straight carved wood, about half a metre

long, used for pounding cassava or

groundnuts in a mortar.

mu̱tiṯi ̱iẕi̱ Pl: batiṯi ̱iẕi. ̱ n. timid person

who is extremely slow in doing things.

Syn: mu̱ti̱iṉi̱, mwoba.

mu̱tondi̱ Pl: batondi. ̱ n. discriminator;

unfair person. Syn: mu̱soroori̱,

waakatondo, waakasorooro.


mu̱tontoromi ̱ Pl: batontoromi. ̱ n.


mu̱tu̱mbu̱ku̱ Pl: batu̱mbu̱ku̱. n.

famous person. Syn: yeegebeerwe.

mu̱tu̱menge n. See main entry:


mu̱tu̱ndi ̱ Pl: batu̱ndi. ̱ n. seller.

mu̱tu̱ndi ̱ wa miḇazi̱ Pl: batu̱ndi ̱

ba miḇazi. ̱ n. chemist, pharmacist,

drug seller.

mu̱tu̱ngi ̱ Pl: batu̱ngi. ̱ n. rich, wealthy


mu̱tu̱ntu̱lu̱ Pl: miṯu̱ntu̱lu̱. n. shade,


mu̱tu̱ntu̱zi̱ Pl: batu̱ntu̱zi. ̱ n.


mu̱twe 1 Pl: miṯwe. n. 1 • head; part of

the body on top of the neck containing

the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and brain.

2 • prow; front part of a boat.

mu̱twe 2 Pl: miṯwe. n. theme, topic.

mu̱vu̱gi ̱ Pl: bavu̱gi. ̱ n. driver, rider.

mu̱vu̱gi ̱ wa ndege Pl: bavu̱gi ̱ ba

ndege. n. pilot.

mu̱woneeri ̱ Pl: bawoneeri. ̱ n.

1 • caretaker; s.b. who cares for s.b. or

s.t. and provides what they need for

their health or protection.

Syn: mu̱liṉgi̱iṟi̱, mu̱liṉdi̱, mukuza,


2 • monitor; s.b. who supervises by


mu̱woni̱ Pl: bawoni. ̱ n. witness; s.b.

who is seeing s.t. or s.b. who was

present when s.t. was happening.

Syn: mu̱kei̱so.

mu̱yambi ̱ Pl: bayambi ̱. From:

Luganda. n. helper; s.b. who gives

support to help s.b. solve a problem.

mu̱yembe Pl: mi ̱yembe. n. mango; big

domestic tree with large leaves, has fruit

that become yellow when ripe, and

whose flowers are very attractive to a

certain type of insect.


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