Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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mu̱bbe Pl: miḇbe. n. Taboo. penis; part

on the body of a male used for urinating

and sexual reproduction. Syn: ibbolo.

mu̱bbogobberi ̱ Pl: babbogobberi. ̱ n.

stammerer, stutterer; s.b. who speaks

with difficulty, repeating sounds or

words before saying the correct thing.

mu̱cakazi̱ Var: mu̱cakari. ̱ Pl: bacakazi ̱.

n. wanderer, vagrant, vagabond; s.b.

who moves here and there without a

purpose. Syn: mu̱hambaari̱,

mu̱mangamangi̱, mu̱paaraari̱,

mu̱taabaani̱, mwenjeeri̱, mu̱taaru̱u̱ki̱,


mu̱camu̱ku̱ Pl: bacamu̱ku̱. n. excited

person. Syn: muhyo, mu̱tagatu̱, nzanza.

mu̱cu̱leeru̱ Pl: bacu̱leeru̱. n. calm,

serene, mild, gentle, modest, humble

person. Syn: mwiṉyamu̱, mu̱holu̱,

mu̱teeku̱, mu̱tesi̱.

mu̱cu̱u̱kiṟi̱iṟya Pl: bacu̱u̱kiṟi ̱iṟya. n.

inciter, instigator, provoker; s.b. who

encourages s.b. to fight another person.

mu̱cweri ̱ Pl: bacweri. ̱ n. hunt leader;

s.b. who leads in following the foot

marks of an animal, who encircles it

where it is lying and then others come

later to spread the net around it.

mu̱di̱1 dem. in that place over there.

mu̱di̱2 Pl: badi. ̱ n. glutton; s.b. who eats

too much. Syn: ruhuura, icaku.

mu̱diḏi̱ Pl: badiḏi. ̱ n. best friend.

Syn: waamudido.

mu̱di̱i̱mi ̱ Pl: badi ̱i ̱mi. ̱ n. target shooter.

mu̱diṟi̱ Pl: miḏiṟi. ̱ n. granary; food

storage hut made of grass with a pole

running through it and fixed into the

ground used for storing food crops such

as bambara nuts, peas, etc. Syn: kigoga,

mutoogoolo, kideeru.

mu̱du̱u̱liṟi̱ Pl: badu̱u̱liṟi. ̱ n. poser; s.b.

who demeans others by showing off his

wealth so that others deeply feel their


mu̱du̱u̱miṟi̱ Pl: badu̱u̱miṟi. ̱ n. coach,

trainer; s.b. who trains a person, e.g., in

soccer, the army or s.b. who orders s.b.

to do s.t.


mu̱faakati ̱ Pl: bafaakati ̱. From:

Runyoro. n. widow; woman whose

husband has died and has not yet

married again. Syn: mu̱kaamuḵwere.

mu̱faali̱si̱ Pl: mi ̱faali ̱si ̱. n. mattress.

mu̱fu̱gi ̱ Pl: bafu̱gi. ̱ From: Luganda. n.

ruler, governor; s.b. who exercises

authority over others, and decides what

must be done. Syn: mu̱lemi̱.

mu̱fu̱mbo Pl: bafu̱mbo. n. married

person; s.b. who has a husband or wife.

mu̱fu̱mu̱ Pl: bafu̱mu̱. n. witchdoctor;

s.b. who predicts the future and heals

people using traditional medicine.

mu̱gabi ̱ Pl: bagabi. ̱ n. giver; s.b. who is

generous and not mean with what he


mu̱gadya Pl: bagadya. n. nuisance,

stubborn person; s.b. who interrupts the

peace, irritates, or who confuses.

Syn: mu̱taliḇaniẕi̱, mu̱hu̱gu̱tani̱a,


mu̱gai ̱ga Pl: bagai ̱ga. From: Luganda.

n. rich person; s.b. having a lot of

money or property. Syn: waasente,

waabye, mu̱gu̱uḏa, mu̱hwe, mu̱tu̱ngi̱,


mu̱geni̱ Pl: bageni. ̱ n. father-in-law.

mu̱genyi̱ Pl: bagenyi. ̱ n. guest, visitor;

s.b. who goes to see another place or

person for a short period of time.

Syn: mu̱syandi̱.

mu̱gere Pl: mi ̱gere. n. kick.

mu̱gereki̱ Pl: bagereki. ̱ n. tax assessor;

s.b. who levies money from a tax payer

after assessing his wealth.

mu̱gezi̱ Var: waamagezi. ̱ Pl: bagezi. ̱ n.

intelligent, bright, wise person; s.b. who

does or says things that are sensible.

mu̱gi ̱ Pl: mi ̱gi. ̱ n. homestead; many

houses at home.

waakwamu̱gi ̱ Pl: baakwamu̱gi.


n. family member. Syn: mwiju.

mu̱giṉgi̱iṟi̱ Pl: bagiṉgi ̱iṟi. ̱ n. evaluator.

mu̱gi ̱sa Pl: mi ̱gi ̱sa. n. chance, luck,

blessing, good fortune; state of s.t. good

happening without expecting it or

working for it. Syn: nkya.


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