Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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muhendu gunene

muhendu gunene Var: muhendu

gwa hakyendi. ̱ Pl: mihendu

minene. n. expensive price.

muhendu gwa bantu n.


kutemba kwa mihendu n.

inflation; increase of prices.

muhini Pl: mihini. n. handle; piece of

wood or metal onto which is fixed a

metal hoe or an axe head.

muhito Pl: mihito. n. sorrow, grief;

feeling of great sadness because s.t.

very bad has happened. Syn: nganye.

muhiigo n. See main entry: mu̱hi ̱i ̱gi ̱.

muhololo Pl: mihololo. n. 1 • s.t.


2 • calm place.

3 • quiet home without people and noise.

muhondera n. See main entry:



muhoole Pl: bahoole. n. disobedient,

unsubmissive person; s.b. who does not

follow orders or does not obey laws,

esp. children who don’t listen to elders.

Syn: ntahuura, waakyejo, muzub̯u,


muhooza Pl: bahooza. n. market

master; s.b. who collects money from

those who are selling in the market.

muhuma Pl: bahuma. n. herdsman; s.b.

whose work is grazing or looking after

cattle. Syn: mu̱li̱i̱sya.

muhunda Pl: mihunda. n. spear tail;

round metallic bottom part of a spear

that has a pointed end.

muhuta Pl: bahuta. n. hurt person; s.b.

who is injured.

muhuuru Pl: bahuuru. n. 1 • bachelor;

a man who has no wife.

2 • weakling, feeble person; s.b. who is

not physically strong. Syn: njwahe,

mpolongoni ̱e, muceke.

muhyaka Pl: bahyaka. n. stranger; s.b.

whom you do not know, or s.b. who is

in a place that he has not been in before.

muhyo Pl: bahyo. n. 1 • excited person.

Syn: mu̱camu̱ku̱, mu̱tagatu̱, nzanza.

2 • active person; s.b. who is lively and

full of ideas.


mujungu Pl: bajungu. n. white person

born in America, England or another

country outside Africa.

mukadei Pl: bakadei. n. ancestor; s.b.

who has died of a previous generation.

mukagu Pl: mikagu. n. friendship;

relationship between friends.

mukagu gwa ku nda

Var: mukagu gwa ku lula.

Pl: mikagu mya ku nda. n. blood

oath; relationship made by two

people making incisions on their

umbilical cord scars and each of

them eating a coffee berry smeared

with blood of the other.

mu̱nywe wa mukagu

Pl: banywe ba mukagu. n. close

friend to a family or a clan;

trustworthy person that a family or

clan approaches for aid, who gives

them advice and who responds to a

problem when sent for.

mukaka Pl: mikaka. n. cane; stem of a

plant like maize or sorghum with sweet

juice that is chewed while raw.

mukalu 1 Pl: mikalu. n. dried meat.

mukalu 2 Pl: nkalu. n. pile of firewood

stored for future use.

mukama Pl: bakama. n. king; male

ruler who has the authority of

leadership due to ancestry.

mukama wa mu̱kori̱

Pl: bakama ba bakori ̱. n. boss,

owner; s.b. responsible for paying

s.b. for work done. Syn: mu̱handu̱.

mukama ki ̱iṯa Pl: bakama ki ̱iṯa.

n. owner.

mukamakyo Pl: bakamakyo. n.

1 • instigator, initiator; s.b. who

starts s.t. Syn: mu̱tandiḵi̱,


2 • owner.

mukamu Pl: mikamu. n. cream; thick

fatty substance that rises to the top of


mukanaga Pl: mikanaga. n. wild tree

sp. with a red colour, that has small

hard brittle leaves that remain stuck on

the hand when you touch it.


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