Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kukora mudeeli

kukora mudeeli v. make

fashionable, e.g., by sewing a

fashionable garment, wearing

clothes in a fashionable way, make

hair fashion, etc.

mudido Pl: midido. n. friendly

relationship; when s.b. is good strong

friends with another.

waamudido Pl: baamudido. n.

best friend. Syn: mu̱diḏi̱.

mudoma Pl: badoma. n. dunce, fool;

dense, stupid, dull person who does or

says things without sense. Syn: madara,

mwicate, mbuda, mu̱pu̱u̱ti̱.

mudulu Pl: badulu. n. man; adult

person who is not a woman.

mufeerwa 1 Pl: bafeerwa. n. bereaved

person; s.b. who has lost a relative, esp.

a man whose wife is dead and who has

not remarried.

mufeerwa 2 Pl: bafeerwa. n. impotent

man who is unable to achieve an

erection. Syn: woro, mub̯urwa.

mufuko Pl: mifuko. n. 1 • quiver.

2 • sheath; protective covering that

hunters use to keep knives.

mufunga Pl: mifunga. n. traditional

underwear; piece of clothing for women

that old women mostly sew by hand

using a needle and into which they put a

thin piece of cloth or an elastic material

around the waist.

mufura Pl: bafura. n. dignitary.

mugab̯u Pl: migab̯u. n. 1 • share; any of

the units of equal value that are divided

between two or more people esp. in a

group, organization or company.

2 • inheritance; share of property that

s.b. gets after their parent’s death.

mugami ̱ Pl: bagami. ̱ n. defender,

solider. Syn: waamahe.

muganda 1 Pl: miganda. n. bundle.

Muganda 2 n. See main entry: Baganda.

muganiro Pl: miganiro. n. first


mugare Pl: bagare. From: Runyoro. n.

lazy person; s.b. who does not have the

effort and interest to do work.

Syn: mwolo.


mugasu Pl: migasu. n. usefulness,

value; function of s.t.

mugaza Pl: migaza. n. fishing trap that

is woven like a basket with the shape of

a cone.

mugaali Pl: migaali. n. tropical

hardwood tree sp.

mugaasi Pl: migaasi. n. meat that is

thinly cut lengthwise with a somewhat

bigger layer and smoked.

mugaati Pl: migaati. n. bread; type of

food made from wheat, water and yeast.

mugele Pl: bagele. n. handsome man.

mugenge Pl: bagenge. From:

Runyoro. n. leper; s.b. suffering from

leprosy, an infectious disease that

causes painful white areas on the skin

and can destroy nerves and flesh.

Syn: waabihaga.

mugimba 1 Pl: bagimba. n. rain maker.

mugimba 2 Pl: migimba. n. bunch; fruit

that a banana bears on which are

numerous smaller hands stuck together,

each hand consisting of 12-20 fingers.

mugira Pl: migira. n. river, stream;

water that flows in a winding path for a

long distance ending in another water

body such as a lake.

mugira hagugwerera Pl: migira

hamigwerera. n. estuary, delta;

place where a river joins another

water body, e.g., a lake.

mugogo Pl: migogo. n. pair of shoes;

two shoes of the same type that are

worn together.

mugole Pl: bagole. n. newlywed; s.b.

who has just been married.


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