Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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Pl: bamparamukyenu. n. shameless

person; s.b. who does not feel any

shame, who does not care or listen to

what others think. Syn: muẖwe wa


mparani ̱ Pl: mparani ̱. n. conflict;

disagreement or hatred between or

among people, countries, etc.

mparaaki Pl: mparaaki. n. Kobus kob.

Uganda kob; wild animal with the white

under parts, a black tail and curved

horns like a letter ‘S’.

mpasa Pl: mpasa. n. axe; tool with a

heavy metal blade in which is fixed a

wooden handle that is used for splitting

wood, cutting trees, etc.

mpaa Pl: bampaa. n. paternal aunt;

father’s sister.

mpaaku Pl: mpaaku. n. petty name;

one of a set of twelve secondary names

given to s.b.

mpaaya Pl: mpaaya. n. male goat old

enough to fertilise.

mpehu Pl: mpehu. n. 1 • wind; air

moving that blows in space.

2 • vacuum.

mpekenyu̱ Pl: mpekenyu̱. n. cartilage;

strong white flexible substance found

between the joints in the body.

mperemi ̱ Pl: mperemi. ̱ n. bridesmaid,

best man; girl or a boy who takes care

of a bride or a bride-groom on his or her

wedding day.

mperu Pl: mperu. n. end of time, esp.

the end of life on earth after death.

mpeta Pl: mpeta. n. Syncerus caffer.

Cape buffalo; wild grass eating animal

resembling a cow but bigger and with

larger horns usually with a black skin.

mpiri gya lukoma

mpihi Pl: mpihi. n. belch, burp; gas with

a bad odour that s.b. regurgitates due to

excessive ingestion of food.

kukuuta mpihi v. Idiom. burp;

regurgitate out gas with a bad odour

as a result of eating excessively.

mpinduka Var: mpinduka-hinduka.

Pl: mpinduka. n. change, alteration;

situation that makes s.t. different.

mpinduluze Pl: mpinduluze. n. s.t.

that is inside out, e.g., a shirt worn with

the inside part facing outside.

mpiri Pl: mpiri. n. snake; thin long

animal that crawls on its belly, sheds its

skin and lays eggs.

mpiri ginteme interj. Idiom. ‘I

swear’, used when making a serious

promise to do s.t. showing intention

and a promise of telling the truth.

mpiri gya mu kitabbu

Pl: mpiri za mu kitabbu. n.

Metaphor. hypocrite; betrayer.

mpiri gya kisubi kyomu

Pl: mpiri za kisubi kyomu. n.

Psammophylax tritaeniatus.

Stripped skaapsteker; small pale

brown docile snake, with fairly

strong venom and with the teeth not

designed for tearing or chewing but

of catching s.t. so that it swallows.

mpiri gya lukoma Pl: mpiri za

lukoma. n. Dendroaspis

angusticeps. Green mamba; slender

green snake with large eyes,

undersides yellowish and rarely

bites except for self defence.


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