Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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mirembe From: Luganda. n. peace;

situation in which there is no war or

violence, where there is calm and a state

of living in friendship with others.

Syn: b̯u̱siṉge.

interj. ‘peace’; a greeting.

mitarabanda Sg: mutarabanda. n.

wooden sandals; type of sandals used in

the past that were made out of wood.

mitwaru gabiri num. two hundred


mitwaru ganei num. four hundred


mitwaru gasatu num. three hundred


mitwaru gataanu num. five hundred


mitwaru iḵu̱mi ̱ Var: mitwaru

kasiṟi ̱iṟa. num. one hundred thousand.

mitwaru kinaanei num. eight hundred


mitwaru kyenda num. nine hundred


mitwaru nkaaga num. six hundred


mitwaru nsanju num. seven hundred


miḏi̱ dem. those ones over there.

miḻyoni̱ From: English. num. one million.

Syn: kakeikuru.

mi ̱myo dem. those ones.

mi ̱siṉde n. See main entry: mu̱siṉde.

miṯa Pl: miṯa. From: English. n. metre;

measurement of length.

mmaka Pl: mmaka. n. silt-laden water

brought by the Nile river into lake

Albert at the Nile delta.

mmaliira Pl: mmaliira. n. 1 • end,

finish, destination; end point of s.t.

Syn: nkangu.

2 • brief statement that presents the main

points in a concise form.

mmaliira gya sabbi ̱iṯi ̱

Pl: mmaliira za sabbi ̱iṯi. ̱ n.


mmasi ̱ Pl: mmasi ̱. n. small fish sp. with

very small scales, a short mouth, and a

very thin tail fin.


mmese Pl: mmese. n. rat; small wild

animal that gnaws, that likes staying in

houses destroying food.

mmee interj. Idiophone. cry of a goat.

mmo interj. See main entry: bbu̱u̱wa.

mmunda Pl: mmunda. n. calmness;

state of the lake being calm.

motoka Pl: mamotoka. From: English.

n. motorcar, truck; road vehicle, driven

by an engine with at least four wheels

that is driven using a steering wheel to

control the direction.

mpaka 1 Pl: mpaka. n. 1 • argument,

quarrel; discussion in which two or

more people angrily disagree.

Syn: nkaayane.

2 • competition; event in which people

compete with each other to find out who

is the best at s.t.

kubamba mpaka Var: kukuuta

mpaka; kureega mpaka; kwomera

mpaka; kuteera mpaka. v. Idiom.

argue; exchange words with s.b.

with each disagreeing to what the

other is saying.

wampaka Pl: bampaka. n.

argumentative person; s.b. who

stubbornly protests even the truth.

mpaka 2 adv. until. Syn: kuḏoosya,


mpali̱ Pl: mpali ̱. n. 1 • trousers, shorts,

pants; garment for men that is worn on

the lower parts of the body either long

or short.

2 • women’s pants.

mpalu Pl: mpalu. n. javelin; long thin

stick that is thrown at s.t. or s.b.

mpampu Pl: mpampu. n. handclap.

mpanda Pl: mpanda. n. growth; way in

which s.t. grows.

mpandiika Pl: mpandiika. n. writing.

mpanga Pl: mpanga. n. rooster, cock;

male chicken that crows. Syn: kokolooki̱.


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