Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kwonkya v. suckle, breastfeed; feed

an infant breast milk or for an

animal to suckle its young.

kwonu Var: kwono. dem. towards this

very place.

kwonza v. check through nets that are

spread in water in order to remove any

caught fish.

kworoba v. 1 • be soft. Syn: kuheheera,

kuteketeera, kuhudekeera.

2 • Metaphor. be calm, serene.

3 • Metaphor. be obedient. Syn: kugonda.

kworobya v. 1 • Metaphor. simplify,


2 • Metaphor. pacify; make calm.

kworobera v. Metaphor. abide by,

submit; listen and follow what is

accepted and right behaviour, e.g.,

what elders or the law says.

Syn: kugondera.

kworoora v. tame, rear; feed and care

for domestic animals.

Syn: ku̱manyiṟi̱iṟya.

kworu̱kworu̱ interj. Idiophone. croak;

crying of a toad or a frog.

kwosa v. be absent; not be where you are


kwosoosa v. be irregular; once in a

while, not every day.

kwota v. bask; warm yourself.

kwozoha v. 1 • be heavy.

2 • be pregnant.

kya adv. of.

kya kulindiraho n. See main entry:


kya kunywa n. See main entry:


kya kusandaara n. See main entry:


kya kuwoneraho v. See main entry:


kya ku̱sekesya v. See main entry:


kya ku̱zeenya v. See main entry:


kya kwiṟamu n. See main entry:


kya kwiṟu̱ki ̱iṟa v. See main entry:



kyabensei ̱ adj. public, common, usual;

s.t. used by many people in the area.

kyabiribiri adj. 1 • pure; s.t. into which

nothing is mixed.

2 • exact, sure, accurate; correct in every

detail. Syn: kyonyiṉi̱.

3 • real.

kyabyo pro. their, theirs.

kyab̯u pro. their, theirs.

kyab̯uhangwa adj. natural.

kyab̯ulikiro Pl: byab̯ulikiro. n. daily

event; s.t. that occurs every day.

adv. usual, common, normal, universal,

general; s.t. that is not new to people.

kyab̯uruzo v. See main entry:


kyab̯usa adj. 1 • useless; s.t. that is of no


2 • free, unpaid; s.t. not paid for.

kyab̯wo pro. their, theirs.

Kyabbaraza adv. Monday; day between

Sunday and Tuesday.

kyafaayo Pl: byafaayo. n. history.

kyago pro. their, theirs.

kyagwo pro. its.

kyagyo pro. its.

kyahakati ̱ adv. See main entry: hakati ̱.

kyahakyendi ̱1 adj. important; of great

value. Syn: kyakiṯi̱iṉi̱sa, kyamuhendu.

kyahakyendi ̱2 adj. overhead.

kyahi pro. nothing, none.

waahiho Pl: baahiho. n. absent

person; s.b. who is missing.

kyahimu Var: kyahimwo;

kyahimwona. adv. 1 • not in; not there.

2 • untrue; s.t. totally not right.

3 • negative.

4 • in vain.

waahimu Pl: baahimu. n. stupid

person; s.b. who does not meet the

required standards or is of low

economic and social standard.

kyahu̱kanu̱ adj. special, different,

separate; s.t. that is unique among

others. Syn: kyambaganiza, kitongoole.

kyahu̱ku̱ adj. loose; not firmly tied or

fixed and therefore able to become

separated from s.t. Syn: kijegejege.

kyaiho adv. never.


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