Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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2 • Metaphor. be calm.

3 • Metaphor. be quiet. Syn: kuhola,


kwiṉyamya v. 1 • cool s.t.

Syn: ku̱holya.

2 • refrigerate.

3 • make s.t. wet.

4 • dilute; reduce the bitterness or

sweetness of s.t.

5 • Metaphor. make s.t. be quiet.

Syn: ku̱holya, kwetiḵereerya.

kwinyamiriirwa v. form dew on


kwiragura v. become black in colour or


kwiṟagu̱u̱rya v. 1 • dirty, soil; make

s.t. become unclean.

2 • dye black; change the colour of

s.t. to black.

kwisana Var: kwisansana;

kwisaneisana. v. 1 • be alike; resemble,

be the same as. Syn: kub̯uusana,


2 • overlap.

kwi ̱sansani ̱a v. match; think or

make s.t. look the same or very

similar to another.

kwi ̱saniṟi̱iṟya v. compare; try to

think or make s.t. look the same or

very similar to another. Syn: ku̱pi̱ma,


kwizula v. 1 • become full; reach the


2 • flow back to the shore when tide is

in; for a liquid to flow into or fill its

normal area.

kwiẕu̱u̱lya v. fill to the brim.

kwiḇa v. steal, plunder; take s.t. without

permission and without the intention to

return it or pay for it.

kwiḇ̯wa v. be stolen.

kwiḇ̯wa b̯ulo v. See main entry: b̯ulo.

kwi ̱calyaho v. See main entry: kwicala.

kwi ̱cya v. place; put s.t. somewhere.

Syn: kuta.

kwiẖa v. 1 • thin; uproot some plants so

that they give the rest space.

kwiṟiṟi ̱iṟya

2 • harvest; remove crops, e.g.,

groundnuts from the garden after

maturing. Syn: ku̱ku̱puḻa.

kwiẖa meino v. remove teeth from

the mouth.

kwiẖu̱ka v. be uprooted, dislodged;

removal of s.t. from where it has

been firm. Syn: ku̱ku̱pu̱ka.

kwi ̱janjani̱a Var: kwi ̱jajanjani ̱a. v. See

main entry: kwijanjana.

kwiḵiṟiẕi̱sya v. See main entry:


kwi ̱ma v. be mean, stingy; refuse to give

to others what you have.

kwi ̱mwa v. be refused; not to be

given s.t. that you have asked or that

you want.

kwiṉgi ̱iṟya v. See main entry: kwingira.

kwiṉi ̱iṉi ̱ Pl: kwiṉi ̱iṉi. ̱ From: English.

n. quinine.

kwiṉu̱ka v. stop, knock off work; leave

your job in the afternoon or in the


kwiṉu̱la v. make s.b. knock off


kwiṉyamya v. See main entry:


kwiṟa v. return; come back from where

you had gone.

kwiṟamwo v. resume.

kwiṟamwo b̯untu v. Metaphor.

change behaviour; improve your

ways before others.

kwiṟagu̱u̱rya v. See main entry:


kwiṟaho v. be next, follow; come

straight after s.t. or s.b. in time,

sequence, or space. Syn: kuhondera.

kwiṟamu v. reply, respond, answer,

repeat; say or write in order to tell s.b.

about what he has asked.

kwiṟamu bigezu Var: kukora

bigezu. v. answer in a test.

kwiṟeiṟamwo v. be recurring,


kwiṟiṟi̱iṟya 1 v. degrade, undermine,

demean s.b. as if he has no value, so

that he loses respect before others.

Syn: kusensegula, kuhedula.


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