Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kwesamiira v. 1 • be amazed.

2 • watch intently.

kwesana v. act in a strange, usually

socially unacceptable, manner.

kwesansala v. 1 • riot; behave in a

violent way in a public place, esp. as a

protest. Syn: kwekalakaasa, kwolokya


2 • go on strike; stop work in order to

press demands. Syn: kwekalakaasa.

kwesegu̱li̱iṟya v. See main entry:

ku̱segu̱li ̱iṟya.

kwesegya v. move forward or

backwards from where you were.

kwesegereerya v. draw near; move

close to s.t. Syn: kudwereera,



Var: kwesegereeryangana. v. draw

near s.b.; move near each other.

kweseku̱la v. have the hiccups.

kwesemeerya Var: kwesemeza. v.

adorn yourself; take care of yourself so

that you appear well.

kwesenga v. See main entry: kusenga.

kwesengereerya Var: kwesengereza.

From: Runyoro. v. plead, request; ask

for forgiveness or to intervene into

s.b.’s affairs.

kwesiga v. trust, depend; believe in s.b.

due to his sincerity.

kwesigwa v. be trusted, credible.

kwesika 1 v. See main entry: kusika.

kwesika 2 v. walk gently; to walk gently

while you are very smartly dressed.

kwesikiira v. See main entry: kusikiira.

kwesimba 1 v. contest, compete; take

part in a competition, election, etc. and

try to win it.

kwesimbamu v. hinder, oppose;

make it difficult for s.b. to do s.t. or

s.t. to happen. Syn: kwekiikamu.

kwesimba 2 v. be upright, vertical.

kwesita-sita v. be ambiguous, evasive,

vague; beat around the bush on what

you want or what you are going to do.

kwesiihuula v. do s.t. but in a lazy,

slow manner.

kwesi ̱i̱ga v. See main entry: ku̱si ̱i ̱ga.


kwesiṉsiṉi ̱a v. be picky.

kwesi ̱si̱gani ̱a v. do s.t. and feel

unwilling or reluctant about doing it or

refuse to do it because you feel s.b. else

should do it.

kwesobora v. be self-reliant, selfsufficient,


Syn: kwezemereeryaho, kwemala.

kwesobooraho v. See main entry:


kwesogoba v. tuck in; put the end of a

shirt or a blouse into a pair of trousers,

shorts or a skirt in order to appear


kwesoroora v. See main entry:


kwesorooza v. See main entry:


kwesukusa v. wash the face, esp. after


kwesunga v. hesitate; feel unwilling or

reluctant about doing s.t. or refuse to do

it because you feel s.b. should first

plead with you for you to do it.

kwesu̱bbamu v. See main entry:


kwesu̱ma v. See main entry: ku̱su̱ma.

kwesu̱u̱ta v. See main entry: ku̱su̱uṯa.

kwesyamu̱la v. sneeze; release out air

through the nose and the mouth

suddenly and noisily, esp. due to a

runny nose.

kwesyani ̱a v. See main entry: ku̱syani ̱a.

kwesyeta v. See main entry: ku̱syeta.

kwesyola-syola v. disguise your

intentions, be evasive, vague,

ambiguous, not be straight forward.

kwesyomeera v. regain strength.

Syn: kwemiima.

kweta v. 1 • call, summon; use a loud

voice to inform s.b. far away so that he

pays attention, comes or waits.

Syn: kulalika.

2 • invite; inform s.b. so that he can

come to an activity.

3 • name a person.

kwetwa v. be called, invited; receive

a message that you are wanted to go

some where else.


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