Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kwekoora Var: kwekoresya. v. be selfemployed;

work for yourself, not being

employed by s.b., an organisation, etc.

kwekunuka v. refuse; reject s.t. that

ends up causing self hatred or self

neglect, e.g., refusal to participate in

activities with others can make s.b.

isolated, causing loneliness. Syn: ku̱giṟa,

kugaana, kuẖyema, kuṟyega, kusuula.

kwekuutira v. fall accidentally; move

from up to suddenly fall down.

Syn: kwehuulira, kweroopira.

kweku̱lu̱ngu̱la v. flop down; fall

loosely, suddenly and abruptly.

Syn: ku̱gwa rwo.

Kweku̱mya n. name of a person.

kweku̱nya 1 v. See main entry: kuḵuṉya.

kweku̱nya 2 v. Metaphor. be uneasy; be

not free among people.

kweku̱u̱nyu̱ka v. See main entry:


kweku̱u̱ru̱u̱mya v. 1 • mumble,

mutter, murmur; speak what is not clear

in a low voice.

Syn: kwenghu̱ru̱nghu̱u̱tya.

2 • grumble, complain about s.t., without

saying publicly what you think.

kwekwakura v. scratch; rub your skin

with the fingernails, usually because it

is itching.

kwekwata 1 v. choose to be a friend to

s.b. or appeal to s.b. for a favour.

kwekwata 2 v. gel, congeal, clot, set,

freeze, solidify; change from liquid state

into solid state. Syn: kukama.

kwekwatya Var: kwekwatiṟi ̱iṟya. v.

make a false excuse.

kwekwotola Var: kwelwotola. v. sneak

out, slip away; escape silently.

kwekyetya v. brush; come into contact

with s.t., esp. while bypassing.

kwelaalikiira v. be worried, upset,

stressed; not have a settled mind due to

fear, death of your relatives, etc.

n. stress, worry; emotional tension,


kwelaaliḵiṟi̱iṟya v. cause s.b.


kwelekesya v. See main entry: kuleka.


kweli ̱ga v. See main entry: ku̱li ̱ga.

kweli ̱gi ̱ji̱iṟa v. become excited, lust,

crave; have extreme desire for s.t. that

you do not yet know whether you will


kweliṟya-liṟya v. See main entry:


kwelogoolya Var: kwelongoleerya. v.

See main entry: kuḻogoolya.

kwelwanaho v. See main entry:


kwelwotola v. See main entry:


kwelyoba v. See main entry: kuḻyoba.

kwema 1 v. become calm; when wind

stops blowing.

kwema 2 v. conceive; act of an animal

becoming pregnant.

kwemala v. be self-sufficient,

independent; have everything that you

need. Syn: kwezemereeryaho,


kwemala kintu v. monopolise.

kwemaliira Var: kwemaaliira. v.

1 • be selfish, individualistic; work

alone due to not liking to co-operate

with people.

2 • be stingy; so that s.b. does not

use his things with other people.

kwemala-mala v. suffer from shame.

kumalwa maani v. be


kwemalayo v. brag, boast; talk too

proudly about s.t. you own or s.t. you

have done.

kwemba v. mine; dig a hole or a pit in

the ground. Syn: kulima ki̱iṉa, kutema


kwezemba v. become dug; develop

a series of holes or to reduce the

layer at the bottom.

kwembemba v. provoke, harass; say or

do s.t. that you know will annoy s.b. or

hurt their feelings so that they react in

an angry way. Syn: kwendereerya,

ku̱sodokani̱a, ku̱toolyaho, kutakula,


kwemera 1 v. pay bail; give money so

that an accused person is allowed to


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