Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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3 • untangle; undo string, hair, wire, etc.

that has become twisted or has knots in

it. Syn: kwahuura, kwanzuura,

ku̱niẖiṟi̱iṟya, ku̱teesu̱liẕa.

kwahulwa v. be released from

where you were tied or imprisoned.

kwezahuura v. untie yourself,

release yourself.

kwezahula Var: kwezahu̱kani ̱a. v.

disassociate, isolate yourself; be

disunited so as to not work together

with others. Syn: kwenoba,

kugungumara, kwesoroora,

kwebagaani̱a, kwahukana,

kwetongoola, kwenuga, kwesalaho,


kwahuura v. 1 • untangle, undo s.t.

tangled. Syn: kwahula, kwanzuura,

ku̱niẖiṟi̱iṟya, ku̱teesu̱liẕa.

2 • unlock; open a padlock.

Syn: kufunguura, kukingula.

kwahya v. flush an animal out of hiding;

disturb an animal so that it suddenly

comes out and then gets caught in a trap

or is speared.

kwaka v. 1 • burn; produce flames and


2 • shine.

kwakala Var: kwakaalya. v. 1 • pass,

bypass; overtake s.t. and be in front.

Syn: kurabaho.

2 • go beyond.

kwakalasani ̱a v. overdo, obsess;

exceed what s.t. should be.

kwako pro. their, theirs.

kwakwo pro. its.

kwakya v. 1 • blossom; for a plant to

produce flowers.

2 • ignite, kindle, blow fire so that it

brings flames. Syn: kuhemba.

kwakyendi ̱ Var: hakyendi. ̱ adv. up, on

top, above, high up, upwards; not at a

lower position.

kwakyo pro. its.

kwala 1 v. make a bed.

kwala 2 v. swim; move through water in a

horizontal position using the arms and



kwala 3 v. open; make s.t. not closed or

fastened so that things can easily come

out or be put in. Syn: kutega, kub̯uula.

kwaluka v. shout loudly, scream;

produce a high sound due to fear, anger

or excitement. Syn: kwomba, kutoka.

kwalwo pro. its.

kwalyo pro. its.

kwama v. condemn; express very strong

disapproval of s.t. being done, usually

for moral reasons. Syn: kuẖonereerya,

kujumiira, kurumiriza, kutokeera,

kubyokeera, ku̱siṉgi̱sya musangu.

kwambiri n. genitals; private part of the


kwambuka v. cross water; move from

one side of a water body such as a lake,

river or swamp to the other side.

kwamira v. 1 • rebuke, scold; use a loud

and an angry voice to tell s.b. s.t. or in

order to chase away s.t.

2 • yell; shout at s.b. to use a loud voice

in order to scare.

kwami ̱iṟya v. lead a song in singing.

kwamu Var: kwo. pro. your, yours.

kwamuka v. stop raining.

kwamu̱gi ̱ n. home; house where s.b.

lives with his family.

kwamwange n. home; place that you

call home, i.e., ‘my home’.

kwamwe Var: kwe. pro. his, her, hers.

kwamyo pro. their, theirs.

kwana v. bear fruit.

kwandaara v. wander; walk slowly here

and there without any particular sense

of purpose or direction esp. due to

idleness. Syn: kwenjeera, kuhama-hama,

kumanga-manga, kupaaraara,

kutaabaana, kutaaruuka, kuzengeera,


kwangana From: Runyoro. v. get

divorced, separate; end a marriage

relationship. Syn: kwahukana, kwiṯa

nyu̱mba, kwiṯa maka.

kwange Var: kwei ̱. pro. my, mine.

kwanguha v. hurry, hasten; move very

fast with slightly longer strides than



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