Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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ku̱si̱i̱mu̱u̱ra v. mop, wipe, sponge; use

a piece of cloth to remove dust or water

from the floor, table, etc.

ku̱siḵiṯiṟi̱iṟya v. condemn; state

strongly and frankly that s.b. truly

committed some wrong.

ku̱si̱mbu̱ra v. depart; leave a place, esp.

to start a trip. Syn: kusetuka, ku̱byokya.

ku̱siṉdu̱ka Var: ku̱siṉdiḵa. v. 1 • push,

thrust; use your hands or body in order

to make s.t. move forward or a way

from you.

2 • send; order s.b. to go somewhere or

to take s.t. somewhere for you.


Var: ku̱siṉdiḵiṟi ̱iṟya. v. keep on

pushing s.t.

ku̱siṉdu̱ka nkwi ̱ Var: ku̱siṉdiḵa

nkwi. ̱ v. stoke a fire; push burning

wood further into a fire to enable

flames to become bigger.

Syn: kucooka-cooka mworo,

kukuuma-kuuma mworo.

ku̱siṉga v. beat, win; conquer against s.b.

in a war, competition, sports etc.

ku̱siṉgwa v. be won.

kwikiriza ku̱siṉgwa v. surrender;

admit defeat.

ku̱siṉgu̱ra v. succeed, overcome;

achieve s.t. you have been working

for a long period.

ku̱siṉgu̱rwa v. lose; be defeated in

s.t. such as a game, competition,

fight etc.

ku̱siṉgi ̱sya musangu v. convict,

condemn; find guilty. Syn: kwama,

kujumiira, kurumiriza, kutokeera,


ku̱siṟaani̱a v. See main entry: kusiraana.

ku̱siṟi̱mu̱ra v. 1 • lower; make s.t. come

to a lower position.

2 • Metaphor. demote; remove s.b. from a

higher position to a lower position on

the job. Syn: kwiṟya hansi.

ku̱siṟi̱mu̱ka v. descend; move from

up a slope and come down.

ku̱si̱si̱mu̱ka v. wake; stop sleeping.

Syn: kubyoka.


ku̱si̱si̱mu̱la v. wake s.b. up from

sleep. Syn: kuḇyokya.

ku̱siṯu̱ka v. start to move, begin moving.

ku̱sobya v. See main entry: kusoba.

ku̱sodokani̱a v. provoke; say or do s.t.

that you know will annoy s.b. so that

they react in an angry way.

Syn: kwagaaga, kwendereerya,

ku̱toolyaho, kutakula, kwembemba.

ku̱sokola v. dig extremely deep in order

to completely uproot a plant.

ku̱soloolya v. collect condolence items;

traditional ritual of gathering items from

the clansmen at the end of the funeral.

ku̱songoli̱ma v. peep, look at s.t.

quickly and secretly, not straight on.

ku̱songoroorya Var: ku̱songoolya. v.

sharpen; make the edge or point of s.t.

finer, esp. of s.t. that can cut or make a

hole in s.t. Syn: kuẖyolya, kwobohya,

ku̱si̱iẖya, kuteekera.

ku̱sonsa v. joke, mock, tease, redicule;

make fun of s.b. Syn: ku̱domya, ku̱jooga,

ku̱sekereerya, kucookooza.

ku̱sorongya v. make a list or put a

series of things in their proper sequence.

Syn: kutonda.

ku̱sookoosya v. insert; put s.t. e.g., a

piece of stick into s.t. e.g., a narrow

hole to search for or cause s.t. to come


ku̱su̱bba v. put into; use your hands, etc.

to push things into s.t. e.g. pushing

things into a bag. Syn: kusomoka.

kwesu̱bbamu v. 1 • Metaphor.

meddle, pry, nose in; become

involved in s.t. that does not

concern you. Syn: kwebbwogiṟamu,

kwekiikamu, kwekaakyamu.

2 • Metaphor. force yourself into s.t.

that is not your business.

Syn: kwemigamu, kwejungamu,


ku̱su̱la v. bat; push or hit with s.t. e.g., a

piece of wood so that what is hit moves.

ku̱su̱ma v. bring nearer, extend closer;

bring s.t. closer or slightly push s.t.

kwesu̱ma v. move yourself towards

or backwards from s.t.


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