Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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ku̱leehya Var: ku̱leiẖya. v.

elongate; make s.t. become longer

or taller.

ku̱liḇba v. See main entry: kuḏiḇa.

ku̱li̱ga v. decorate; paint or draw a

picture on s.t. in order to make it look


kweli ̱ga v. 1 • adorn, decorate

yourself; paint the lips, nails,

eyebrows, etc.

2 • tattoo; make permanent marks on

your skin by making small holes

with a needle.

ku̱li̱giṯa v. perform a type of traditional

dance while foot-stamping loudly.

ku̱liẖa v. pay a fine as a punishment for

breaking a law.

ku̱liẖi ̱sya v. make s.b. pay money or

s.t. as a punishment for breaking a


ku̱li̱i̱sya v. graze, herd; take care of

animals eating in range land.

ku̱li̱maalya v. See main entry: kulimala.

ku̱liṉgani ̱a v. examine, analyse; look

closely at.

ku̱liṉgiẕa v. roll up; make s.t. into the

shape of a ball or tube.

ku̱liṯu̱ka v. set off quickly; start running

with a very high speed.

ku̱lo Pl: maku̱lo. n. Malacochersus

tornieri. tortoise, animal with a shell on

its body that lives on land, and pulls the

head, feet and tail into its shell when it

senses danger.

ku̱lobya v. hook, tie; put or fasten s.t.

around s.t. else, esp. a hook tied with a

knot so that you can catch, hold or

move it.

ku̱logoiẕana Var: kuḻogozona. v. talk

gibberish; utter words that have no

meaning or are impossible to

understand while you are asleep or as a

result of being possessed by spirits, or

due to insanity or epilepsy.

ku̱logoolya Var: kuḻongoolya. v. twist,

spin s.t., turn around; move s.t. around

so that it winds around. Syn: ku̱tuṉgu̱u̱la.

kwelogoolya v. go by the side or

behind s.t.

ku̱mengereseni ̱a


Var: kwelongoleerya. v. wrap,

encircle, envelop, enfold; wind

around s.t. until you cover it up.

kwelongoolya v. move yourself


ku̱loolootya v. sing a lullaby; soothe a


ku̱lu̱ba v. become wet; get water in s.t.

ku̱lu̱ku̱la v. harvest bambara nuts and

ground nuts from a garden when they

are mature.

ku̱lu̱ma 1 v. 1 • abuse; talk violently to

s.b. in order to annoy him.

2 • talk sharply to s.b. in order to

discipline him.

ku̱lu̱ma 2 v. be extinguished, of a fire, or

a light.

ku̱lu̱miṟi̱iṟya v. extinguish; make a

fire stop burning or a light stop


ku̱lu̱mbu̱u̱la v. reveal a secret.

ku̱lu̱ndu̱mu̱la v. make s.t. or s.b. fall

into water.

ku̱lu̱u̱sya v. leak; pass or seep through a


ku̱lwa v. 1 • ooze; the gradual coming

out of liquids from s.t.

2 • drift.

ku̱lwalya v. See main entry: kulwala.

ku̱lwani̱sya v. See main entry:


ku̱lyoba v. twist, wrap; wind s.t. around

s.t. else.

kwelyoba v. tangle; twist s.t. so that

it is no longer straight or so that it

winds around s.t. else.

ku̱mamati̱iṟya Var: ku̱mamatiṟi ̱iṟya.

v. level a soft ground, floor, wall, etc.

ku̱manyiṟi̱iṟya v. See main entry:


ku̱manyi̱sya v. 1 • report, inform; give

people information on s.t. that you have

heard or seen etc.

2 • mean, express the things or ideas that

you wish to express to s.b. by what you

say or do.

ku̱mengereseni ̱a v. glitter; emit light.

Syn: kwengeretena, kumeremeta.


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