Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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ku̱ku̱ndi ̱sya

ku̱ku̱ndi ̱sya v. make s.b. kneel


ku̱ku̱nda malu̱ v. kneel; support

the weight of your body on the

knees, as you bend the lower legs



Var: kuḵuṉdagana. v. be in conflict;

disunity that makes s.b. feel

unsettled with whom he is working

or staying.

ku̱ku̱ndu̱ka v. be shameless.

Syn: mparamukyenu.

ku̱ku̱ngya v. sing without pronouncing

the words; sing with the lips open and

making ‘ah’ sounds.

ku̱ku̱nku̱du̱la v. shorten s.t.; cut s.t. off

completely at the base.

ku̱ku̱nku̱du̱ka v. be shortened

completely, e.g., get completely cut

off at the base.

ku̱ku̱nya v. 1 • fold; bend s.t. carefully

so that one part lies on top of another.

Syn: kugonya, kugema, kukata, ku̱ziṉga,


2 • roll up; make s.t. be not straight.

3 • squeeze clothes when washing to

remove dirt.

kweku̱nya v. be folded; not to be


ku̱ku̱pu̱la v. uproot. Syn: kwiẖa.

ku̱ku̱pu̱ka v. become uprooted.

Syn: kwiẖu̱ka.

ku̱ku̱su̱mu̱ka v. get poured down or out

in large quantity, e.g., of rain.

ku̱ku̱u̱mu̱ka v. explode, erupt; burst

loudly and violently, causing damage.

Syn: ku̱hu̱u̱li̱iḵa.

ku̱ku̱u̱nyu̱ka v. cover; put a lid on s.t.

kweku̱u̱nyu̱ka v. fall while facing


ku̱ku̱u̱nyu̱ku̱la v. uncover; remove

a lid from s.t. Syn: kub̯uukula.

ku̱ku̱u̱ti ̱sya Var: kukuuta bihandiiko.

v. See main entry: kukuuta.

ku̱kwa v. die; stop living. Syn: kuheneka,


ku̱kwesya v. lose a loved one; have

s.b. die.


ku̱kwati ̱sya kiṉi ̱ga v. See main entry:

kiṉi ̱ga.

ku̱kwatya v. See main entry: kukwata.

ku̱kwerekeera 1 v. be forever and ever,

for eternity or throughout the lifetime of


ku̱kwerekeera 2 v. yearn; want s.t. very

much, esp. when it is very difficult to


ku̱kwo dem. 1 • that one.

2 • towards that place.

ku̱kyoloolya v. roll the eyes as if you

are dying.

ku̱landiḵiṟi̱iṟya v. reach; stretch or put

out an arm, a neck or a leg in order to

get or touch s.t.

ku̱laaliṟi̱iṟya 1 v. pat a baby so that it


ku̱laaliṟi̱iṟya 2 n. day just before a

special occasion such as a wedding day.

Syn: kasiḵi̱.

ku̱laalya v. See main entry: kulaala.

ku̱leba-lebya v. persecute; oppress

with injury or punishment, esp. for

adherence to certain acceptable

standards. Syn: kuhiganiza,

ku̱wonawonesya, kutuntuza.

ku̱lebereerya v. obstruct.

ku̱legeya v. become loose, slack.

Syn: kujega-jega.

ku̱legya v. collect rain water using


ku̱lemesya v. 1 • confuse, hinder, argue

against; make s.b. not properly do what

he is meant to or to make s.b. follow

wrong things. Syn: ku̱hu̱gya, ku̱gaani̱sya.

2 • be complicated, challenging.

ku̱lendya-lendya v. slice; cut thinly


ku̱lengeseni̱a v. gauge, evaluate,

compare, assess; try all the different

alternatives about s.t. in order to get its

facts in full. Syn: kugingiira, ku̱pi̱ma.

ku̱lengeeja v. swing freely.

ku̱leebereerya v. See main entry:


ku̱leeha Var: ku̱leiẖa; kuleeha. v.

lengthen, elongate; grow and become

longer or taller.


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