Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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2 • lack self-control; run wild.

Syn: ku̱horoza, kujagaara, kusadamuka.

ku̱gu̱lu̱u̱sa v. grow very old and lose

strength and sometimes wisdom.

ku̱gu̱ma-gu̱mya v. console; give

comfort or sympathy to s.b. who is

unhappy or disappointed. Syn: kub̯umbab̯umba,

ku̱tatatati̱iṟya, kugaara-gaara,


ku̱gu̱mya 1 v. 1 • ascertain, confirm,

prove, affirm; get the actual truth of s.t.

in order to get convinced.

2 • approve; judge s.b. or s.t. to be right

or good.

3 • guarantee; promise sincerely that you

will do s.t. or that s.t. will happen.

4 • justify; assure that s.t. really it is

right by providing reasons.

Syn: ku̱nanu̱ki̱sya.

5 • just do s.t. instantly without thinking


ku̱gu̱mya 2 v. grip; hold s.t. tightly.

ku̱gu̱su̱ka 1 v. jump; push yourself

upwards and land on s.t.

ku̱gu̱su̱kiṟa v. jump for s.t.

ku̱gu̱su̱ka-gu̱su̱ka v. 1 • jump up

and down; keep on pushing yourself

up from the ground.

2 • Metaphor. wander; walk slowly

here and there without any

particular sense of purpose or

direction esp. due to idleness.

Syn: kwandaara, kwenjeera, kuhamahama,

kumanga-manga, kupaaraara,

kutaabaana, kuzengeera,


3 • Metaphor. be sexually

promiscuous; be sexually unstable

as to go in for one after another.

Syn: kwendye-ndya, kuraaya,

kub̯unga, kurawarawa, kukora

ikunzi, kutaaruuka, kukora b̯wenzi̱.

ku̱gu̱su̱ka muguha v. skip; pass

over a rope held at both ends by

other people or held by yourself that

you keep on passing over your head.

ku̱gu̱su̱ka 2 v. See main entry: ku̱gu̱zuḵa.


Var: ku̱gu̱ruḵya-gu̱ruḵya. v. 1 • doubt,

ku̱harangani ̱a

have a divided mind; feel uncertain

about s.t.

2 • be discontented.

ku̱gu̱u̱ni ̱a v. grumble, of the stomach,

due to distension or hunger.

ku̱gu̱za v. mingle; use a mingling stick to

mix flour in boiled water in order to get


ku̱gu̱zu̱ka Var: ku̱gu̱suḵa. v. overstep;

do s.t. before doing what was supposed

to be done first.

ku̱gu̱zu̱kiṟa v. jump over s.t.

ku̱gwa v. 1 • fall, move through the air

from higher ground to lower ground.

2 • fail, not pass a test or an exam.

3 • lose an election.

kugwera v. 1 • fall down onto s.t.

2 • Idiom. kidnap; take a girl by force

in order to marry her. Syn: kuhamba.

ku̱gwa rwo Var: ku̱gwa ru̱cu̱;

ku̱gwa rwakaca. v. flop down; lie

down tired, esp. due to fatigue,

excessive sleep, hunger, etc.

Syn: kweku̱lu̱nguḻa.

ku̱gwa-gwa v. toss and turn; be

unsettled or to keep on changing

positions while you are lying on the bed

due to pain. Syn: kweguma-guma.

ku̱gwaho v. encounter; meet, discover

s.t., esp. s.t. bad, difficult, new,

unexpected, or harmful while trying to

do s.t. else.

ku̱gwangana mu salaka v. See main

entry: salaka.

ku̱gweiṟaru̱ v. be mad, crazy.

Syn: kurab̯waho, kuraruka,


ku̱habya v. See main entry: kuhaba.

ku̱hakani ̱a Var: kuẖakani ̱sya. From:

Runyoro. v. resist, oppose, protest,

speak out against; refuse to accept s.t.

and try to stop it from happening.

ku̱halangu̱li̱iṟya v. prune; cut off

some of the branches from a tree, so

that it grows properly and straight.

Syn: kukonera, kukonda.

ku̱handya v. See main entry: kuhanda.

ku̱harangani ̱a v. See main entry:



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