Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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2 • Metaphor. conflict with each

other; be in conflict by backbiting

s.b. with whom you are working or


kwetomera v. hit; knock a part of

your body against s.t.

kutomerana Pl: kutomerana. n.


kutona v. serve food; put cooked food in

a plate when it is ready for eating.

Syn: kwihula.

kutonda v. 1 • list; mention or include

s.t. in a list. Syn: ku̱sorongya.

2 • discriminate; treat one person or

group better than another in an unfair

way. Syn: kugoobeera, kusoroora,

kutongoola, kwahu̱kani̱a.

kutondoola v. 1 • skin, peel; remove

the skin or a shell from s.t., esp. fruit.

2 • scrape; remove maize grains from a

maize cob.

kutonga v. recall a loan; ask s.b. for

what he owes you.

kutongwa v. owe; be indebted to


kutongona Var: kutongana. v. plead a

case; state that you are not guilty.

kutongoneera v. 1 • advocate,

plead on behalf and support or

speak for s.b. in order to defend that

person against a case.

2 • intercede.

3 • claim.


Var: kwetonganaho. v. defend,

protect yourself against verbal

accusations, esp. in a court of law.

Syn: kwesobooraho, kwelwanaho.


kutongoola v. set apart, isolate; separate

s.t. or s.b. from the rest due to

uniqueness. Syn: kusoroora, kugoobeera,

kutonda, kwahu̱kani̱a.

ku̱tongoolya v. specify.

kwetongoola v. isolate yourself

from the many and place yourself in

a unique state. Syn: kwenoba,

kugungumara, kwesoroora,

kwebagaani̱a, kwahukana, kwenuga,

kwesalaho, kwezahula, kwegunga.

kutongooza v. officially launch s.t.

kutontoloma Var: kutontoroma. v.

complain; say that you are annoyed,

unhappy or not satisfied about s.t.

Syn: kutuuruuma.

kutoroka From: Kiswahili. v. escape;

move away from s.b. to a hidden place

due to the wrong you have done or in

order to prevent danger. Syn: kweziḇa,

kulwotoka, kucwa, kusomoka, ku̱syera.

kutorooga v. 1 • produce a stillbirth or

miscarriage, when an animal is born


2 • give birth prematurely; when an

animal bears its young before the

normal time of the pregnancy.

kutoobboola v. gut a fish; remove

intestines from fish.

kutoodira v. toddle; walk with short,

unsteady steps, esp. a young child who

has just learnt to walk.

kutoola Var: kutoolamu; kutoolamwo.

v. get, remove, eliminate, take away,

pick s.t. and take it elsewhere,

separating it from others.

kutoolaho v. subtract; take a

number or an amount away from

another number or amount.

kutoolayo mei ̱so v. avert your

eyes, look away.

kwetoolaho v. 1 • Metaphor.

disassociate; say or do s.t. to show

that you are not connected with or

do not support s.b.

2 • Metaphor. do s.t. in order to avoid

being blamed or as a pretext of

avoiding being blamed.


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