Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kuranga hasyanu̱

kuranga hasyanu̱ v. make a

public announcement. Syn: ku̱ti̱mba.

kweranga v. formally introduce a

bridegroom to his future in-laws by

paying some kind of introductory

fee or dowry. Syn: kwanjura.

kwerangirangana v. introduce

each other; tell each other their

names, etc. Syn: kwesoboorangana.

kuranga 2 v. praise; express approval or


kuranga 3 v. report a crime. Syn: kulega.

kurangiira 1 v. announce.

kurangiira 2 v. give up; stop trying to do


kuranguha Var: kwanguha. v. move


kuraranga v. disseminate; spread

widely, of news.

ku̱rarangya bya magu̱li̱ v.


kuraruka v. be crazy, mad.

Syn: kurab̯waho, ku̱gweiṟaru̱,


kurawarawa v. 1 • be stubborn.

Syn: kuharangana.

2 • Metaphor. be sexually promiscuous;

be a prostitute. Syn: kukora b̯wenzi̱,

kwendye-ndya, kutaaruuka, kuraaya,

kub̯unga, ku̱gu̱suḵa-gu̱su̱ka, kukora


kuraama v. eat only sauce without any

food to accompany the sauce, e.g.

posho, rice, cassava, etc.

kuraamura v. 1 • bargain, discuss

between a buyer and a seller about the

price of s.t. Syn: kupatana.

2 • arbitrate; separate or come to the

rescue of those who are fighting or who

are in an argument.

kuraaya v. Taboo. be sexually

promiscuous; like a prostitute.

Syn: kwendye-ndya, kutaaruuka,

kub̯unga, kurawarawa, kukora b̯wenzi̱,

ku̱gu̱suḵa-gu̱suḵa, kukora ikunzi.

kurodoka v. leap; jump like a frog.

kurodoma v. fall while seated or



kuroha v. become exhausted; get

extremely tired and be without energy at


kuronza v. track, trace; search for s.t.

following a track or footprints.

kurooba v. pass over; go around or avoid

a place.

kuroobeera v. move around or

beside s.t. stationery following

where it passes.

kuroopa v. whip; hit s.b. or an animal

hard with a long thin piece of stick, rope

or leather, etc., as a punishment or to

make them go faster or work harder.

Syn: kuhara, kujwata, kuswanyura,


kuruga v. come from.

kurugamu Var: kurugamwo. v.

result in.

kurugaho Var: kurugahoona. v.

1 • leave a place, a job, a person, a

group, etc. and go somewhere else.

2 • stop trying to do s.t.

3 • be contented with s.b.’s quality, trait,


kurugira v. result in, lead to; happen

because of s.t. else that happened first.

kurugiza v. make way for s.b. or give

s.b. his peace. Syn: ku̱bi̱sya.

kurugwaho v. lose; misplace s.t.

Syn: kuguma, ku̱syereerya.

kurugwamu v. cause a particular result

or effect.

kuruka v. give or bestow a nickname.

Syn: kusinda.

kurumiriza v. condemn; express very

strong disapproval. Syn: kwama,

kujumiira, kutokeera, kubyokeera,

ku̱honereerya, ku̱siṉgi̱sya musangu.

kurunga v. crush, pulverise, pound,

mash, grind; break s.t. into very small

pieces or into powdery form.

Syn: kuswaswana.

kurungi adv. well, effectively.

kurwatuka v. See main entry:


kusaba v. 1 • ask, request, demand; tell

s.b. to give you s.t.


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