Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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ku̱poolookya v. make s.b. struggle;

make it difficult for s.b. to do s.t. or

to achieve s.t.

kupuutiika Var: kufuutiika. v. heap;

put a lot of things in an untidy pile.

Syn: kutuuma.

kupyetula v. Taboo. defecate; get rid of

faeces through the anus. Syn: ku̱ni̱a.

kurabaho v. by-pass or pass over s.t. and

leave it behind or aside. Syn: kwakala.

kurabira v. pass via.

kurabamu v. 1 • achieve; do s.t. and


2 • move, pass, walk through s.t.

from this end to the other end.

3 • revise; look again at work that

you have done.

kuraba mu kintu v. experience

s.t., undergo.

ku̱rabya v. pass s.t. from one person

to another.

ku̱rabyaho v. 1 • help s.b. to be

successful in a competition,

interview, examination, etc.

2 • defraud, deceive.

ku̱rabyaho biragiro v. legislate;

make and pass laws.

ku̱rabyamu mei̱so Lit: pass the

eyes v. scan; skim, glance over s.t.

quickly but not very carefully in

order to get its rough picture.

kurabanganamwo v. intersect, go


kurabarab̯wa v. be unstable; like a

mad person when you are not settled in

the brain.

akurab̯waho Pl: bakurab̯waho.

n. mentally disturbed person, insane

person, mad person.

Syn: mugweiraru.

kurabiraho v. pass by, call on, visit

briefly; drop in on s.b. for a while

during a journey.

kurab̯waho v. be crazy, mad.

Syn: kuraruka, ku̱gweiṟaru̱,


kuraga v. say farewell, goodbye; word

used when leaving each other in order

to wish s.b. well.

kuranga bya b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi̱

kuraga mu̱seeri ̱ v. discharge s.b.;

tell a patient to leave a hospital

ward and go home. Syn: kusiib̯ura


kuragana v. 1 • make an arrangement to

meet or visit s.b. at a particular time,

esp. for a reason connected with work.

2 • promise; give s.b. hope or tell s.b.

that you will do or will not do s.t.

kuragira v. order, command; tell s.b. to

do s.t. esp. from a position of authority.

kuragirwa v. be ordered,

commanded, be told by s.b. who is

in authority to do s.t. that you

cannot refuse.

kuragiira v. 1 • show, instruct; let s.b.

watch you doing s.t. to point to it or

explain it. Syn: kwolokya, kuhemba.

2 • direct; tell or show s.b. how to get to

somewhere. Syn: kwolokereerya.

3 • introduce; make s.b. learn about s.t.

or do s.t. for the first time.

Syn: kwolokya.

kuragura v. foretell, prophesy, divine;

find out and say what will happen in the

future, esp. said by s.b. with religious or

magic powers.

kuraguza v. employ a witchdoctor.

kurahira v. swear; raise up the Bible or

say the name of s.b. to make a promise

or to show that you are telling the truth.

kuraka v. do s.t. in a hurry.

kuramaga v. attack, invade; use

weapons such as guns, bombs, etc.

against an enemy in war.

kurambiika v. straighten, arrange or

lay things down in a straight line.

Syn: kugoora, kudambula, kunuguura,


kwerambiika v. lie down straight

with the arms relaxed and at ease.

Syn: kulaala.

kuranda v. plane; make a piece of timber

smooth using a plane.

kuranga 1 v. 1 • report.

2 • introduce; talk about s.b. or to show

him to those who do not know him.

kuranga bya b̯u̱su̱u̱b̯u̱zi̱ v.



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