Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kumiga v. press, squeeze. Syn: kutitina.

kwemigamu v. 1 • push or squeeze

yourself though a small space.

2 • Metaphor. be part of s.t. in which

you were not originally supposed to

be. Syn: kwejungamu, kwesuḇbamu,


kumigiriza v. oppress, tyrannise; not let

s.b. enjoy his rights freely.

kumigirizib̯wa v. be oppressed,

under tyranny; treated unfairly by

not being given the same freedom

as other people.

kumoma v. 1 • become stained.

Syn: ku̱hi̱ma.

2 • become rusted, corroded.

kumuluka v. 1 • shine; be bright,

glittering or shining. Syn: kunyirira.

2 • shine a light onto s.t.

kumulukira v. visualise, envisage; give

s.b. a sensible idea about how s.t.

should be done or how it is supposed to


kumwa v. 1 • shave; cut hair, the beard

or any other hair from the body.

Syn: kugema, kuhala, kutega.

2 • shear; cut off wool from an animal.

Syn: kuhala.

kumwenya v. smile; move the mouth

slightly upwards to show excitement or


kumwoka v. drink or eat s.t. with greed.

Syn: kwebbukuka.

kumwona v. mend; fix s.t. into s.t. else

so as to cover an opening or a hole.

kumwoneera v. keep on repairing

s.t., e.g., with a patch, esp. in a

temporary way by keeping on

adding a new piece of material.

kumyangarasana v. shine; look very

smart, esp. more than usual.

Syn: kukuca, kutemagana.

kwemyangarasani ̱a v. adorn

yourself; make yourself smarterlooking,

more attractive.

kumyola v. twist; revolve s.t. tightly.

kumyotolwa Lit: twist up and down

v. have indigestion; have a churning


kunena meino

kunanuka 1 v. be sure, certain,

confident; have all the facts about s.t.

without any doubt.

kunanukira v. believe; feel certain

that s.b. is telling you the truth.

Syn: kwikiririza.

ku̱nanu̱ki ̱sya v. attest, prove,

justify; show the facts of s.t. in

order to confirm s.t. Syn: ku̱gu̱mya.

kunanuka 2 v. surrender; admit defeat.

Syn: ku̱byokya mikono.

kunanula v. retaliate, avenge; do. s.t.

bad to s.b., returning like for like, esp.

evil for evil. Syn: kusasuura, kwiṟiṟi̱iṟya,

kwolokya, kuhoora.

kunaaba v. wash; take a bath.

ku̱naabya v. wash; use water and

soap to remove dirt from s.t.

kunaala v. disappear mysteriously, of a

person; vanish in a way that people are

not aware of. Syn: kunyelela.

kunaanuula v. See main entry: kunuula.

kunena v. bite; use the teeth to tear off

s.t. or make it feel pain. Syn: kukeca,


kunena meino v. grind, gnash the



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