Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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kukwenya v. become pale; have dull or

dry skin. Syn: kuḵonkomoka.

kukyatuuka v. See main entry:


kukyekyemuka v. laugh extremely

loudly and continuously.

kukyena v. curse; wish evil, calamity,

destruction or injury on s.b.

Syn: kujuma.

kulagalika v. drop; for fruit or a crop to

fall on the ground due to over ripeness

from not being picked.

kulalika v. be ordered to do s.t.,

especially by an authority. Syn: kweta.

kulamba v. admonish; advise strongly.

Syn: kuhana, kuha magezi̱, kuhab̯ura,

kuhanulira, ku̱kengesya, kuteereera.

kulanda v. creep; spread, of a plant that

grows up along s.t. else or that grows

dragging itself on the ground.

kulanga v. 1 • plait, braid, weave or twist

hair into a fashionable style.

2 • braid, interlace; make a rope.

kulanga bihanda v. braid hair;

twist it in a style of pieces woven

like a rope.

kulanga biṯu̱u̱tu̱ v. braid hair;

twist round braids on the head.

kulasa v. 1 • shoot a bullet, a stone, etc. in

order to harm s.b. or s.t.

2 • hurl, throw; project or propel s.t.

with great force through the air by a

sudden jerk or straightening of the arm.

Syn: ku̱mi̱i̱sa.

kulaala v. lie; flatten yourself in a

horizontal position, e.g., on a bed, a

mat, etc. Syn: kwerambiika.

kulaalira v. lie on.

ku̱laalya v. take s.b. who is dozing

or who is asleep to bed so that he

sleeps properly.

kulaala bakaabandi v. engage in


kulaala nowona v. be sleepless;

have insomnia for the whole night.

kulaalirwa maaci v. have a

hangover; feel headache or sick due

to having taken too much alcohol

the previous day.


kulaaliira v. ambush; hide and wait

for s.b. or an animal in order to

suddenly attack him or it.

kulaama v. 1 • pray and hope very much

that s.t. will happen. Syn: kusaba.

2 • talk to spirits.

3 • forestall; try to prevent bad luck

from happening to s.b.

kulaamira mu̱gi ̱sa v. bless.

Syn: kusabira mu̱gi̱sa.

kulega v. report a crime; tell a concerned

person s.t. bad that s.b. has done.

Syn: kuranga.

kuleka v. leave, abandon s.t. or s.b.;

move away from a place and slightly

shift some where else.

kulekaho v. stop doing s.t.

kulekeera v. ignore, abandon;

neglect s.t. resulting in its gradual

depreciation. Syn: kugumirisana,


kwelekesya v. forego; decide not to

have or do s.t. that you would like

to have or do.

kuleka musiri gwiṟye v. leave

fallow; abandon a garden for some

time so that the soil regains


kulekera v. exempt; decide and let s.b.

take s.t. that you would not have let him


kulekwa v. be pardoned, forgiven,

freed, exempted from a financial

obligation, for a legal case, or for

your mistakes.

kulema 1 v. 1 • be unavailable.

2 • be difficult.

kulemwa v. fail, be defeated; do s.t.

without succeeding.

kulema 2 v. govern, rule, manage; show

authority in order to lead people in a

place, a country, etc. Syn: kufuga.

kwerema v. 1 • be independent;

when s.b. has the freedom to

organize thier own life, make thier

own decisions, etc without needing

help from others.


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