Lugungu Dictionary Sep 2012

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Syn: kuhara, kuroopa, kuswanyura,


kujwera v. slash; use a slasher to clear

dense shrubs or bush.

kukaba v. 1 • become paralysed; lose

feeling in your body. Syn: kusarara.

2 • die. Syn: kuheneka, ku̱kwa.

kukaabiira v. be in a comma, be

unconscious and then coming in and

out of the coma.

kukadula Var: kukadulaho. v. break

off; divide s.t. into parts due to pulling

strongly or cutting.

kukadula-kadula v. cut s.t. into

various parts several times.

kukaduka v. be broken, cut off; get

divided into parts due to being

strongly pulled or cut.

kukaga v. catch a smell, get a whiff;

sense an odour.

kukaguza From: Runyoro. v. ask.

kukaguzib̯wa v. be asked.

kukalab̯uka v. suddenly begin running

very fast. Syn: ku̱tu̱ku̱luḵa.

kukama 1 v. gel, congeal, clot, set,

freeze, solidify; change from liquid state

into solid state. Syn: kwekwata.

kukama 2 v. milk; pull the teats of an

animal in order to squeeze out milk

from the udder.


kukamula v. 1 • squeeze, wring; twist a

wet piece of cloth or press s.t. so that

liquid comes out.

2 • Metaphor. exploit, manipulate; treat

s.b. unfairly by making them work very

hard and not giving them what is due to

them in return. Syn: kudiiriira,

ku̱koresya, kunywereera.

kukanda v. knead; make s.t. uniform in

consistency by moving it with the

hands, e.g., bread dough.

kukandagiira v. compact soil by

treading on it repeatedly.

kwekandagiira v. harden; become

hard through natural processes.

kukanga From: Luganda. v. threaten;

say that you will cause trouble, hurt s.b.,

etc. if you do not get what you want.

kukangabala v. 1 • be hard, brittle.

Syn: kwomeresana, kutatiira.

2 • Metaphor. be adamant, rigid; reject

s.t. completely without considering it.

kukanika From: English. v. repair; mend

s.t. that is damaged or broken.

Syn: ku̱niẖiṟi̱iṟya.

kukamba 1 v. 1 • have a slight taste of


2 • Metaphor. become angry, aggressive.

kukamba 2 v. tie or fasten s.t. very

tightly around s.t. else.

kukambuula v. demolish a roof.

kukambuuka v. get removed,

demolished, or blown off, of iron

sheets or grass thatch from a house.

kukankada v. spill; pour s.t. by way of


kukankadira v. splash on; wet s.t.

by pouring on.

kukankana v. 1 • shiver; feel trembling

or the heart pumping faster.

2 • jerk, move suddenly.

3 • tremble with fear; be very worried or

frightened. Syn: ku̱piḵi̱pwa.

ku̱kankani ̱a v. intimidate; frighten

or threaten s.b. so that you do what

they want. Syn: kukanga,

kwiṉgiṟi̱iṟya, ku̱ti̱iṉi̱siṟi̱iṟya.

kukanuka v. die suddenly without any



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