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• Patsy Healey is professor Emerita of Town and Country Planning and director of the• Centre for Research in European Urban Environments at the University of Newcastle. Her• research career began with a study of the introduction of ideas about urban planning into• the dynamic development conditions of Venezuela and Colombia in the 1960s and 1970s.• Since then, she has examined the role of development plans in spatial planning systems,• the interaction between planning regulation and property development systems, the various• dimensions of urban regeneration processes, and most recently, new approaches to• spatial strategy emerging across Europe. She has published extensively. Her most recent• books are Collaborative Planning (1997, London, Macmillan), Making Strategic Spatial• Plans: Innovation in Europe (1997, London, UCL Press, with Khakee, Motte and• Needham), Planning, Governance and Spatial Strategy in Britain (2000, London,• Macmillan, with Vigar, Hull and Healey), and Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies• (2006, London, Rouledge) Urban Governance, Institutional Capacity and Social Milieux• (2001, Ashgate, with Cars, Madanipour and de Magalhaes).

• Seymour J. Mandelbaum is professor emeritus of city planning in the Department of City• and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his BA from Columbia• and his PhD at Princeton. He is primarily interested in the formation and development of• human communities, the moral orders which shape these communities and the flows ofindividuals• and information through them. Dr. Mandelbaum is editor of the Gordon and Breach• international series of case studies under the title Cities and Regions: Planning, Policy and• Management. He is the editor of Explorations in Planning Theory and serves on the editorial• boards of the Journal of Planning Education, Journal of Architectural and Planning• Research, The Responsive Community, Journal of Planning Literature, and Town Planning• Review. For several years Professor Mandelbaum served as Chair of the ACSP Conference• Committee. His latest book is Open Moral Communities, published by MIT Press in 2000.

• Patsy Healey is professor Emerita of Town and Country Planning and director of the

• Centre for Research in European Urban Environments at the University of Newcastle. Her

• research career began with a study of the introduction of ideas about urban planning into

• the dynamic development conditions of Venezuela and Colombia in the 1960s and 1970s.

• Since then, she has examined the role of development plans in spatial planning systems,

• the interaction between planning regulation and property development systems, the various

• dimensions of urban regeneration processes, and most recently, new approaches to

• spatial strategy emerging across Europe. She has published extensively. Her most recent

• books are Collaborative Planning (1997, London, Macmillan), Making Strategic Spatial

• Plans: Innovation in Europe (1997, London, UCL Press, with Khakee, Motte and

• Needham), Planning, Governance and Spatial Strategy in Britain (2000, London,

• Macmillan, with Vigar, Hull and Healey), and Urban Complexity and Spatial Strategies

• (2006, London, Rouledge) Urban Governance, Institutional Capacity and Social Milieux

• (2001, Ashgate, with Cars, Madanipour and de Magalhaes).

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