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Sociological approach• Assumptions:– Individuals as utility satisficers: the choice of a course of action depends on theinterpretation of a situation; Individuals seek to define and express their identity insocially appropriate ways– Bounded rationality: individuals’ behavior is not fully strategic but bounded by their ownworldview• Institutions as culture, including, not just formal rules, procedures or norms, but the symbolsystems, cognitive scripts, and moral templates that provide the “frames of meaning” guidinghuman action• Institutions are taken-for-granted to avoid scrutiny: Institutions are seen as culturally-specificpractices, akin to the myths and ceremonies devised by many societies, and assimilated intoorganizations as a result of transmission of cultural practices– Bureaucratic practices• Institutions provide the cognitive scripts, categories and models to interpret others’ behavior• Institutions assign role, meaning, value, image to actors• Institutions are social construction: there is interactive and mutually-constitutive relationshipbetween institutions and individual action/ behavior; individual recognizes as well asresponds with institutions• The logic of appropriateness: institution develops to enhance the social legitimacy of theactors’ behavior

• In political science: reaction to behavioral approaches• Institutions play role in collective action through affecting thebehavior of individuals: calculus approach vs cultural approach• Calculus approach:– Individuals as utillity maximizers: seek to maximize the attainment of aset of goals given by a specific preference function– Individuals as strategic actors: canvassing all possible options to selectthose conferring maximum benefit– Institutions are instrumental and created through this strategiccalculation– Institutions provide actors with greater/ lesser certainty about thepresent and future behavior of other actors– Institutions provide information relevant to the behavior of other,enforcing mechanisms for agreements, penalties for defection etc– Institutions are created to minimize the costs of exchange

• In political science: reaction to behavioral approaches

• Institutions play role in collective action through affecting the

behavior of individuals: calculus approach vs cultural approach

• Calculus approach:

– Individuals as utillity maximizers: seek to maximize the attainment of a

set of goals given by a specific preference function

– Individuals as strategic actors: canvassing all possible options to select

those conferring maximum benefit

– Institutions are instrumental and created through this strategic


– Institutions provide actors with greater/ lesser certainty about the

present and future behavior of other actors

– Institutions provide information relevant to the behavior of other,

enforcing mechanisms for agreements, penalties for defection etc

– Institutions are created to minimize the costs of exchange

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