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SUNDAy, OCTOBeR 30, 2022


Call for saving rich Bengali culture

Child Zarin has become the chairman of Upazila Parishad for an hour in Joypurhat. Sadar Upazila

Chairman SM Solaiman Ali spoke as the chief guest at the girls' take over program organized by the National

Children Task Force (NCTF) with the financial support of Plan Bangladesh. Photo : Masrakul Alam

Infusing dynamism into community

policing stressed to combat crimes

RAJSHAHI : Highlighting

multifarious aspects of expanding

community policing, speakers

yesterday unequivocally called for

infusing dynamism into its activities

for combating the crimes related to

communal violence, terrorism, drugaddiction

and militancy.

Community policing can be the vital

means of freeing the society from all

sorts of crimes with joint efforts of

police and the public in general, they


The discussants came up with the

observations while addressing a

meeting to mark the Community

Policing Day-2022 held at Rajshahi

College auditorium.

The theme of this year's Community

Policing Day is "Police-e Janata,

Janatai Police (Police is People and

People is Police)".

Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP)

and Community Policing Forum

jointly organized the meeting largely

attended by cross-sections of people.

Convener of the city community

policing coordination committee Prof

Five drug

peddlers held

with 26.5-kg

ganja in Natore

RAJSHAHI : Rapid Action

Battalion (RAB) arrested

five alleged drug peddlers

from Bhagnagarkandi

Amrulpara in Natore

district and recovered 26.5

kilograms (KGs) of

cannabis (Ganja) from

their possessions on

Friday night, reports BSS

The arrested persons

were identified as Ripon

Islam, 26, Rubel Hossain,

25, Munnab Ali, 38, Sagar

Ali, 22, and Jishan Ali, 19..

On a tip-off, a team of

RAB conducted a raid at


Amrulpara under Shingra

Upazila around 9:30 pm

and arrested them with the

hemp after searching a

pick-up van, RAB sources


The arrestees with the

seized contraband goods

along with the pick-up

were handed over to


A case was filed with

Shingra police station in

this connection.

Man kills son, ends

life in Bagerhat

BAGERHAT : A man allegedly strangled his three-year-old son

to death before ending his life in Mollhat upazila of Bagerhat

district on Friday night. The deceased man and his son were

identified as Md Haidar Molla, 28, and Jishan Mollah,

respectively. Police recovered the bodies around 8.30pm from

Haidar's house in Baragaola village of the upazila. "We also

found a suicide note near the bodies," said Somen Das, OC of

Mollahat police station.

In the purported note, Haidar wrote, "I have strangled Jishan

to death and commited suicide after that. No one is responsible

for my death. Burry us both at the same place."

According to locals, Haider and his wife Jobaira Khatun

separated some eight months ago over marital feud.

Since then Jishan had been living with his paternal

grandmother at their village home while his father used to work

with a private company in Dhaka.

On Thursday, Haidar returned from Dhaka and on Friday

night, family members found the two bodies in his room.

OC Somen said the bodies have been sent for post-mortem

and two cases of murder and unnatural death, respectively, have

been filed.

Abdul Khaleque addressed the

discussion as chief guest, while RMP

Commissioner Abu Kalam Siddique

was in the chair.

Former state minister Prof



Commanding Officer of RAB-5 Lt Col

Riaz Shahrier, Rajshahhi College

Principal Prof Abdul Khaleque and city

unit Awami League president

Muhammad Ali Kamal and general

secretary Dablu Sarker also addressed

the meeting.

Prof Abdul Khaleque said the

community people should extend

cooperation to police by providing

specific information about the

criminals. Crimes-free society,

particularity free from communal

violence, terrorism and drug addiction,

must be established to protect people

and the young generation, in

particular, he said.

To attain the cherished goal, the lawenforcing

agencies and the community

people should have to work together as

the law-enforcers alone are not capable

of overcoming the crisis, he added.

RMP Commissioner Abu Kalam

Siddique went on saying that policecitizens'

joint efforts against social

crimes are the main objective of

community based policing and there is

no alternative to activating it to free the

society from the crimes.

He said the community based

policing had been introduced in the

metropolis with a noble view, but the

community people should take the

responsibility of making it effective.

He stressed the need for boosting the

relationship between the police and

common people and for exploring the

opportunities of community policing

for lasting peace everywhere in the


"If you give us authentic information

about the criminals and other antisocial

elements, we will put in our best

efforts to bring those to book as early as

possible," Siddique reminded the

community people.

Earlier, they brought out a colourful

rally from Alupatty crossing and

paraded some of the city streets before

ending at the meeting venue.

Youths bodies call for

biodiversity conservation

in Barind tract

RAJSHAHI : Many of the youth

organisations at a meeting on Saturday

unequivocally called for time-befitting and

effective measures for protecting biodiversity

and cultural diversity in the region, including

its vast Barind tract.

They also unanimously viewed that both

biodiversity and cultural diversity are

gradually declining due to various reasons

posing a serious threat to public life along

with the whole ecosystem.

Bangladesh Resource Centre for

Indigenous Knowledge (BARCIK) hosted the

meeting at its office here yesterday to mark

the formation of the executive committee of

Barind Tract Youth Organisation Forum


Leaders and members of 45 youth

organisations who are working for

improving living and livelihood conditions of

the marginalized and ethnic minority people

for more than four years joined the meeting

and constituted an 11-member BTYOF


BARCIK Regional Coordinator Sahidul

Islam, BTYOF President Shaykh Tasnim

Jamal, its Vice-president Sabitry Hembrom,

Convener Rubel Hossain and members

Jubayer Hossain, Russel Sarker and Zahid

Hassan addressed the meeting.

In his remarks, Shahidul Islam said school,

college and university-level students need

proper knowledge about the importance of

biodiversity, natural resource conservation

and climate change issues so that they can

contribute to this field.

To this end, there should be time-befitting

measures and institutional learning for them

as there is no way but to conserve natural

resource conservation in the region to face

the adverse impact of climate change for the

greater interests of new and future


In the wake of abnormal declining natural

resources like native crop seeds, fish and

birds species and other wildlife, conservation

of natural resources has become

indispensable for facing the adverse impacts

of climate change.

Islam opined that many native crops and

vegetable varieties are gradually declining.

Many of the native fish species, particularly

the small indigenous ones, are on the verge

of extinction due to various reasons.

Importance should be given to capacity

building to address climate change in the

region with special reference to conservation

of drought tolerant species.

BGB seizes 4,510 yaba

tablets in C'nawabganj


Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) in

two separate drives seized 4,510

pieces of yaba tablets on Friday

evening and yesterday morning,

reports BSS.

Acting on a tip-off, a patrol team of

the BGB from Chowka Border Out

Post (BOP) conducted a raid in

Lalkuria field area under Shibganj

upazila of the district around 6.55 pm

on Friday last and found 990 yaba

tablets, BGB sources said.

"On a tip-off, another team of the

BGB from Sonamasjid BOP raided

Swashanghat area in Shibganj

upazila around 5.30 am on Saturday

and found 3,520 yaba tablets in an

abandoned condition," the sources

said, adding that none was arrested

in the drives.

RANGPUR : Cultural

personalities at a memorial

meeting have stressed

saving rich Bengali culture

from aggression of alien

culture to revive the lost

social values, glory and


They viewed this at the

discussion followed by a

'Bhaoyaiya' evening

organized by 'Bhaoyaiya

Angon' at its office here

marking the 141st birthday

of 'Bhaoyaiya' artist Abbas

Uddin Ahmed, widely

known as unsurpassed

'Bhaoyaiya' Prince, on

Friday night.

'Bhaoyaiya Angon' is a

cultural organization

working for collecting and


Policing Day

observed in



Community Policing Day-

2022 was observed in the

district as elsewhere in the

country yesterday with a

call for gearing up the

community policing

activity to make the society

free from drug abuse,

terrorism and militancy.

This year's theme of the

day was "Community

policing mul montro,

shanti sringkhola


On the occasion, a rally

was brought out from the

Bogura Police Lines which

paraded important streets

in the city and ended at the

Bogura Police Lines

School and College

yesterday morning.

Marking the day, a

discussion meeting was

organized by District

Community Policing

Coordination Committee

(DCPCC) at the Bogura

Police Lines School and

College of the town.

Superintendent of Police

Sudep Kumar Chakraborty

addressed the function as

the chief guest with

additional superintendent

of police (administration)

Ali Haider Chowdhury in

the chair.

Special Superintendent

of Police (CID)

Mohammad Kawser

Sikder, Commandant of

In-Service Training Center

Md. Belal Hossain,

Superintendent of Police

of PBI Kazi Ehsanul

Karim, Principal of Bogura

Police Lines School and

College Shahadat Alam

Jhunu, among others,

spoke on the occasion.

The chief guest in his

speech said community

policing have no option to

maintain peace and law

and order in the society.

The speakers said

Bangladesh is a densely

populated country so there

is no alternative to

community policing to

maintain peaceful law and

order situation in the


9 held for torturing

woman in Natore

NATORE : Police have arrested nine people on

charges of torturing a 75-year-old woman after

tying her to a tree in Gurudaspur upazila of


The arrestees have been identified as Alam, 45,

Nurnabi, 35, Ujjal, 34, Babu, 40, Liton, 35,

Azadul, 40, Kamed Ali, 42,Chan Mia, 39, and

Azadul Fakir, 37, said Abdul Matin, officer-incharge

of Gurudaspur police station.

The accused were arrested from Moukhra area

of Baraigram upazila on Friday night, he said.

On October 25, the accused tied the woman,

Kulsum Begum, to a tree and beat her up on

allegations of having an affair with her son-inlaw.

The victim, however, told the cops that it was

a lie to evict her from her house.

However, police lodged an FIR against the

woman that day only and produced her before a

court that granted her bail.

On September, 27, the woman lodged a

complaint with police over the incident and later

the cops arrested the accused.

preserving 'Bhaoyaiya'

songs and conducting

training, research and

academic activities for

'Bhaoyaiya' artists to

flourish the traditional

songs, reports BSS.

Veteran 'Bhaoyaiya' artist

Harun-Ar-Rashid presided

over the discussion.

Chairman-elect of

Rangpur District Council

and former President of the

district unit Command of

Bangladesh Muktijoddha

Sangsad heroic freedom

fighter Mosaddek Hossain

Bablu attended the

discussion as chief guest.

Former Head of the

Department of Bengali of

Rangpur Begum Rokeya

Government College

Professor Mohammad

Shah Alam, veteran

'Bhaoyaiya' artist Parimal

Chandra Barman,

Chairman of 'Bhaoyaiya

Angon' Salma Mostafiz, its

Founder and Executive

Director AKM Mostafizur

Rahman addressed as

special guests.

Professor Mohammad

Shah Alam and AKM

Mostafizur Rahman

discussed the life and works

of Abbas Uddin Ahmed.

Paying rich tribute to

Abbas Uddin Ahmed, the

speakers said 'Bhaoyaiya'

songs with its heartthrobbing

musical tunes

have fundamentally

contributed to developing

civilization, culture, social

customs and lifestyle on the

Brahmaputra basin over

the centuries.

The chief guest said the

'Bhaoyaiya' song attracts

people of all ages and

stressed conducting more

research on 'Bhaoyaiya'

songs and nurturing and

properly preserving the

folk-songs as those are still

playing an important role in

entertaining millions of


"The heart-throbbing

melody of 'Bhaoyaiya' song

always represents healthy

Bengali culture to entertain

common people for

centuries," he said.

On the occasion of Community Policing Day-2022, a colorful rally and

discussion meeting was organized under the initiative of Longadu

Police Station of Rangamati. On Saturday, the rally was taken out from

Longadu Police Station area and it paraded he main road. Later a discussion

meeting was held at the public library auditorium of the upazila.

Photo : Omor Faruk Musa

On Saturday, a rally and discussion meeting were held at Dighinala Upazila

Parishad premises of Khagrachari on the occasion of 'Community Policing

Day-2022', The programs were organized by Dighinala Police Station.

Photo : Md Sohanur Rahaman.

Community Policing Day 2022 was observed by Saltha Thana Police of

Faridpur. On this occasion, a colorful rally was taken out on Saturday morning.

A discussion meeting was held at the police station. Awami League nominated

candidate Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury's younger son Shahdab Akbar

Chowdhury Labu, spoke as the chief guest. Photo : Md. Shofiqul Islam

Sunamganj District Police, with the support of the Sunamganj District

Community Policing Forum organized a discussion meeting yesterday on the

occasion of Community Policing Day.

Photo : AK Milon

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