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Dr. Lawrence N. Berlin, Professor Emeritus, Northeastern Illinois University,

Chicago, USA, Prof. Mahmudul Amin from NAEM, Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur

Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Social Science and Dr. Liza Sharmin,

Head of the Department of English of Daffodil International University along

with the participants pose for a photograph after the workshop titled at the

"Exploring The Life Cycle of the English Language Teaching Professor" held at

Daffodil International University.

Photo : Courtesy

35-yr-old killed over land dispute in Sylhet

SYLHET : A man was beaten to death

allegedly by his neighbours in Sylhet's

Bishwanath upazila over a land dispute on

Tuesday night.

The deceased was identified as Saiful

Islam, 35, a rickshaw-puller by profession

and son of Hafiz Abdul Mannan of

Charchandi village of Daulatpur union of the


Gazi Ataur Rahman, officer-in-charge of

Bishwanath police station, said that Saiful

had a dispute with his neighbours over a

piece of land. On Tuesday night, Saiful's

neighbours beat him mercilessly, leaving

him critically injured, the OC added.

A seriously injured Saiful was rushed to

Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College where

doctors declared him dead around 9.30 pm.

The body has been kept in the hospital

morgue for an autopsy, the officer said.

Dengue death

toll now 120 as

2 more die

DHAKA : Two more deaths

from dengue in 24 hours till

Wednesday morning raised

this year's fatalities from the

mosquito-borne disease in

Bangladesh to 120.

During this period, 923

more patients were

hospitalised with the viral

fever as cases keep rising,

according to the Directorate

General of Health Services


Both deaths were reported

from Dhaka.

With this, the Dengue death

toll from Dhaka rose to 72.

The dengue death toll

remained unchanged at 36 in

Chattogram, at five in

Barishal, at four in Khulna

and at three in Mymensingh

division. Of the new patients,

520 were admitted to

different hospitals in Dhaka

and 403 outside it, according

to the Directorate General of

Health Services (DGHS).

A total of 3,380 dengue

patients, including 2,207 in

the capital, are now receiving

treatment at hospitals across

the country. The directorate

has recorded 33,923 dengue

cases and 30,423 recoveries

so far this year.

Elderly woman tied

to tree, tortured in


NATORE : An elderly woman

was tied to a tree and beaten

mercilessly by her neighbours

on Tuesday night for allegedly

having an illicit affair with her

son-in-law in Natore's

Gurudaspur upazila.

Kulsum Bewa, 80, was

dragged out of her house and

tortured by her neighbours,

Raton Ali and Ujjal Hossain,

said Abdul Motin, officer-incharge

of Gurudaspur police

station. However, the woman

claimed that since she was

sick, her son-in-law went to

her room to give her

medicines. On information,

police visited the spot and

rescued the woman.

No one has been arrested in

connection with the

thrashing, said the OC.

"Efforts are on to nab the


University Research Day

President, PM greet teachers,

researchers, physicians

DHAKA : President M Abdul Hamid and

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday

greeted all concerned including students,

teachers, doctors, nurses and officials on

the occasion of the University Research

Day-2022. They issued separate

messages on the eve of the day to be

observed today under the arrangement

of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical

University (BSMMU) for the fourth time.

In his message, President Abdul

Hamid said that accurate knowledge

about the origin, causes, remedies and

prevention of various diseases can be

gained through continuous research and

thus research plays an important role in

human welfare.

Referring to medical care as one of the

basic human needs, the head of the state

said due to this reason, people have high

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expectations of BSMMU, a top

institution of medical science in the

country. He underscored the need for

expanding basic research programs and

utilizing the research results for human

welfare in order to fulfil that public


He called upon the university

authorities to take necessary initiatives

for this purpose alongside reaching

quality medical services at the doorsteps

of the common people with minimum


In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh

Hasina said the greatest Bangalee of all

times Father of the Nation Bangabandhu

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman undertook

various activities including the

establishment of hospitals for the

development of the country's medical

industry immediately after the

independence of the country.

In the war-torn country, he took

groundbreaking initiatives to expand

healthcare at the district, police station

and union level to bring medical care to

the doorsteps of common people, the

Premier said.

At the hands of Bangabandhu,

revolutionary changes began in the

development of the health sector and

medical science research in Bangladesh,

she added.

Following the footprints of

Bangabandhu, the Awami League

government established a medical

university for the first time in 1998 aimed

at creating the foundation of necessary

medical research to ensure the sound

health of the people, she said.

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