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Thursday, dhaka : october 27, 2022; kartik 11, 1429 BS; rabi-ul-awal 30 , 1444 Hijri

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina exchanging views with the country's importers and exporters of

consumer goods at her official Ganabhaban residence yesterday.

Photo : Pid

JICA inks deal with

Govt for implementing

Human Resource Dev

Scholarship project

DHAKA : Japan International

Cooperation Agency (JICA) has signed

grant agreement with the government for

the implementation of the Project for

Human Resource Development

Scholarship (JDS).

The JDS is a grant aid that will support

young promising Bangladeshi officials to

acquire skills and knowledge necessary to

better serve the public through rigorous

research in the relevant master's or doctor's

courses in Japan, according to a press


Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh

Ito Naoki, Chief Representative of JICA

Bangladesh Office ICHIGUCHI

Tomohide, Secretary of Economic

Relations Division (ERD) of Finance

Ministry Sharifa Khan, , representing the

respective governments, signed the

Exchange of Notes and Grant Agreement

in Dhaka on Wednesday.

Up to JPY 476 million (about USD 4

million) will be provided to the government

to implement the project. With the

signing of G/A, JICA will offer 33 scholarships

(30 Masters and 3 Doctoral) to the

civil servants of Bangladesh to study in

graduate schools of renowned Japanese


This program creates an environment

where academic exchanges, which include

immersion and exposure to various fields,

become a tool for strengthening international

relations. To date, 492 fellows (477

Master's and 15 Doctoral Fellows) studied

in Japan. This year is the 50th anniversary

of the establishment of diplomatic relations

between Japan and Bangladesh.

JICA Bangladesh Office believes that

JDS will continue to enhance the everlasting

JapanBangladesh friendship even


Forex reserves stand

at $37b, increases

12 times than BNP

regime: Hasan

DHAKA : Information and Broadcasting

Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud yesterday

said the foreign exchange reserves of the

country have stood at about US$37 billion,

increasing 12 times than the BNP regime.

"At the end of BNP's tenure, foreign

exchange reserves were less than US$ 3.5

billion in 2006, which increased 12 times

during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's

tenure and now stand at around US$37

billion," he said.

The minister was speaking at DRU

Sahitya Award-2022 distribution ceremony

as the chief guest at Dhaka Reporters'

Unity (DRU) auditorium in the city's

Segunbagicha area, reports BSS.

DRU President Nazrul Islam Mithu

presided over the function while General

Secretary Nurul Islam Hasib delivered the

welcome address. Dr Hasan, also ruling

Awami League (AL) joint general secretary,

said that Bangladesh is now the 31st

economy in the world as per the

Purchasing Power Parity or PPP.

Almost all countries across the globe are

running their states cutting the reserve savings

amid the Covid-19 and war situation, he

said, adding, "When it is enough for a country

to have foreign exchange reserves to

cover three months of import expenses, we

have the reserves for five months. So, there is

no scope to talk about reserve".

Referring to BNP leaders' talk about foreign

exchange reserves, the minister said

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has taken

the foreign exchange reserves to US$44

billion during the Covid-19 period, which

were US$3.45 billion at the end of BNP's

tenure and US$6.1 billion at the end of

caretaker government.

'No Hawa Bhaban at PMO

to share your profits with'

DHAKA : Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

on Wednesday asked businessmen to

place Bangladesh and countrymen before


"There's no Hawa Bhaban and development

wing at PMO to share your profits

with," she said.

The PM made the remarks at a meeting

with importers and exporters of consumer


She said that in the last 14 years, during

the Awami League rule, businessmen of

the country ran their businesses and made

profits without hindrance.

She said that at present, businessmen of

the country are free from the "pain of

Hawa Bhaban and development wing of

the PMO."

"You are not suffering that now. You

have to admit that," she said.

Hasina observed that in the past, the

lion share of profits went to Hawa Bhaban

and PMO's so-called development wing.

"...Keep that in mind, and consider the

country and its people (first)," she said.

The PM also said that during the Covid-

19 pandemic, the government provided

stimulus packages to businessmen to run

their business smoothly, even though they

did not ask for that.

She said that a team was formed

through her initiative, and it operated well

in running the wheels of the economy.

She also recalled that during the pandemic,

many factories and industries of

developed countries shut down.

"We said that we will not allow our factories

and industries to close down, we

have to continue... I ensured workers'

wages, gave the stimulus packages," she

said. The PM said that when the opposition

is holding anti-government protests

on the streets some businessmen have

Govt works to protect Sundarbans,

coastal areas from climate

disasters : Shahab

TBT rePorT

Minister for Environment Forest and

Climate Change Md. Shahab Uddin said,

the government is working to protect the

Sundarbans and the coastal areas from the

harmful effects of climate change.

He said various projects including protection

of the world heritage Sundarbans,

construction of sustainable embankments

and harvesting rainwater have been taken

to reduce the risk of disasters. At the same

time, he said, effective initiatives have also

been taken to realize climate compensation

from rich countries.

The minister was speaking at the chief

guest at a national dialogue on impacts of

climate change in southwestern coastal

areas of the country held at Parliament

Members' Club at the Jatiya Sangsad

Bhaban on Wednesday.

Deputy Minister for Environment,

Forest and Climate Change Habibun

Nahar, Mir Mostaque Ahmed Robi, MP,

Syeda Rubina Akhter, MP and general

secretary of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon

Sharif Jamil addressed the dialogue as

special guests. Non-government organisation

LEDARS- Local Environment

Development and Agricultural Research

Society and Sundarbans and Coastal Area

Protection Movement jointly organized

the dialogue a day after devastating

cyclone Sitrang hit the country leaving

about 40 people killed.

Moderated by coordinator of the

become anxious, but there are some others

who have started looking for opportunities

about how to make profits by opening

Hawa Bhaban again.

"Don't know why, suddenly they (businessmen)

have started singing a synchronised

tune that there is lack of this or that,

and this cannot be done or that cannot

take place," she said.

She said that the government so far

managed to keep inflation under control,

mentioning that in England the rate of

inflation has jumped to 40 percent.

She also said that the whole world is suffering

from the crisis.

The PM said that the government is

importing LNG with higher prices and

providing it at a cheaper rate to the businessmen.

"The crisis is not originated in

Bangladesh, it is an international crisis, we

must keep that in our mind," she said.

Hasina said that to procure soybean and

sugar, a team led by the Commerce

Secretary will go to Brazil to negotiate

directly for the TCB (Trading Corporation

of Bangladesh).

"They (Brazil) want to sell directly, and

we have to procure those (sugar and soybean)

directly, no other means they will

allow, it is their system," she said adding

that this system has to be followed to procure

items from there.

Talking about the foreign currency

reserves, she said that during the COVID-

19 pandemic people could not travel overseas

resulting in high deposit of foreign

currency. She also said that expatriate

Bangladeshis send all their money

through banking channel.

"We did not have any expenditure, as a

result the reserve reached $48 billion," she


Sundarbans and Coastal Area Protection

Movement, journalist Nikhil Chandra

Bhadra, LEDARS executive director

Mohon Kumar Mondal made the keynote

presentation in the dialogue.

Rafiqul Islam Azad, former president of

Dhaka Reporters Unity, Matilda Tina

Baidya of KARK In Aktri, Ahsan Wahid of

Manusher Jonne Foundation,

Moniruzzaman Mukul of SCAN

Bangladesh, Sheikh Abdul Alim of CCDB,

Mahbub-Ul-Hasan of Oxfam,

Shahiduzzaman Pulak of Swiss Contact,

Moshi Mondal of World Concern, Nripen

Boidya of Faith In Action, Anisur Rahim,

Md Noor Alam Sheikh, Madhobi Rani

Mondal and Azadul Haque, among others,

also spoke on the occasion.

In his speech, the environment minister

said that the risk of coastal areas including

Sundarbans due to climate change has

been determined. The government has

already taken a national adaptation plan.

He mentioned that various schemes

have been taken up to address the risk due

to climate change. Monitoring has been

strengthened to ensure transparency and

accountability of project implementation

in the coastal areas.

"A specific action plan has been taken to

develop the tourism industry around the

Sundarbans," he added.

He urged the government as well as

non-governmental organizations to work

to raise awareness on all these issues.

Low pressure problem in

gas supply to industries

to be resolved: Nasrul

DHAKA : State Minister for Power,

Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul

Hamid has said necessary measures will

be taken to address the low pressure problem

in gas supply to industries.

"We'll take a move to resolve the local

problem in gas supply so that situation doesn't

deteriorate," he told reporters after a

meeting with business body leaders at the

Bangladesh Investment Development

Authority (BIDA) at Agargaon in the city on


He said the business leaders have complained

that industries are not getting gas in

adequate pressure in some particular areas.

"We'll look into those to fix them"

A group of business leaders, led by president

of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers

of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI)

Jashim Uddin, participated in the meeting

while Prime Minister's Private Industry and

Investment Adviser Salam F Rahman were

present on the occasion. The meeting was

held at a time when the export-oriented

industries, specially textile, garment and

ceramic manufacturers are desperately persuading

the top policymaker to get adequate

gas and power supply against the backdrop

of the ongoing energy crisis.

Nasrul said he has discussed with the business

leaders to address the local problems

that the industries are now facing in gas supply.

He said the meeting mainly focused on

the issues of local gas supply.

He assured them they would get similar

supply that they received previously. We all

will together try to keep the supply better in

the coming months and also next year".

­ Sitrang

Indian Coast Guard

rescues 20Bangladeshi

fishermen stranded

at sea

DHAKA : The Indian Coast Guard (ICG)

has rescued 20 Bangladeshi fishermen

near the Bangladesh-India international

maritime border line after their fishing

boat capsized when cyclone Sitrang made


They were caught in the cyclone which

destroyed their boats. The fishermen

clung to floats and debris from their

sunken boats, reports UNB.

Although Sitrang spared India's West

Bengal, Bangladesh was not so lucky. At

least 25 people died as the cyclone made

landfall in the southern part of the country


After that, ICG looked for any vessels

stranded at sea and spotted around 20

people in the water, about 90 nautical

miles (166km) from Sagar Island in West

Bengal, Tuesday.

"In a swift co-ordinated search and rescue

operation, India Coast Guard has rescued

20 Bangladeshi fishermen postlandfall

of cyclone Sitrang," ICG tweeted


The fishermen will be handed over to

Bangladesh in accordance with the existing

memorandum of understanding

(MoU) between Dhaka and Delhi, it


Tirail in Baraigram Upazila of Natore is

now known as bird village. Tirail Bazar

area has become a beautiful environment

with native and guest birds in the bamboo

grove. From early morning, everyone can

hear the chirping of birds in the bamboo

grove, see the free movement of their

wings, and their flight in flocks. The area is

full of chirping of visiting birds. These

birds came from the Siberia area in search

There is no alternative to Sheikh Hasina

in Bangladesh : Home Minister

DHAKA : Home Minister Asaduzzaman

Khan Kamal yesterday said there is no

alternative to Sheikh Hasina in

Bangladesh, as the country has been progressing

fast towards its desired goal.

"If people of this country vote for you

(BNP) in the next general election, you will

come to power. The only way to come to

power is the people's mandate. People will

not accept you (BNP) in power through

public sufferings," he said this at a programme

at Tejgaon Women's College


The BNP men have been seeing many

colourful dreams for going to power, the

minister said, "Wait for another one year

to contest in the general election."

Awami League never came to power

through conspiracy or muscle power, he

said adding, "Awami League came to

power through people's vote. Awami

League thinks that people are its main

strength. People of the country think that

there is no other alternative to Sheikh

Hasina in the country."

Stating that the government has no

objection in holding free and fair election,

he said, "You (BNP) should not try to create

suffering for the people by holding rallies

in Dhaka-Chattogram. If the country's

situation is destabilized in the name of rallies,

people will not accept it."

About the Russia-Ukraine conflict,

Kamal said, "Commodity price has been

increasing due to the conflict. Russian-

Ukraine is a food bank. Anyone who

thinks food price will not go up, he or she

is living in a fool's paradise."

Mentioning a rise in diesel price internationally,

he said load shedding is being

mandatory in the country because of the

gasoline price hike. "Efforts are underway

to solve this issue. I think we will be able to

back to normal situation by December this

year," he added.

The home minister said that the country

will move forward as long as Sheikh

Hasina remains in power.

ireland´s Captain andrew Balbirnie (C) celebrates win with teammates

after the iCC men´s Twenty20 World Cup 2022 cricket match

between england and ireland at Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)

on october 26, 2022 in Melbourne.

Photo : internet

Ireland stun England for

famous win at T20 World Cup

MELBOURNE : Minnows Ireland pulled

off a huge upset Wednesday, stunning

world number two England by five runs

with a fine bowling display in a rain-affected

match to throw the Twenty20 World

Cup wide open, reports BSS.

After being sent in to bat, Ireland captain

Andy Balbirnie (62) led his team to

92-1 off 10 overs before a mid-order collapse

saw them all out for 157 with four

balls remaining

But England slumped to 29-3 with just

one boundary in the first five overs as the

Irish bowlers found pace and movement,

and they struggled to get any momentum.

Eighteen minutes were lost to rain at the

beginning of the game and the players

Tirail: a place known as the village of birds

SHeikH Tofazzal HoSSain, naTore CorreSPondenT:

Hargila birds sitting on the nest.

of food in the winter season and settled in

the Tirail Bazar area of the upazila. There,

around 4 acres of bamboo bushes and

mango, tamarind, mahogany trees are

considered as habitat for them. Visitors

are flocking to see these birds every day. In

the dark of night, some steal the eggs and

chicks of birds. Also, some took the mother

birds again. They are in a vulnerable

state. The area can be developed as a

Photo : TBT

were taken off again with England on 105-

5 off 14.3 overs just as Moeen Ali was getting

into his stride. England were five runs

behind on the DLS scoring method, giving

Ireland a famous victory when the game

was called off a few minutes later.

It was Ireland's second massive upset of

the tournament after they West Indies in

the first round to send the two-time champions

home. England were among the title

favourites and heavily-fancied to beat

Ireland after opening their tournament

with a five-wicket win over Afghanistan at

the weekend.Instead the shock defeat has

thrown Group 1 wide open with Australia,

Sri Lanka, Ireland and England all now

with one win and one loss.

tourist center if the government takes

notice. Visiting birds start arriving in early

winter in the surrounding bill areas

including Chalanbill of Natore. All these

guest birds can be seen in the green fields,

in most places of Chalan bill, Chinadanga,

Satail, Lohagara bill including Pangyar

Dighi of the upazila.

A large number of birds including Sand

Duck, Crane, Dahuk, Nalkak, Jalpipi,

Kombadak, Sarali, Patari Duck and

Hargila can be seen. These birds directly

benefit the farmers by eating harmful

insects and snails in the fields. Their discharge

of stools increases the fertility of the

land. It increases the yield of crops in the

field. Farmers are benefited.

Professor Mojibur Rahman of Tirail

area said that around 4 acres of bamboo

groves have created a sanctuary for various

species of birds. Most of them are

Hargila birds. They are 4 to 5 kg in weight

each in adult age. Earlier they used to

come only in winter and go away in summer.

For about ten years, the birds have

been guarded and preserved by the initiative

of the local people, and the birds have

made habitats to the high branches of

mango, tamarind, and mahogany trees

along with bamboo bushes. The birds

hatch eggs and hatchlings there.

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