

MoNDay, oCtobeR 24, 20226awami Dalia Zilla Parishad election Management Committee organized a press conference onSaturday night at the Panchagarh Press Club hall.Photo: Md anamul HaquePress conference held in PanchagarhMD aNaMUl HaqUe, PaNCHaGaRHCoRReSPoNDeNt:Awami League leaders held a pressconference after Abu Toybur Rahmanwas defeated in the Panchagarh ZillaParishad election. Abu Bakar Siddique,the former legal affairs secretary of thedistrict Awami League and convener ofthe district council election committee,held a press conference at thePanchagarh press club on Fridayafternoon. He is the younger brother ofthe candidate. In the press conference,he said that District Awami LeaguePresident, Railway Minister NurulIslam Sujan and General SecretaryAnwar Sadat did not work for AwamiLeague candidate in the Samratelection. They worked for the winningindependent candidate Abdul HannanNMI principalpays tribute toBangabandhu'stombMeHaDi HaSaN, tUNGiPaRa CoRReSPoNDeNt:Chattogram NationalMaritime Institute (NMI)Principal Captain AtaurRahman paid tribute byplacing wreaths at the tombof Father of the NationBangabandhu SheikhMujibur Rahman inTungipara. On Sundayafternoon, he laid wreathsand paid tributes at thetomb of the Father of theNation.Later he recited the holyFateha, and prayed for theforgiveness of the souls ofBangabandhu and his familymembers who was killed onAugust 15, 1975.Officials of ChattogramNational Maritime Institutewere present at this time.BCG seize 12500kg of jelly-pushedshrimpBangladesh Coast GuardStation Pagla seizedapproximately 12,500 kg ofjelly-pushed shrimp. OnSunday at noon, CoastGuard Headquarters mediaofficer Lt. CommanderKhandaker Munif Taqi gavethis information. He said, onthe basis of secretinformation, a specialoperation was conducted inthe Dhaleswari Bridge areaunder the leadership ofStation Commander Lt.Shams Sadekeen Taran byBangladesh Coast GuardStation Pagla on October 23,2022 at approximately 0230hours. During the operation,07 passenger buses fromKhulna to Chattogram weresearched and approximately12,500 kg (312 maunds) ofpoisonous jelly-pushedshrimps were seized, with anestimated market value ofTk 1crore 50 lakh taka. Asthe real owner of the jellypushedshrimp could not befound, no one could bearrested. Keraniganj UpazilaSenior Fisheries Officer Md.Salim Reza was present inthe said expedition.He further said that later, inthe presence of the FisheriesOfficer, the seized jellypushedshrimps weredestroyed by burying themon the ground.Sheikh during the night. In response tothis press conference, the Awami DaliaZilla Parishad Election ManagementCommittee organized a pressconference on Saturday night at thePanchagarh Press Club hall. Statingthat Abu Bakar Siddique gave falseinformation in the press conference,the speakers said that Abu BakarSiddique is not the convener of the ZillaParishad Election ManagementCommittee.Awami League candidate lostbecause of his younger brother. ArifulIslam Pallab, former organizingsecretary of district Awami League,read a written statement at the pressconference.He said Abu Bakar Siddique, theyounger brother of Abu TowaburRahman, the nominated candidate ofAwami League in the recentlyconcluded Zilla Parishad election, lostthe chairmanship in the 2016 ZillaParishad election and took back themoney given to the voters for voting byfear of lawsuits and muscle power. Ithad an impact on this election. AwamiLeague candidate got 231 votes in ZillaParishad election due to district leadersincluding District Awami LeaguePresident and General Secretary not forhis personal image.He also said that Abu Bakar Siddique,being a senior leader of the party, spokeagainst the decision of everyoneincluding the party chairperson, whichis against the party hierarchy of theorganization. He drew the attention ofthe party president to takeorganizational action against the partyleaders for making false claims.Chattogram National Maritime institute (NMi) Principal paid tribute tobangabandhu's tomb.Photo: Mehadi HasanOver 3.33cr Covid-19 jabsadministered in RangpurRaNGPUR: The number ofadministered Covid-19 jabs rose to threecrore 33 lakh 61 thousand and 196 inRangpur division with the inoculation ofmore 63,579 doses as the first, second andbooster doses on Saturday, reports BSS."Among the administered Covid-19 jabson Saturday, 300 doses were inoculatedto the children aged 5-11 years as the firstdoses," said Divisional Deputy Director(Health) Dr. Md. Habibur Rahmanyesterday.So far, a total of 5,08,050 children aged5-11 years of 1,600 primary leveleducational institutions wereadministered with the first dose of theCovid-19 jabs in the division.Till Saturday, a total of 1,41,62,743people got the first doses of Covid-19 jabs,and of them, 1,32,55,190 got the seconddoses and 58,88,263 as the booster dosesin the division.Meanwhile, the total number of Covid-19 patients rose to 64,933 as two freshCovid-19 cases were diagnosed aftertesting 208 new samples on Saturday inthe division.The number of recovered Covid-19patients remained steady at 63,579 as nomore patients healed during the last 24hours ending at 8 am yesterday in thedivision."Besides, the number of casualtiesremained steady at 1,292 as no new deathwas reported during the last 24 hours,"Dr. Rahman added.bangladesh Coast Guard Station Pagla seized approximately 12,500 kg ofjelly-pushed shrimp.Photo: Courtesy3 die aslaunchcollides withbridge inShariatpurSHaRiatPUR: Threepeople were killed and twoothers injured as apassenger launch collidedwith a bridge in theKuchaipur union areaunder Gosairhat upazilahere early yesterday,reports BSS.The deceased wereidentified as Tanji Molla,23, Shakil Ahmed, 25 andSagar Ali, 23.Quoting locals, policesaid an iron tankattached to the launchfell on the victims whilethey were asleep after thevessel collided with thebridge at around 4:30am, leaving two peopledead on the spot andthree injured.The injured were takento Gosairhat upazila healthcomplex where the dutydoctors pronounced onedead.Later, police seized thevessel along with twoworkers.Gosairghat UNO Kafibin Kabir told BSS thatimmediately after theaccident, the site wasinspected and necessarymonetary assistancewere provided to theinjured.The district administrationalso provided Tk 25,000to each deceased'sfamily for interment.Fire guts cotton mill in KurigrambaDSHaH SayKot, KURiGRaM CoRReSPoNDeNt:A cotton mill and two warehouses of MaGarments were gutted in a fire in BSCICIndustrial Estate of Kurigram. Locals sawthe fire around 10 am on Sunday morningand informed the fire service. On receivingthe information, 4 units of fire service ofKurigram, Ulipur, Rajarhat and Lalmonirhatwere able to bring the fire under control after2 hours of effort. However, the cause of thefire and how much money has been lost isnot yet known.According to mill workers and locals, whenthe fire started from the cotton mill machine,efforts to extinguish it failed. After informingthe fire service, 4 units of fire service broughtthe fire under control.Locals said that mill owner Mohsin AliUmra is out of the country to performOmrah Hajj.Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer RashedulHasan, BSCIC Industrial Estate AdditionalDirector Jahangir Alam, Rangpur DivisionalFire Service Deputy Director Md. JaseemUddin visited the scene. They promised totake measures after determining the amountof damage after the fire came under control.Sadar Upazila Nirbahi Officer RashedulHasan said that the owner of the mill is out ofthe country to perform Omrah Hajj. Theextent of damage will be determined andinformed to higher officials.Md Jasim Uddin, Rangpur DivisionalDeputy Director of Fire Service and CivilDefense, said that after receiving theinformation, 4 units of the fire service cameand started working and brought the fireunder control. There are other millsincluding jute mills next to this cotton mill inBSCIC Industrial Estate. Fire servicepersonnel were vigilant to prevent othermills from causing trouble. The fire serviceofficial said that a report will be given afterthe investigation. The fire service official saidthat a report will be given after theinvestigation.Jahangir Alam, deputy general manager ofKurigram BSCIC Industrial Estate, said thatthe fire service was informed as soon as thefire broke out. Later 4 units of fire servicebrought the fire under control. He said thatfurther measures will be taken afterdetermining the amount of damage.a cotton mill and two warehouses of Ma Garments were gutted in a fire inbSCiC industrial estate of Kurigram.Photo: badshah SaykotDiverse innovations show dreamsof Rajshahi silk industries revivalRaJSHaHi: Golden tradition of silkindustries is expected to revive within ashortest possible time withbreakthrough innovation of highyielding varieties of silkworms andmulberry plants, reports BSS.Bangladesh Sericulture Researchand Training Institute (BSRTI) hasinnovated 20 silkworm and 15mulberry plant varieties after a longresearch creating massive hope ofrevitalization of the prestigious silksector.BSRTI Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)Faruque Ahmed told BSS that silkproduction will be enhanced by around12 to 15 percent together withdecreasing the dependence on importof silk yarn amid the variety innovationrecently. Farmers will also be benefitedenormously by virtue of the innovation.Since the immemorial time, Rajshahihas been famous for silk but its legacywas on the verge of wane for the lastcouple of decades. BSRTI has startedshowing the dreams of the golden day'ssilks again in the region.Faruque Ahmed said they conductedthe research under a five-year projectfor production enhancement of silkthrough technology developmentexpansion and skilled manpowergeneration.Through the Taka 35.66-croreproject, 20 silkworms and 15 mulberryplants have been added to the presentstock cumulating the number ofsilkworms to 114, while mulberryplants to 38.Apart from this, mulberry variety hasbeen elevated to 84 from 60, whilesilkworm variety to 114, including 27high yielding ones, from 85 in BSRTI'sgermplasm bank with the developmentof the 35 new varieties.By dint of the innovation of 20silkworm varieties, production of 70 to75 kilograms of silk could be possiblefrom per 100 disinfectant eggs withinless time, while the previous figure was60 to 65 kilograms.Besides, 40 to 47 tons of mulberryleaves could be produced per hectare ofland yearly amid innovation of the 15mulberry varieties, whereas theprevious figure was 30 to 37 tons.Another SSO Rumana Ferdus Bint-A-Rahman said the newly developedvarieties will be expanded to thegrassroots farmers as soon as possibleso that they can derive total benefits ofthe research outcomes.BSRTI Director Kazi Rafiqul Islamtold BSS that they are encouraging thefarmers towards mulberry farming asmain crop with the ultimate goal ofboosting silk production. Currently,mulberry plants are being cultivated onhomesteads and roadside vacantplaces. He also said intercroppingmulberry trees with some othervegetables and spices is beingpromoted among the farmers aimed atuplifting the silk production.Rafiqul Islam mentioned prospect ofthe intercropping is very bright to boostadditional income from the same landtogether with silk cocoon productionthroughout the region.Professor Dr Nuzhat Ara of theDepartment of Zoology of RajshahiUniversity said the prospect has beenincreased with extension of mulberrycultivation on around 8,000 hectares ofland including roadside plantationthroughout the country for the lastcouple of years.National Road Safety Daycelebrated in PatnitalaHaSaN SHaHRiaR Pallab, PatNitalaCoRReSPoNDeNt:National Road Safety Day wascelebrated in Patnitala by NirapadSarak Chai(Ni-Sa-Cha) bus stand'sNi-Sa-Cha office, and a rally washeld. Hasan Shahriar Pallab,Convenor of Patnitala UpazilaBranch, Nirapad Sarak Chai presidedover the event. Joint convener Md.Abdur Gafur, joint convenerMorshedul Alam, member secretaryYunusar Rahman was present in theevent.Various issues of National RoadSafety Day were discussed in thepresence of all the committeemembers. Ni-Sa-Cha convenerHasan Shahirar Pallab said in thesaid event, everyone should be madeaware through our organization;everyone should be properlyinformed about their responsibilities.When professionals or pedestriansare aware of their responsibilities,road accidents will surely decrease.The social movement has been goingon for 29 years to make the roadssafer. To make the roads safer, let usall fulfill the responsibility and dutyNational Road Safety Day was celebrated in Patnitala by NirapadSarak Chai(Ni-Sa-Cha).Photo: Hasan Shahriar Pallabproperly to implement the directivegiven to reduce the global roadaccidents by 50% by 2030.Later at 12.00 pm a discussionmeeting and rally was held in thehall of Patnitala upazila with theinitiative of upazila procession andNi-Sa-Cha. Under thechairmanship of Upazila NirbahiOfficer Romana Afroz, Mr.Shahiduzzaman Sarkar, Member ofParliament of 47-Naogaon-2,President of the StandingCommittee on Law and JudiciaryAffairs, was present as the chiefguest.Upazila Parishad Chairman Md. AbdulGaffar and Vice Chairman Rahad andother members of Ni-Sa-Cha werepresent as special guests. Ni-Sa-ChaPatnitala upazila convener HasanShahriar Pallab conducted the program.

MonDAy, oCtoBeR 24, 20227Chanting crowds marched in the streets of Berlin, Washington DC and Los Angeles on Saturday in a showof international support for demonstrators facing a violent government crackdown in Iran, sparked bythe death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the custody of that country's morality police. Photo : APMajor HurricaneRoslyn approachesMexico's Pacific coastPUERTO VALLARTA :Communities along the westcoast of Mexico prepared forHurricane Roslyn, aCategory 3 storm, to makelandfall Sunday as the USNational Hurricane Centerwarned of potentiallydamaging winds, adangerous storm surge andflash flooding.The major storm wasabout 80 miles (130kilometers) southwest of thecity of Tepic, with maximumsustained winds of 125 milesper hour and moving northat about 16 mph, the NHCsaid in its 0900 GMTupdate.It is forecast to slam intothe coast of Nayarit state onSunday morning at or nearmajor hurricane strength,the NHC said."Little change in strengthis anticipated before landfalllater this morning, andrapid weakening is expectedafter landfall," the NHCsaid."On the forecast track, thecenter of Roslyn willapproach the coast of westcentralMexico, likelymaking landfall along thecoast of the Mexican state ofNayarit Sunday morning."Both the NHC and theMeteorological Service ofMexico warned of flashflooding and landslidescaused by the storm.GD-1711/22 (7x3)Iran protests trigger solidarityrallies in US, EuropeWASHINGTON : Chanting crowds marchedin the streets of Berlin, Washington DC andLos Angeles on Saturday in a show ofinternational support for demonstratorsfacing a violent government crackdown inIran, sparked by the death of 22-year-oldMahsa Amini in the custody of that country'smorality police, reports UNB.On the U.S. National Mall, thousands ofwomen and men of all ages - wearing green,white and red, the colors of the Iran flag -shouted in rhythm. "Be scared. Be scared. Weare one in this," demonstrators yelled, beforemarching to the White House. "Say hername! Mahsa!"The demonstrations, put together bygrassroots organizers from around theUnited States, drew Iranians from across theWashington D.C. area, with some travellingdown from Toronto to join the crowd.In Los Angeles, home to the biggestpopulation of Iranians outside of Iran, athrong of protesters formed a slow-movingprocession along blocks of a closeddowntown street. They chanted for the fall ofIran's government and waved hundreds ofIranian flags that turned the horizon into aundulating wave of red, white and green."We want freedom," they thundered.Shooka Scharm, an attorney who was bornin the U.S. after her parents fled the Iranianrevolution, was wearing a T-shirt with theslogan "Women, Life, Freedom" in Englishand Farsi. In Iran "women are like a secondclasscitizen and they are sick of it," Scharmsaid.Iran's nationwide antigovernment protestmovement first focused on the country'smandatory hijab covering for womenfollowing Amiri's death on Sept. 16. Thedemonstrations there have since transformedinto the greatest challenge to the IslamicRepublic since the 2009 Green Movementover disputed elections. In Tehran onSaturday, more antigovernment proteststook place at several universities.Iran's security forces have dispersedgatherings in that country with liveammunition and tear gas, killing over 200people, including teenage girls, according torights groups.The Biden administration has said itcondemns the brutality and repressionagainst the citizens of Iran and that it will lookfor ways to impose more sanctions againstthe Iranian government if the violencecontinues.Between chants, protesters in D.C. brokeinto song, singing traditional Persian musicabout life and freedom - all written after therevolution in 1979 brought religiousfundamentalists to power in Iran. They sangone in particular in unison - "Baraye,"meaning because of, which has become theunofficial anthem of the Iran protests. Theartist of that song, Shervin Hajipour, wasarrested shortly after posting the song to hisInstagram in late September. It accrued morethan 40 million views."Because of women, life, freedom,"protesters sang, echoing a popular protestchant: "Azadi" - Freedom.The movement in Iran is rooted in the sameissues as in the U.S. and around the globe,said protester Samin Aayanifard, 28, who leftIran three years ago. "It's forced hijab in Iranand here in America, after 50 years, women'sbodies are under control," said Aayanifard,who drove from East Lansing, Michigan tojoin the D.C. march. She referred to rollbacksof abortion laws in the United States. "It'sabout control over women's bodies."ÔKvh©Ki wbivc`, MwZkxj c_Moe moK I Rbc_Doctors tell Saudicrown prince to skipsummit: AlgeriaALGIERS : Doctors haveadvised Saudi Arabia's powerfulcrown prince not to travel toAlgiers for an upcomingsummit, the Algerianpresidency said Sunday, amidan absence of Saudi reportsconfirming health issues.Mohammed bin Salman"apologised for not being able toparticipate in the Arab Summitto be held on November 1 inAlgiers, in accordance with therecommendations of doctorswho advise him not to travel",the official Algerian newsagency APS said, citing apresidency statement.Algerian PresidentAbdelmadjid Tebbouneresponded during a phone callthat "he understood thesituation and regretted thecrown prince's inability toattend" the summit, expressing"wishes for his health and wellbeing".Thestory did notprovide any explanation for thedoctors' recommendations.Saudi officials did notimmediately respond to arequest for comment.A report on the call by theofficial Saudi Press Agencymade no mention of thesummit or any advice fromPrince Mohammed's doctors.It said that during the call "theaspects of bilateral relationsbetween the two fraternalcountries were reviewed", andthat the two leaders discussed"opportunities for jointcooperation".Illegal border crossingsto US from Mexico hitannual highSAN DIEGO : A surge in migration from Venezuela, Cubaand Nicaragua in September brought the number of illegalcrossings to the highest level ever recorded in a fiscal year,according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.The year-end numbers reflect deteriorating economic andpolitical conditions in some countries, the relative strength ofthe U.S. economy and uneven enforcement of Trump-eraasylum restrictions.Migrants were stopped 227,547 times in September at theU.S. border with Mexico, the third-highest month of JoeBiden's presidency. It was up 11.5% from 204,087 times inAugust and 18.5% from 192,001 times in September 2021.In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, migrants werestopped 2.38 million times, up 37% from 1.73 million timesthe year before, according to figures released late Fridaynight. The annual total surpassed 2 million for the first timein August and is more than twice the highest level duringDonald Trump's presidency in 2019.Nearly 78,000 migrants from Venezuela, Cuba andNicaragua were stopped in September, compared to about58,000 from Mexico and three countries of northern CentralAmerica that have historically accounted for most of the flow.The remarkable geographic shift is at least partly a result ofTitle 42, a public health rule that suspends rights to seeasylum under U.S. and international law on grounds ofpreventing the spread of COVID-19.Due to strained diplomatic relations, the U.S. cannot expelmigrants to Venezuela, Cuba or Nicaragua. As a result, theyare largely released in the United States to pursue theirimmigration cases.Title 42 authority has been applied 2.4 million times sinceit began in March 2020 but has fallen disproportionately onmigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and ElSalvador.U.S. officials say Venezuelan migration to the United Stateshas plunged more than 85% since Oct. 12, when the U.S.began expelling Venezuelans to Mexico under Title 42. At thesame time, the Biden administration pledged to admit up to24,000 Venezuelans to the United States on humanitarianparole if they apply online with a financial sponsor and enterthrough an airport, similar to how tens of thousands ofUkrainians have come since Russia invaded their country.Russian authorities advise civiliansto leave Ukraine regionKYIV : Russian-installed authorities inUkraine told all residents of the city of Khersonto leave "immediately" Saturday ahead of anexpected advance by Ukrainian troops waginga counteroffensive to recapture one of the firsturban areas Russia took after invading thecountry.In a post on the Telegram messaging service,the pro-Kremlin regional administrationstrongly urged civilians to use boat crossingsover a major river to move deeper intoRussian-held territory, citing a tense situationon the front and the threat of shelling andalleged plans for "terror attacks" by Kyiv.Kherson has been in Russian hands since theearly days of the nearly 8-month-long war inUkraine. The city is the capital of a region of thesame name, one of four that Russian PresidentVladimir Putin illegally annexed last monthand put under Russian martial law onThursday.On Friday, Ukrainian forces bombardedRussian positions across the province,targeting pro-Kremlin forces' resupply routesacross the Dnieper River and preparing for afinal push to reclaim the city.The Ukrainian military has reclaimed broadareas in the north of the region since launchinga counteroffensive in late August. It reportednew successes Saturday, saying that Russiantroops were forced to retreat from the villagesof Charivne and Chkalove in the Beryslavdistrict. Russian-installed officials werereported as trying desperately to turn Khersoncity - a prime objective for both sides becauseof its key industries and ports - into a fortresswhile attempting to relocate tens of thousandsof residents.The Kremlin poured as many as 2,000draftees into the surrounding region toreplenish losses and strengthen front-lineunits, according to the Ukrainian army'sgeneral staff.GD-1710/22 (7x3)The wide Dnieper River figures as a majorfactor in the fighting, making it hard for Russiato supply its troops defending the city ofKherson and nearby areas on the west bankafter relentless Ukrainian strikes rendered themain crossings unusable.Taking control of Kherson has allowedRussia to resume fresh water supplies from theDnieper to Crimea, which were cut by Ukraineafter Moscow's annexation of the Black Seapeninsula. A big hydroelectric power plantupstream from Kherson city is a key source ofenergy for the southern region. Ukraine andRussia accused each other of trying to blow itup to flood the mostly flat region.Kherson's Kremlin-backed authoritiespreviously announced plans to evacuate allRussia-appointed officials and as many as60,000 civilians across the river, in what localleader Vladimir Saldo said would be an"organized, gradual displacement."Another Russia-installed official estimatedSaturday that around 25,000 people fromacross the region had made their way over theDnieper. In a Telegram post, Kirill Stremousovclaimed that civilians were relocating willingly."People are actively moving because todaythe priority is life. We do not drag anyoneanywhere," he said, adding that some residentscould be waiting for the Ukrainian army toreclaim the city. Ukrainian and Westernofficials have expressed concern aboutpotential forced transfers of residents to Russiaor Russian-occupied territory.Ukrainian officials urged Kherson residentsto resist attempts to relocate them, with onelocal official alleging that Moscow wanted totake civilians hostage and use them as humanshields.Elsewhere in the invaded country, hundredsof thousands of people in central and westernUkraine woke up on Saturday to poweroutages and periodic bursts of gunfire.Russian-installed authorities in Ukraine told all residents of the city of Kherson to leave "immediately"Saturday ahead of an expected advance by Ukrainian troops waging a counteroffensive torecapture one of the first urban areas Russia took after invading the country.Photo : AP

MonDAy, oCtoBeR 24, 2022


Chanting crowds marched in the streets of Berlin, Washington DC and Los Angeles on Saturday in a show

of international support for demonstrators facing a violent government crackdown in Iran, sparked by

the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the custody of that country's morality police. Photo : AP

Major Hurricane

Roslyn approaches

Mexico's Pacific coast


Communities along the west

coast of Mexico prepared for

Hurricane Roslyn, a

Category 3 storm, to make

landfall Sunday as the US

National Hurricane Center

warned of potentially

damaging winds, a

dangerous storm surge and

flash flooding.

The major storm was

about 80 miles (130

kilometers) southwest of the

city of Tepic, with maximum

sustained winds of 125 miles

per hour and moving north

at about 16 mph, the NHC

said in its 0900 GMT


It is forecast to slam into

the coast of Nayarit state on

Sunday morning at or near

major hurricane strength,

the NHC said.

"Little change in strength

is anticipated before landfall

later this morning, and

rapid weakening is expected

after landfall," the NHC


"On the forecast track, the

center of Roslyn will

approach the coast of westcentral

Mexico, likely

making landfall along the

coast of the Mexican state of

Nayarit Sunday morning."

Both the NHC and the

Meteorological Service of

Mexico warned of flash

flooding and landslides

caused by the storm.

GD-1711/22 (7x3)

Iran protests trigger solidarity

rallies in US, Europe

WASHINGTON : Chanting crowds marched

in the streets of Berlin, Washington DC and

Los Angeles on Saturday in a show of

international support for demonstrators

facing a violent government crackdown in

Iran, sparked by the death of 22-year-old

Mahsa Amini in the custody of that country's

morality police, reports UNB.

On the U.S. National Mall, thousands of

women and men of all ages - wearing green,

white and red, the colors of the Iran flag -

shouted in rhythm. "Be scared. Be scared. We

are one in this," demonstrators yelled, before

marching to the White House. "Say her

name! Mahsa!"

The demonstrations, put together by

grassroots organizers from around the

United States, drew Iranians from across the

Washington D.C. area, with some travelling

down from Toronto to join the crowd.

In Los Angeles, home to the biggest

population of Iranians outside of Iran, a

throng of protesters formed a slow-moving

procession along blocks of a closed

downtown street. They chanted for the fall of

Iran's government and waved hundreds of

Iranian flags that turned the horizon into a

undulating wave of red, white and green.

"We want freedom," they thundered.

Shooka Scharm, an attorney who was born

in the U.S. after her parents fled the Iranian

revolution, was wearing a T-shirt with the

slogan "Women, Life, Freedom" in English

and Farsi. In Iran "women are like a secondclass

citizen and they are sick of it," Scharm


Iran's nationwide antigovernment protest

movement first focused on the country's

mandatory hijab covering for women

following Amiri's death on Sept. 16. The

demonstrations there have since transformed

into the greatest challenge to the Islamic

Republic since the 2009 Green Movement

over disputed elections. In Tehran on

Saturday, more antigovernment protests

took place at several universities.

Iran's security forces have dispersed

gatherings in that country with live

ammunition and tear gas, killing over 200

people, including teenage girls, according to

rights groups.

The Biden administration has said it

condemns the brutality and repression

against the citizens of Iran and that it will look

for ways to impose more sanctions against

the Iranian government if the violence


Between chants, protesters in D.C. broke

into song, singing traditional Persian music

about life and freedom - all written after the

revolution in 1979 brought religious

fundamentalists to power in Iran. They sang

one in particular in unison - "Baraye,"

meaning because of, which has become the

unofficial anthem of the Iran protests. The

artist of that song, Shervin Hajipour, was

arrested shortly after posting the song to his

Instagram in late September. It accrued more

than 40 million views.

"Because of women, life, freedom,"

protesters sang, echoing a popular protest

chant: "Azadi" - Freedom.

The movement in Iran is rooted in the same

issues as in the U.S. and around the globe,

said protester Samin Aayanifard, 28, who left

Iran three years ago. "It's forced hijab in Iran

and here in America, after 50 years, women's

bodies are under control," said Aayanifard,

who drove from East Lansing, Michigan to

join the D.C. march. She referred to rollbacks

of abortion laws in the United States. "It's

about control over women's bodies."

ÔKvh©Ki wbivc`, MwZkxj c_

Moe moK I Rbc_

Doctors tell Saudi

crown prince to skip

summit: Algeria

ALGIERS : Doctors have

advised Saudi Arabia's powerful

crown prince not to travel to

Algiers for an upcoming

summit, the Algerian

presidency said Sunday, amid

an absence of Saudi reports

confirming health issues.

Mohammed bin Salman

"apologised for not being able to

participate in the Arab Summit

to be held on November 1 in

Algiers, in accordance with the

recommendations of doctors

who advise him not to travel",

the official Algerian news

agency APS said, citing a

presidency statement.

Algerian President

Abdelmadjid Tebboune

responded during a phone call

that "he understood the

situation and regretted the

crown prince's inability to

attend" the summit, expressing

"wishes for his health and wellbeing".The

story did not

provide any explanation for the

doctors' recommendations.

Saudi officials did not

immediately respond to a

request for comment.

A report on the call by the

official Saudi Press Agency

made no mention of the

summit or any advice from

Prince Mohammed's doctors.

It said that during the call "the

aspects of bilateral relations

between the two fraternal

countries were reviewed", and

that the two leaders discussed

"opportunities for joint


Illegal border crossings

to US from Mexico hit

annual high

SAN DIEGO : A surge in migration from Venezuela, Cuba

and Nicaragua in September brought the number of illegal

crossings to the highest level ever recorded in a fiscal year,

according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The year-end numbers reflect deteriorating economic and

political conditions in some countries, the relative strength of

the U.S. economy and uneven enforcement of Trump-era

asylum restrictions.

Migrants were stopped 227,547 times in September at the

U.S. border with Mexico, the third-highest month of Joe

Biden's presidency. It was up 11.5% from 204,087 times in

August and 18.5% from 192,001 times in September 2021.

In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, migrants were

stopped 2.38 million times, up 37% from 1.73 million times

the year before, according to figures released late Friday

night. The annual total surpassed 2 million for the first time

in August and is more than twice the highest level during

Donald Trump's presidency in 2019.

Nearly 78,000 migrants from Venezuela, Cuba and

Nicaragua were stopped in September, compared to about

58,000 from Mexico and three countries of northern Central

America that have historically accounted for most of the flow.

The remarkable geographic shift is at least partly a result of

Title 42, a public health rule that suspends rights to see

asylum under U.S. and international law on grounds of

preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Due to strained diplomatic relations, the U.S. cannot expel

migrants to Venezuela, Cuba or Nicaragua. As a result, they

are largely released in the United States to pursue their

immigration cases.

Title 42 authority has been applied 2.4 million times since

it began in March 2020 but has fallen disproportionately on

migrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El


U.S. officials say Venezuelan migration to the United States

has plunged more than 85% since Oct. 12, when the U.S.

began expelling Venezuelans to Mexico under Title 42. At the

same time, the Biden administration pledged to admit up to

24,000 Venezuelans to the United States on humanitarian

parole if they apply online with a financial sponsor and enter

through an airport, similar to how tens of thousands of

Ukrainians have come since Russia invaded their country.

Russian authorities advise civilians

to leave Ukraine region

KYIV : Russian-installed authorities in

Ukraine told all residents of the city of Kherson

to leave "immediately" Saturday ahead of an

expected advance by Ukrainian troops waging

a counteroffensive to recapture one of the first

urban areas Russia took after invading the


In a post on the Telegram messaging service,

the pro-Kremlin regional administration

strongly urged civilians to use boat crossings

over a major river to move deeper into

Russian-held territory, citing a tense situation

on the front and the threat of shelling and

alleged plans for "terror attacks" by Kyiv.

Kherson has been in Russian hands since the

early days of the nearly 8-month-long war in

Ukraine. The city is the capital of a region of the

same name, one of four that Russian President

Vladimir Putin illegally annexed last month

and put under Russian martial law on


On Friday, Ukrainian forces bombarded

Russian positions across the province,

targeting pro-Kremlin forces' resupply routes

across the Dnieper River and preparing for a

final push to reclaim the city.

The Ukrainian military has reclaimed broad

areas in the north of the region since launching

a counteroffensive in late August. It reported

new successes Saturday, saying that Russian

troops were forced to retreat from the villages

of Charivne and Chkalove in the Beryslav

district. Russian-installed officials were

reported as trying desperately to turn Kherson

city - a prime objective for both sides because

of its key industries and ports - into a fortress

while attempting to relocate tens of thousands

of residents.

The Kremlin poured as many as 2,000

draftees into the surrounding region to

replenish losses and strengthen front-line

units, according to the Ukrainian army's

general staff.

GD-1710/22 (7x3)

The wide Dnieper River figures as a major

factor in the fighting, making it hard for Russia

to supply its troops defending the city of

Kherson and nearby areas on the west bank

after relentless Ukrainian strikes rendered the

main crossings unusable.

Taking control of Kherson has allowed

Russia to resume fresh water supplies from the

Dnieper to Crimea, which were cut by Ukraine

after Moscow's annexation of the Black Sea

peninsula. A big hydroelectric power plant

upstream from Kherson city is a key source of

energy for the southern region. Ukraine and

Russia accused each other of trying to blow it

up to flood the mostly flat region.

Kherson's Kremlin-backed authorities

previously announced plans to evacuate all

Russia-appointed officials and as many as

60,000 civilians across the river, in what local

leader Vladimir Saldo said would be an

"organized, gradual displacement."

Another Russia-installed official estimated

Saturday that around 25,000 people from

across the region had made their way over the

Dnieper. In a Telegram post, Kirill Stremousov

claimed that civilians were relocating willingly.

"People are actively moving because today

the priority is life. We do not drag anyone

anywhere," he said, adding that some residents

could be waiting for the Ukrainian army to

reclaim the city. Ukrainian and Western

officials have expressed concern about

potential forced transfers of residents to Russia

or Russian-occupied territory.

Ukrainian officials urged Kherson residents

to resist attempts to relocate them, with one

local official alleging that Moscow wanted to

take civilians hostage and use them as human


Elsewhere in the invaded country, hundreds

of thousands of people in central and western

Ukraine woke up on Saturday to power

outages and periodic bursts of gunfire.

Russian-installed authorities in Ukraine told all residents of the city of Kherson to leave "immediately"

Saturday ahead of an expected advance by Ukrainian troops waging a counteroffensive to

recapture one of the first urban areas Russia took after invading the country.

Photo : AP

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